

what happens when a person that comes from the ultimate reality descended to a lower narrative well its time to find out [Disclaimer: I do not own the Characters and series with the exception of the mc] Im just a newbie pls be gentle though constructive criticism is welcome i plan to make this story a pastime. the date for the releases i haven't decided yet also i apologize for my wordings as im not a native english

Primordial_Mind · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 1: Dreams vs Darkness

After Hanten entered one of the infinite universe in the Series of High School Dxd

He was then hit by a conceptual breath attack

When this breathe hits anything it then turns the one that's hit into a "Dream" lessening them into some kind of imagination.

[Like turning someone into a fictional character but it has no effect on higher existence or anything that's stronger than RED himself]

It then hits Hanten directly and did some damage but he then immediately regenerated

he then retaliated with the cursed tendrils

Great seeing this dodged as he can see one of it hit him by seeing the future

He was ripped apart when the tendrils hit him and then stuck him in some kind of limbo

The Dragon god finally deemed it too dangerous and Just evaded all of it so that future cannot happen

Hanten still in his shadow berserk State then Roared Sending A Wave that travelled in all dimensions.

He then lunge at the Dragon that Threatened him

He was still driven by instinct during all this time so he fights like a wild beast.

The Dragon Seeing this Then shot another one of his breath

Which Hanten just Tank Through And then send a straight punch into the side of RED's face

RED Seeing this tried to dodge early as it sees its  future

But its still hits the dragon destroying the metaphysical scales on the side of its face.

RED then learn why the punch hit

It seems the laws of causality change so that RED Foreign enemy's attack would always hit regardless of distance and direction.

The Dragon then becomes more serious as the enemy's threat level grew even Higher.

RED then teleported in front of Hanten and swipes its claws which creates a cut in the gap

Hanten was seemingly erase until Darkness then gathered and form Hanten again

He then send a Growl to the Dragon and then Seemingly Teleports into its face and punching it again.

This time the punch Punch is Stronger and shattered the gap in which a hole forms that connects to the Human World.

|Human World/Earth|

|A Second before RED and Hanten descends|

The Biblical war has been going on for a long time now

The Angels, Fallen and Devils losing more and more of their forces

The Angels Temporarily guide by Michael as Biblical God is still somewhere

Azazel who leads the Fallen

And of course Lucifer who leads the devils




"Keep on fighting brothers and sisters

For the light!!!!" Michael along with the other Seraphs move to fight along with many angels following alongside them

Azazel seeing the Angels move again told his forces to retreat as he doesn't want more of his fallen kind killed

But if they ever meet any forces they will immediately retaliate

Due to Azazel being a genius

His battle thinking made his forces more Terrifying.

While they seem to be made up of small forces in comparison to devils and angels

They are more efficient in combat immediately killing the opposing forces




Then there is the devil along with their Ruler and Creator Lucifer the Ex-light bringer

In his back we can see the Generals of his devil army

The original Leviathan, Asmodeus,  and Beelzebub

Lucifer then shouted filling his devil army with moral

"Go my Kind

 let your desire be unleashed!!!!" which earn a shout from all the devils



All of them then fought for a long time

Magical elements was then thrown at each other

Some that use weapons got close and personal

Fighting with their blades sparks


Many died

Blood tainted the grounds

Cut bodies everywhere

Yet they did not stop

But then they battle stop

Distracted by two dragon

Red and White

The two entered the battle grounds in which the three faction is fighting

Each of the dragon hits seems to be creating shockwaves

Their movements which creates earthquake

As expected of Dragons with their titles as walking calamities.

And the two dragons in particular are the heavenly dragons

Specifically Draig Y'Goch and Albion Gwiber

Which means they are the strongest of their kind with the exception of the dragon gods.

Due to their battle

Many people from each of the three factions died.

So instead of fighting each other they instead unite to fight the Dragons

The Dragons Growled at this and immediately killed many angels fallens and devils.

"Don't get in our way" bot of the dragons spoke and then focused on each other and lunge at each other again.

After a while The biblical God finally showed up and assisted the angels in the fight

The god seems to be weaker than before

Which Lucifer and his Devil General took advantage of.

The Biblical god then assisted in fighting both the dragons

Even though he is weaker now his light is still strong enough to damage higher beings..

Due to this the dragons in hand have bleeds and scratches.

God then noticed someone

Then Lucifer along with his Generals tried to Assassinate him on the spot but failed

God then proceeded to protect and dodged their attacks

Because the devils focused on god and not their surroundings they are hit by a tail of Draig sending them ricocheting into mountains in the far distance.

After this god then focused on both of the dragons





All that's in the battlefield heard a crack

They look at where its coming from


It seems to be high In the sky



The cracks then slowly becomes big




They then heard a roar that sends chill down all of their spine.

They then see A Giant Red dragon falling down

Then A shadowy figure

The shadow figure seems to be holding the Giant Dragons snout.

They then fall onto the ground crushing many Angels fallens and devils.

After they collide into the ground it created a giant explosion leaving a crater

Biblical god seeing this has his face look grim and sweating

Not because of their Strength

Also not because of the Giant red dragon.

But the shadow creature

he sense so much Evil in the shadowy creature

He can see it emitting so much that the shadowy creature's surrounding is getting darker.

"Just what is that?"


Pls review,comment and gib stoned