

what happens when a person that comes from the ultimate reality descended to a lower narrative well its time to find out [Disclaimer: I do not own the Characters and series with the exception of the mc] Im just a newbie pls be gentle though constructive criticism is welcome i plan to make this story a pastime. the date for the releases i haven't decided yet also i apologize for my wordings as im not a native english

Primordial_Mind · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Chapter 9: Bro died because he was desperate.







- Unknown






|Hanten PoV|


The canon is almost here…

I stretch my arms and got out of my meditating position..

The universes are all aligned now

"Good" I smiled

"Heavens Hole"

The endless lines of universes is then slowly accelerating toward the swirling spiral in my chest

I can feel my Inner World getting filled..

I tried to move slightly but something bad happens

Many Universes just exploded

"Fvk! Forgot about my form"

My form is 196 883 dimensional

I look like Random endless cracked fractals but still retain a humanoid shape.

My size here also nuts

I'm Dwarfing Universes.

So when I move I made the void shake and in the process burst many universes.

At first I did not noticed my size

I was confused at first as to why the universes are smaller than before

Heck its even harder to notice RED

But that's solve immediately with my Mystic eyes.

Its during my "Talk" with the statue

My body is on autopilot slowly rising in dimensionality until it eventually reach 808 sexdecilion symmetries

Which means that I'm on the number of the Dimensional Monster(196 883)


I then closed my eyes in the Void while I'm slowly absorbing the Draconic Deus Multiverse

While I focused theres also another thing that I have noticed

I destroyed many universe

Yet I felt nothing about it…

No guilt…

Maybe due to the Darkness that I have or I just don't care about it

I was a bit scared by all of this

My strength is already Crazy now its even higher.

I'm rapidly growing and I do not know when it will stop.

I sighed

"This is for preparations to the beings up there"

That's right.. I'm only doing this to save my Narrative.

I then create an avatar that I can control to enter the certain Particular Universe that I was once in.



The two Heiress of Gremory and Sitri was given the Kuoh City to govern so that they can know how to manage their future household if they ever get a hold of its position.

The Name of the two is Sona Sitri And Rias Gremory

Now you tell me..Why were they given this place even though Cleria is still alive?

Well the Couple went in Hiding after the Event that happen which almost made them lost their life

It was the decision of Diehauser to make sure both are happy and safe.

Due to this Cleria gave her right as the overseer to the young daughters of the Sitri and Gremory respectively…

Rias and Sona acts as students in the Kuoh academy to fit the community.

Now Kuoh Academy

Not much is known about it, other than the fact that it was originally an all-girls private school. At some point before the start of the series (when the old school building was still in use) Kuoh Academy changed into a co-ed school and the new school building was made. Although there are still more girls than boys studying at the school.

It has many clubs but the known ones are the Student Council and the Occult Research Club…

|Kuoh Academy|

We then see 4 girls moving in a hallway of the Academy seemingly going to their classroom

Many made move aside and made a path for them

The students… boy and girls alike seemingly captivated by their beauties and the movement of their well y'know ..

Of course we already know who these women are

It's the  President and the Vice President of the Orc and Students Council respectively.

Rias Gremory and Akeno Himejima..

Sona Sitri or Souna Sitori and Tsubaki Shinra..


A while later all students finally got on their respective Classrooms

But we only focus on where the Devils at.

The adviser finally entered.

"Welcome Class I have a news for you all" said their Adviser

Many students shouted trying to predict it like a new student or an exam

The Adviser just chuckled at this

"Don't worry as its not all of that.

A new teacher will join this Class proper

He will teach you all about physics"

The class hearing this just booed and some even complaint about this

The Adviser then left after giving them the news…

The Class then heard a new voice.

"Yo! Nice to meet you Class

I'm your new Physics teacher" The Man then waved at them while having a smile

After seeing him the Class even the two heiresses at the back was shocked and their mouth was wide.

Their new teacher is a very Handsome Man

Long black hair with white tips

Purple Eyes with some red tints

Their New teacher exuded a feeling of Mystery and Foreign yet Captivating.

"Names Kuroko Shiruhanten

Call me Professor Kuroko or Professor K.  If you want it short

Also do you all have questions?" Hanten asked them

Many questioned him about his private life which he just answered cryptically

Some people also question him about his Penis Size

Or if he got a girlfriend.

"My size it's a secret" Many was disappointed by his answer but they were Dissapointed even more to his next sentence.

"I have a wife and a child so no I'm not free" he laughed at the Students.

The girls hearing this was immediately culled from their plans while the boys have blood in their lips while saying that he is a lucky bastard.

"You already have the looks you also have a family

Just how unfair is this world"

Hanten hearing this is stopping himself from laughing…

After the questions are done

The class then starts

Hanten then told his rules to the class.

Even told them the reason why he teach them physics.

"Though this might already said by your previous Physics teacher

I will just say it again

We teach this so you can learn and understand how the world works.

And I will make sure that you will learn and so

that your Brain Grows as Big as your Boobs and those that dont have one...


If you dont have one of these then apologies."

Hanten then told them About the basics which earned a confusion from most of the students so one of them asked him why.

"Umm Professor K. We have already learned this."

"Dont worry I know.

The reason for this is so that you guys can easily understand and will know more than what you have learned

I already told you right.. I will make sure you will learned thoroughly" he smiled.

After this a wave of silence exuded

Hanten then began to explain the basics and then slowly goes up in Complexity.

All the students was baffled as everything that comes from Hantens mouth is much more understandable and easier to comprehend..

After the class many tried to get chummy with Hanten with the exception of the two heiresses

Both of them look at each other and nodded.

The Class for this day finally ended.

We can see a brown haired boy walking up to the bridge and stop in the middle

He seems to be saying something

Until a black haired girl got closed to him

"U-Umm are you by any chance Hyoudou Issei?"

The brown haired boy or Issei didn't focus on her question as he is focus on her boobs.

Until he heard her talk again.


"Y-Yes indeed my name Is Issei"

Her next words made the boy almost slap himself if this is real

"My name is Amano Yuuma and ihave taken a liking on you for a long time now…will you please go out with me?"

Issei was very happy hearing like Happy² someone like him that is one of The perverted trio having a girlfriend

Surely everyone on school will be shocked and he can also use it to flex on his two friends.

Issei immediately told Yuuma yes and also told her about the time they will go out.

"See you on Sunday Issei" Yuuma then left while waving on Issei along the way…

Issei also got back home happily excited on his future date..

|Space| Outside earth|

"It still happens huh"

We can see Hanten floating in space and looking down on Japan Specifically on the Bridge of Kuoh City.

"I thought I made a butterfly effect" he said sighing.

"Still can't he be suspicious? I mean the girl doesn't even know his name and he immediately accepted the date. Though I cant blame him" The boy might be desperate for someone as the girls from his school are just beating him up

But its also his fault for being this much of a pervert…

Or maybe not

"The old man is the caused of this" Hanten then focused at the Norse pantheon especially on Odin

The God in particular suddenly felt a chill down his spine..

Hanten then returned to his mansion as he has nothing to do here.

|Student Council|

We see the Two heiress along with their queens talking and discussing about the new teacher.

"Are you sure he is not part of the supernatural?" Rias asked Sona.

"We do not have evidence yet. His looks seemingly can be supernatural but his Mana is similar to that of a normal human with no sacred gear

We are not sure about this yet Rias. I propose to just send our scouts to spy on him to know more."

Rias nodded to Sona and finally left along with her Queen Akeno.

"I feel like you didn't tell them about everything" Sona's Queen Tsubaki suspect that she miss some information.

"Indeed. Do you know about the Incident 10 years ago?" Sona asked her Queen.

"You mean the Belial issue?"


Although most of the clans didn't know more.

My sister was close to Cleria Belial so she got  a tidbit of information from her."

Sona then proceeded to explain the Event but its seemingly not accurate due to lack of information

"But my sister told me that the man that saved Cleria had a long black hair and having a purple eyes(Cleria didn't specify all his features to hide his identity)"

"So your suspecting our teacher to be Cleria's saviour"

"Its just a guess but we don't have any evidences yet that's why we try to learn more about the Professors background"

After the discussion of the two they then go back to their dorms.

 |Heaven|6th level|

|Michael PoV|

I can still sense the sadness and dread that we felt during the war

Thankfully it ended but we lost many angels and some of the seraphs in the process..

Only four of us was left

Gabriel,Uriel,Raphael and I.

Many hundred years have passed since my fathers death.

He passed on to me the Control of the Heavenly System but due to me not being like my father my control was weaker as such the System birth many bugs.

All of us also remembered his warnings.

"Do not offend The [OBLIVION]"

But he told me another thing

I was confused as to why I'm the only one that should know

But my Fathers words made me shocked.

"Currently Im losing my Vitality..I will die soon enough…that is why I will let you Temporarily control the System until 'He' will sit on my throne" He then patted my shoulder.

"What do you mean by this Father? No one should be capable on sitting on this throne unless they are as GRAND as you are."

"But 'He" is as GRAND as myself

If he ever showed up in heaven please treat him like how you treat me.

This is my order to you My son Michael"

I was sadden… I knew My fathers problem yet I cant solve it.

"I know that this is hard for you and for your brothers and sisters

But please understand.

My time is limited on this World

So I want you to convince them

The reason that I do not want you to offend [Oblivion] is because he is the one that will inherit the throne" My father told me his final orders.

I didn't question my Fathers orders as I knew what he can do(Can see the future).

I still ask father some information about the Dark entity.

He laughed because of my Description

"Indeed He is darkness and Evil but he is also the Epitome of Light and Good.

He is both. The perfect symmetry.

Darkness needs Lights just as Light needs Darkness

Same can be said for good and evil…

He is everything

Even I am just a small part of [Himself]


Everyone of us is a part."

"I See" I just agreed with my fathers cryptic words at the End.

"[Oblivion] is not his true name?"

"Who is he then Father?"

"His real name is"


"Don't worry about meeting him as you will cross paths soon enough"

Those are the talk that I have with my Father before he finally rest the next day.


Currently I am going to the 7th Heaven to try and fix some new Glitches that happened in the system.

My best hope for this to be fix is to wait and locate him(Michael cannot find him earlier due to him being on another planet far from the milky way😂)

|PoV ends|



|Yokai Faction|

Hanten goes back to Yasaka and Kunou for a family bonding.

Yasaka told him that their relationship was leaked by some unknown yokai to the Supernatural world.

Hanten didn't mind about this as the only information that was given was his looks and his abilities(Some minor ones like flight and adaptation.etc)before the yokai was apprehended.

Due to this many have their eyes on the yokai faction

Hanten then stayed there till Sunday so that nothing will happen..






Hanten was back in space again and was chilling on a space rock.

Nothing Happens during his time in the Yokai Faction so he was glad and have a family time with his Wife and Daughter.

For now..

He is observing the boy Issei Hyoudoi while on orbit.

He sees him go out of his home to their meeting place

On the way the boy met a cosplaying girl which is Rias Familiar and gave him a summoning paper which the boy doesn't know.



After a walk the boy then met Yuuma which is Raynare and then they go on their date..



After their date they then stop at a certain fountain.

The place seems to be coated with a bounded field that makes anything inside unnotice and looks normal on the outside.

The Death scene finally started

"Hey Issei-kun" Yuuma called Issei.

"Whats up! Yuma chan" Issei was thinking of a kiss

"I have something to ask of you?"she then got closer to him.

"Will you die for me?"

"I'm sorry I didn't quite hear that"

"I was wondering if you could die for me?"

She then manifested black feathery wings and summons a spear of light in her hands

"These few days that I have spent with you

Its been a lot of fun"

She then throwed the spear to Issei and pierce his abdomen.

"Sorry about this. Youre a threat so I need to take care of you quickly


After this Issei then fell down

Feeling his puddle of blood

He was confused..


Why did she do this?

He regretted being like this

He hoped to see his parents again.

He also wants to find someone

Someone beautiful to rest for his whole life.

He can only laugh.

Until he heard a voice.

"Man that's sad" he tried to look where the voice comes from and saw the Currently Most Famous Teacher in his school

Kuroko Shiruhanten

He is even more handsome than that Kiba damn it.

If only he has that face..

"Don't look so down now"

"H-how can I not! I'm literally bleeding to death!"

The Teacher just laughed at this

"Man im surprised by your tenacity normal people woudve died by now with that literal hole in their guts"

Issei didn't care about his comments



"Who and What is she?" issei is almost on the afterlife as most of his blood is already out of his body

"You will know if you live

What do you say wanna live?

Second chance hmm?"

Issei was curious at this and he is also at his deaths door so he has no choice.


"Very well"

His teacher snap and the hole in his abdomen immediately disappeared

His blood on the floor also disappeared during this.

Issei was Confused


"That's magic Kid"

"Magic? theres no way that's true"

"You literally see your fake girlfriend summon wings and shoot light and you still don't believe"

Issei was still in denial but he immediately pulled himself back together and asked him about the truth of this world

Which the teacher proceeded to explain to him.

After the brief explanation of the supernatural Issei then finally understand whats going on

"So I got a sacred gear. Which is why she lured me and killed me on the spot..

Man! this is bullshit!!" Issei was now mad at this

She only did this because he got a fucking sacred gear which he doesn't even know..

Hanten seeing the upsurge of emotion smirked.

A red gauntlet then manifested in his arms which shocked the boy


"That is your sacred gear kid. A longinus capable of making you kill gods"

"Gods? A sacred gear can do that?" but issei immediately felt nauseous

Hanten seeing told him something before he sleep

"Meet me at the end of school tomorrow and don't tell anybody about this"

The boy then fainted due to so much energy used.

Hanten then sighed and took the summoning ticket to summon the redhead here

After using it a red magic circle then formed

Hanten then teleported out when Rias was there.

"Issei!" She shouted but was confused at the boy that is seemingly sleeping on the ground

"He seems to have been pierced by something judging from the tear of clothes in his abdomen but it seems to be healed presumably by someone" Akeno told her.

"We don't have to worry about that now as its time" Rias then summon her Evil piece..

The same thing happens in canon

Issei absorbed all the pawn pieces and was teleported back to his home

The difference now is that Issei is more serious(Still perverted but more held back) and have a little bit of trust issue with the exception of Hanten which revived him and even promised to tell him the truth of this World..




School takes my time sorry about the late chap.

also Review, Comment and Gib Stones ;-;