
The Depression

About a month later Samuel and I would hangout all the time and one day during 5th period he texted me saying that he was sad because he was bi and the boy he like was straight. I felt bad for him and during lunch I asked who he liked but he was persistent to not tell me, but he told me and then he ran away. I was in love with me and I didn't know what to do or say, later we went home and we started texting and I told him I was sorry that I was straight. Weeks past and I sorta had gotten feelings for him and I wanted to see how it would be to date a boy and so I asked him out and he said yes and we were happy but five days past and he kissed me on the cheek then the lips and I didn't like the way it felt, it didn't feel right for me to be kissed by a boy and so we broke up and I felt so sorry for him. I was really sad cause I was lonely, Samuel introduced me to his friend Lillian and she was try to cheer us up and it worked for me but not Samuel we felt really bad of him and then got a picture of her and I started to get feelings for her and it felt good. I told her and she wanted to get to know me better so we started texting each other a lot to get to know each other and I asked her who she like and she said she didn't know then she told me that she liked me and I was so happy. But she told me that we couldn't date cause she lived too far and she would feel really bad for Samuel cause he still liked me. I was so depressed and I cried so much.