

what happens when a person that comes from the ultimate reality descended to a lower narrative well its time to find out [Disclaimer: I do not own the Characters and series with the exception of the mc] Im just a newbie pls be gentle though constructive criticism is welcome i plan to make this story a pastime. the date for the releases i haven't decided yet also i apologize for my wordings as im not a native english

Primordial_Mind · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Prologue Arc 2: Woke Up and chose Violence

We return to Hanten seemingly floating in the void




He seems to be hibernating and just moves with instinct

After he woke up he then berserk again when he sees the void

Many true daemons tried to observe him

And even tried to devour him completely

Yet his void tendrils immediately bolted into action and protecting its user

After fusing with The black mud

And letting all the curses be absorb by himself along with Angra mainyu,divinity,sins and other abilities becoming a Beast yet at the same time not.

Due to the fusion

It created an exclusive ability due to the duality of his soul that embodies the endless light

While all the curses fused with him and transforming into a amalgamation of infinite darkness

Why did it become an infinite dark?

Its due to fusing with his soul

Remember his origin

It makes it so everything about grows stronger constantly infinite times

So when All the worlds evil fused with him

The momentum of his transcending spirit

Transcend the All the worlds evil into something greater

Its like fast car hitting another card which transfers all of its energy to move the said car

But what if the fast car was an infinitely fast car

The energy send is so mind bogglingly big that it makes the other car move infinitely

Maybe too great.....




After moving to the void

Hanten was then pulled into something

He was slowly accelerating.

Getting faster than light itself

Until the destination was clear

Another multiverse

It seems to be smaller than the root multiverse but it still infinite.

After a while he was then suck into a particular universe.

|Dimensional Gap|The barrier between 0 And infinity|

Here we can see the "dream" in its home

Seemingly doing tricks in the kaleidoscopic void

He is the Guardian of This Macrocosm

You already knew who it is

Great Red The dragon of dreams

But something is weird about him

Those who watch and read Dxd can notice that he is stronger

If not infinitely stronger than his counterpart.

There is a reason for this

Unlike the Great Red from the anime and novels

He did something so dangerous

Something that might risk his macrocosm

But he did..

He tried to tear a hole through the dimensional gap to peek through whats beyond

What he did might have endangered his Universe as he made a passageway for foreign entities to enter.

But he didnt care

He then peak through the black void

Feeling disappointed at seeing nothing he was about to fix the hole he created


He was getting tugged by something

Something similar to himself

"Dream?" The Dragon God thought.

After which he tried to sense where it comes from

He then use all of his powers to sense the 'Dream' making his eyes Zoom to the far reaches of the dark inky void

Until he sees something which shock hin

He sees an eye

No precisely an eye similar to hinself also look at him

he also sense it having the powers of 'Dream'

"Another me?" Is what the dragon is thinking right now

He can also sense the other version of himself in shock until it then sends all his dream powers to the dak void creating some kind radial call

Great red then found it weird

What another version of it is doing that is

Until it sense another Radial call

And then another call.

One by one pops up in the void

the radial conceptual dream that another version of itself created then met another radial conceptual dream and fused with it

It then sees the other version of himself dissipating

After it other version disappeared he was confused and tried to look for the other radial calls

It saw them hitting each other and then disappearing after

It shouldve been scared because the other versions of himself seemingly cease to exist

But it is curious

So it then tried to do the same thing.

Sending it own conceptual dreaming flow through the vast emptiness and hitting the others radial dream

He then Cease to Exist

But after a while

The dragon god Then pops back up to reality

But it popping to reality made its universe shake.

It then sense itself.

It looks at its body and its own embodiment being 'Dream'

It sees that its very flesh dissipate and turn into something new. Its Powers seemingly soaring infinitely.

It then felt connection to the other universes.

It then open its eyes wide as it sees macrocosms different yet similar to its own.

An infinite amount of universe

It can sees itself overlap in each and every reality that there ever exist.

Gaining new knowledge and

New Abilities about the multiverse as a whole..


After a while it then sees a foreign entity trying to enter its Universe

But it did not care and just blasted it with its breath

After getting hit the foreign entity cease to exist.

He then close the hole he created

But even if he closed the hole

He can still sense his connection ti the other macrocosm.


it was glad that its new abilities did not disappear.


It then glided throught its gap..


Timeskip|Years passed|

|Starting of The Biblical War

The Three Factions are now on odds with each other

The other wants peace, another wants freedom and the other wants to conquer.

|Dimensional Gap|

We then see Dragon of dreams doing tricks in the colorful void.

Until he stops

He then sense a Crack slowly getting bigger in the gap




It then Shattered

He immediately teleported to the Cracked void and seen a giant hole that was made.

After which tentacles entered it slowly.

It seems to come from the center which is Humanoid in shaped.

Red then Roared

Some dare to enter his Realm

After in which he immediately Blasted a Dreambreath.


[Great red here is infinitely stronger than his Anime and Novel version

As in my fic

He fused with each version of himself in the infinite multiverse

Fusing into just one embodiment of dream.

Yet he still exist in every universe

Think of it like primus

he is singularity but he exist in all universe at the same time.

His powers derived from the dreams of all life itself.

Great red= Derives his power from all the dreams of life in his universe

Fused great red= Derives his powers from the dreams of every life in the infinite macrocosm

In vsbattle standards he is at the level of 2b Dwarfing Ophis infinitely Ironically for the Auroboros and also things like The ExE mechanical gods along with the outer gods that inhabits the other universes doesnt exist as great red is nigh-omnipotent, nigh-omniscient and omnipresent

He found out about their plans and seen the future so Great red immediately Erased them with his breath attack which destroyed and almost turning the universe in which the ExE gods inhabit into a donut]