
Conducting "To be a Man of People"

It's been eighteen hours since his last contact with Sophia. Making Ernest worried about something. Was she still mad about the thing he said yesterday? He doesn't have a clue, he doesn't even understand how women's behavior works. He never had a girlfriend in Earth, though he does have one woman he liked, he was rejected after outrightly saying: "Hey, you've been good to me and we always go home together, eat together during recess, and chat a lot on Facebook. So I'm going to shamelessly ask, "Do you like me?"

And she said no.


She's giving him a hint that she likes him and yet he was rejected? It was a bitter memory he recalled after talking to Sophia who coldly left him in the office.

The thing about men is, if a girl shows even the slightest hint of liking them, they'll fall for her. That's the sort of creatures men are. And if a beauty like Sophia tells him that she'll indulge him, there's no way he wouldn't start to feel conscious about her.

Yesterday, knowing that staying up late is not healthy for the body, Ernest didn't work much. After all, most of his work was done before the incident happened.

As soon as he wakes up in the morning, he completes his daily mission, gaining him refreshment potion and 2,000 tyrant points.

The refreshment potion words conveniently as the moment you drink it, all the exhaustion, tiredness, and muscle aches would go away in an instant.

Yet earlier in the morning, Sophia didn't visit him in his office nor prepare his breakfast. It was unusual and it's making Ernest somehow irritated.

So he called for her by ordering one of his protection squadrons guarding outside the office.

"You asked for me, Sir Ernest?" Sophia said dutifully.

"Didn't I tell you not to address me''Sir ``?''

"I'm sorry sir Ernest but I'll have to set that manner aside as you're the leader of the growing United National Socialist Party. I can't address you casually, Sir."

"Okay enough." Ernest rose to his feet and walked towards Sophia who was acting unusual.

"Do we have a problem?" Ernest asked sternly.


"You're lying. Is this about yesterday?"

"No...sir, do you need anything from me? Because if there's nothing I will leave, I have work that needs my attention."

"Work? You don't have one, I haven't ordered you anything."

"Even if there wasn't, I still need to fulfill my duties as your secretary. Even if you are now the city lord, there are still people here that don't agree with you rising in power."

"I don't care. They will be dealt with anyways." Ernest sighed exasperatedly, "You're being hard and unusual. I know it's about yesterday and I sincerely apologize...just how badly do you want to indulge me?"

Unexpectedly, Sophia snapped.

"Hah?! Me indulging you? Impossible. There's no way a beauty like me would say anything like that. I was just concerned about you and there's no hidden meaning to that."

"You're concerned about me?" Ernest asked.

"Yes, I was just concerned about you yesterday."

"Is that so? Then I'm happy." Ernest said.


"I'm happy that there is someone concerned about me." Ernest placed his hand on his chest, acting innocent. "Sophia, thank you."

After hearing his genuine appreciation, Sophia blushed a little. "...Ernest."

"You know it pains me that you're being cold to me."

"Eh?? Is that how you genuinely feel? You're not going to take that back?"

"Of course, that's how thankful I am to you. So please…" Ernest's eyes sparkled like a child.

"Okay, I forgive you."

"Thank you," Ernest said, shifting to his normal tone. "Now let's do some business."

"Business? Where's that childlike face of yours?" Sophia asked, puzzled.

"I don't need it, you already forgive me so…"

Sophia pouted, "You did it again."

Ernest chuckled as he extended his hand above her head and patted it.

"You know you, acting cold doesn't suit you." Ernest remarked, "I think you are already perfect if you stay what you really are."

"Mmkay." Sophia cutely said.

"Okay, for business, I want to explore the city again."

"Explore it again? Why?"

"Why? You said that I've been working too hard right? So I was wondering if I should take a break by exploring the city."

"Ah...is that so? Very well, I shall prepare a carriage for you…"

"And I was also wondering if you want to go out with me."

"Go out?" Sophia repeated, did she hear that right?

"Yes, I would like you to accompany me exploring this place." Ernest reiterated.

After saying that again, affirming his intention, Sophia blushed. This is the first time she has been asked on a date, she doesn't know how to respond.

"Uhm...I do not have any experience, will that be okay for you?" Sophia shyly asked.

"Hmm...then let me give you some experience by coming with me."

Outside the mansion, the carriage that was supposed to take them around the city broke.

"I'm sorry sir. The bar snapped and can't be fixed immediately. I suggest that you should take another carriage." The coachman said.

"That's too bad." Ernest said and turned to Sophia, "Sophia do you know how to ride a horse?"

"Nearly everyone in this city knows how to ride a horse, Ernest."

"That's good to know." He faced the coachman, "Sir, can I rent your horse?" Ernest asked and pulled out coins from his pocket. "How much?"

"20 silver coins sir."


Ernest handed him 20 silver coins.

"Sophia let's go."

Ernest and Sophia bounced along on a horseback.

While breathing the afternoon mist, Sophia's horse sped along with a clip-clop, not bothered in the least by the weight of two people. Sophia sat in the front holding the reins, while Ernest was behind her with his arms around her slim waist, holding on for dear life.

"Hey don't squeeze my belly so hard," she objected.

"No way. This is pretty scary."

"Pitiful. Normally shouldn't you, as the man, be the one holding the reins?"

"Well, it's not like I had a choice. Since I've never ridden on a horse before."

On modern Earth, there was rarely any chance to ride horses.

"In this city, pretty much everyone from peasant farmers to nobility can ride, you know," Sophia said.

"From where I came from, there were many more convenient vehicles." Ernest blurted.


"Ah forget about that made-up word."

At this point, Sophia is starting to be a little bit curious about his origin. First, he came out of nowhere, second, he dressed out of ordinary, third he created a weapon that made the sword useless, and lastly the unheard word. But as soon as he was asked about his origin, he always avoided it as if he was hiding something. If he doesn't want his past to be disclosed to others, then it's understandable, she respects that...

Then seconds later, Ernest was mumbling something.

"What are you mumbling about?"

"I'm just taking notes on what to improve in this city," Ernest answered.

"And what did you see?"

"Well, first of all, the road is uneven and dangerous and the people walking by the street are prone to accidents by getting rammed by a galloping horse for example. Second, the dung and human poop on the street make me want to vomit, if left uncleaned, they could cause some unwanted medical issues. Lastly, the mood of the people, I can stir their heart but not their mental health. I'll have to improve their living conditions."

"And do you have a solution for those?" Sophia asked.

"Yes, I do have but it's going to cost a copious amount of money. But luckily, after the purge, I believe we can afford it."

"Amazing…" Sophia said in awe, "By just looking at it, you already know the solution."

Ernest just replied with a smile.

"I think we're here."

Sophia said as she pointed her finger at what seemed to be a tavern.

"This is where most of the citizens go after work or after payday," Sophia said and added. "This is where they drink, dance, and basically have fun."

"Perfect." Ernest grinned. A perfect place to complete his main quest. He'll just have to show his talent then voila, instant 100,000 tyrant points.

Sophia stepped down from the horse and extended her hand, helping Ernest to get off. With her help, he easily got off.

Entering the establishment, a round of cheers welcomed him.

"Isn't that Sir Ernest Gonzales?"


"What is Sir Ernest doing in this establishment?"

"Does he want to drink some booze?"

"Or does he want to get smashed?"

Those mumbling customers of this establishment are his followers, so there's no surprise that they knew him. The question they only have is what is the leader of the United National Socialist Party doing here? After killing the city lord and taking the power, he basically became the lord. And most of the nobility or even lord doesn't even bother going here because it's filthy and reeks of alcohol.

But Ernest can endure that, or at least. The moment he entered this establishment a strong smell of alcohol struck his nostrils.

Also inside, Ernest can hear the performers singing in a harmonious tune from the stage, dwarves getting smashed, and different species dancing on the dance floor. It was similar to a club he had been to on Earth, except for the different species.

"Sophia, please find us a table."


Seeing Sophia finding a place for them to sit, Ernest heads towards the stage where the performers were singing.

"Uhm Sir Ernest what can I do for you?" Asked the songstress.

"It looks fun, can I try it?" Ernest pointed at the guitar she's holding.

"Do you know how to play guitar?"

"Kind of." Ernest humbly said. "I can also sing." He added.

"Sir Ernest can sing?!" The songstress's voice was loud, enough for everyone to hear her.

"What…Why did you say that?" Ernest said.

But it was too late, the crows inside the tavern began cheering at him.

"Ernest can sing?!"

"What? I didn't know!"

"Sing! Sing! Sing!" The people chanted.

Sophia who was still finding a table heard the songstress, ``Ernest can sing?' Sophia got curious as she hurriedly faced the stage where Ernest was standing.

Ernest can only rub his head, it looks like he'll have to give this crowd a glimpse of modern music.

Above Ernest's head hung many bright illumination stones, and the second and third floors were packed with girls peering down at the young man. The people dancing stopped as they looked at him.

The entire hall hushed as Ernest stood before them, holding the guitar in his arms, without plucking the strings, he cleared his throat and began to sing.

"I'd never gone with the wind. Just let it flow. Let it take me where it wants to go…"

"Til' you opened the door and there's so much more...I'd never seen it before…"

In the pause after the sound of his voice, his five fingers strummed the guitar strings, and the strings resounded one after another; it was like there was a strange energy that flowed out from his fingers, filling the hall like moonlight. The silver strings let out short, otherworldly notes.

"You lift my feet off the ground... spin me around...you make me crazier, crazier…"

Ernest tilted his head very slightly and closed his eyes. That young handsome, well-formed profile stole the breath of everyone watching, and all of the doors on the second and third levels were wide open as everyone fell under the spell of music, lightly traipsing down the stairs to listen.

At that moment, the entire building seemed to have fallen into a dreamlike state, and everyone lost themselves in the otherworldly music.