
The Heartbreak

We were dating and we hung out, he hugged we kissed and I was so happy. We went to target to hangout cause we were weird, we went to where the toiletries were and we made forts and we sat down on the toilet paper and I put my arm around her as I moved her hair out of her face as she was looking at her phone and I went for it, this was the first time I had ever made out with someone before and it was amazing. We did it over and over again and an old lady watched us make out and it was weird, then a security guard came us to us and asked us if we were going to buy the toilet paper the we were sitting on and I said no then we he left we ran and I had to leave then we kissed and we left. We had been dating for almost two months and I was at my house and I got a text from her, the text was her breaking up with me, I was devastated I was so happy and she broke my heart. I ended up finding out that she never loved me in the first place and so I became antisocial for a while. My friend Samuel would always try and cheer me up but I wouldn't work, I got over her and I became more social.