

what happens when a person that comes from the ultimate reality descended to a lower narrative well its time to find out [Disclaimer: I do not own the Characters and series with the exception of the mc] Im just a newbie pls be gentle though constructive criticism is welcome i plan to make this story a pastime. the date for the releases i haven't decided yet also i apologize for my wordings as im not a native english

Primordial_Mind · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 10: "Casually absorbs Infinite Universes"


"My goal is no longer to get more done, but rather to have less to do."



Issei then got back to school after his supposed death yesterday

He told his friends Motohama and Matsuda about Raynare and they told him who the woman is.

"As expected, he must've use a memory erasing spell" Issei was even more wary of his surroundings now

He thought that someone can easily manipulate him by tampering on his mind.

"I need to get stronger." The boy is now filled with determination

To survive in this dangerous world

And to make sure to protect those that he loves thay are vulnerable to the said dangers.

He then remembered the last words of the professor yesterday before he passed out.

"Make sure to not tell anyone and meet me after class tomorrow"

The teacher seems to be more knowledgeable with the mystic side of this world and his gut feeling also told him that the teacher wont do anything to him.

So he plans on meeting him after school and make sure to spill all the information that was left out yesterday

"Sacred Gear huh. And I can kill gods with it?" he was shocked by how much potential he has and he never knew of it before.

"For now train and find applications for this power" he is thinking on how to use this newfound strength but he is still don't even know what boost is.

"Aughh how could I train if I only know how to activate this." He cant help but be annoyed that he doesn't know what his sacred gear can do but he suddenly though of an idea

"The Professor seems to about the Gear. How about I ask him after this." He then relaxed on his chair as the class finally started.

During Issei's inner monologue we then move to Hanten which is eating a cake on a Bakery near Kyoto

He made sure to make a clone to go to teach and tell Issei more about the Supernatural stuff

"Haa..looks like I'm gonna train the boy"He sighed as he taps a little into his omniscience.. though this did not stop him from smiling because he also found out about something.

"Looks like im gonna meet the Guy with Golden wings tomorrow"

By the word Guy with Gold Wings you already know who he is talking about.

"Seems like conquering heaven is gonna be a breeze" Hanten thought.

Time passes by and its already the end of the class in Kuoh.

Issei finally goes out by himself and not along with his two friend..

He inwardly apologize to the two for not telling them the truth but its better for them to not know about this

After all they are just "normal" humans.

The boy then goes to a certain place in Kuoh.

After a long walk he then saw the Mysterious Professor.

The latter look at him and just wave..

"Yoh.. youre here.. guess you want to know more huh?" Hanten(Clone)*

"Yes.. but before all of this..Who are you?No..What are you?" Issei*

"Im just your normal run-in-a-mill Supernatural Citizen

Just think of me as the guy from the background you see in your Anime" Hanten(Clone)*

Issei hearing this didn't bought his reason but didn't questions more

For now he needs knowledge..

The boy then asked the Professor many things to which the Professor just answered in response..


This goes on until its night.

Issei thought that its worth it taking many information

Its good to protect yourself in advance afterall

He also ask about his sacred gear.

He regretted not knowing earlier of what it can do

"An ability to double your power every 10 sec"

Pretty busted.

The Professor told him to train his body so that his strength can increase which makes the boost even more effective.

He also told him that its not only limited to his strength but also in his other stats as well

Which means he can boost his Speed,Durability and even intelligence.

As Issei walks he forgot which direction he is going

When he see his location he then felt a shiver.

"This damn fountain again" He clenched his fist as he observe the place he was supposed to be killed.

Issei then heard a voice on sky.

"She was supposed to kill you. How?" the unknown man said.

Issei observed his black wings

Once he sees he gritted his teeth.

He cursed himself for his abhorrent luck. Issei then immediately ready his sacred gear and doubled his strength.

"Hoo. Its seems like you know how sacred gear works

 But no matter. I will finished what she didn't compl-"

The fallen angel then felt a sharp pain in his crotch.

He was surprise by the sudden attack and didn't register the whole damage in his crotch area until he observed it bleeding

The fallen angels eyes widen and he finally Scream

"Aaagghhhh.Y-you B-Bastard. I will kill you. No I will torture you for this"

The fallen then spawn a light spear in his right hand and immediately started throwing it at Issei

Issei now calm and focused boosted his perception and body metabolism.

He felt a large energy washing over his body and mind

He then look at the incoming projectiles and sense that they are slower

He then dodged all of the projectiles but not without most of his bones creaking and his muscles tearing a little

His body cannot handle his powers yet .

He knew of this but he has no choice and also glad that adrenaline mostly took away the pain.

Issei then dashed to the fallen

The fallen in return descends and made a horizontal slash with his spear once Issei got close but the boy dodge it but it cut a small part of his hair

Issei then followed up with a pull to his legs making the fallen hit the ground face first.

"You dare do this to me you lowly human" the fallen then summons a light spear in his hands and was about to pierce the boys abdomen.

Issei seeing this immediately punch the fallens hand making him let go of the spear of light. Issei then took the spear of light with his gauntlet coated hand and pierce the fallen in his chest earning another scream from the fallen

"I-Imposible! How could I lose mphhh!!" Issei didn't care about his ramblings and just barrage the fallen with straight punches in his face making  the fallen have minor concussions..








"H-Help Aghh"

This goes on until a red magic circle appeared on a distance away from both of them

The fallen seeing Issei distracted immediately punch the boys gut and immediately retreated as fast as he can.

Issei tried to look back into where the fallen is and sees it flying away really fast. He tried to chase after it but he heard a familiar voice in his back.

"Issei!!" Rias Gremory was in the scene and shouted his name which earn his confusion.

Issei then made a fighting stance as he saw Rias along with the people of the ORC teleporting with a magic circle.

"Who are you guys?" Issei ask them with a serious look.

"We are not here to fight you but rather we are here to help" Rias tried to calm him down

"If you are talking about the black winged man earlier then he escaped because of your flashy teleportation" Issei doesn't have time to look at Rias boobs and started to complain about their teleportation.

Kiba seeing this was pissed off and immediately goes to Isseis back and hit his neck making him sleep.


"Don't worry buchou I didn't do any harm to him

I don't like him talking to you this way" Kiba told Rias.

"Thanks for your concern

But restrain yourself

Afterall he is still my pawn. I don't want anything bad to happen to him"

Rias then asked Koneko on where the fallen was and the White haired loli told her that it escaped but it seems to be losing lifeforce slowly due to the bleeding and head injuries which Koneko sense using her keen sense of smell and connection to Lifeforce by being a practitioner of Touki.

Akeno then walks close to Rias.

"To be able to fend of for himself and even greatly wounding the fallen..

You seems to get a gold mine Rias." Akeno then giggled sensually.

But Rias was then confused. Issei seems to know about the other side of the world.

 The others noticed it too

Rias seeing  his peerage in her same dilemma just shook her head and told them that she can interrogate Issei tomorrow..

They then teleported back to each of their dorms while Rias teleported to Isseis house to heal him during the night.

|Hanten PoV|

I observed my clone telling Issei about the things he need to know and even observed his fight at the fountain

"Not bad"

Issei now deviated a little bit in the canon. Seemingly taking life more seriously.

"Damn. That dialogue throw tho." He was surprised by what Issei did to the fallen angel named Dohnaseek which was not able to introduce himself properly due to what the Boy did.

"Well. Don't care about that now." He would rather focus on something that he is doing all this time.

He sensed that the  multiverse of Dxd was completely devoured and now in his inner world.

"Finally" Hanten sighed as the work was done.

He then called RED and told him about the completion.

"What will you do next?" RED's giant head pops out at his side.

"To be honest. I still don't know how to locate my original world.Im still thinking on how to go there"

Both of them tried to brainstorm on what to do after this until RED got an Idea

"How about you imitate what I did."*RED

"Did what?" Hanten asked RED.

"The Radial call that I once did to fuse with my other selves"

Hanten's Eyes widen

For all of his so called endless intelligence he didn't thought of this.

"Hahaha. I didn't think of this earlier" Hanten continuously laugh for his stupidity.

"It seems like you found the answer. Don't disturb me soon as the so called engine I and your clones are constructing needs a lot of focus due to its complexity and intricacies" RED then vanished.

Hanten seeing his friend then stop his laugh and immediately started doing what he needs to do.

"Still got too much work….haa.." he then vanished out of existence.

|VOID|The Unspace|

|Hanten|True form|

After his consciousness got out of his body his abstract higher dimensional form awakened like it just got a good sleep.

"@$$%$" His voice in the Void was ineffable to the Understanding of lower beings.

Sensing this he warped his voice to make it the same to his normal voice.

"Glad I did that. Don't want someone dying just from me talking" He thought to himself.

He then started to make a radial aura in the Void

His stacking infinite energy powered his aura which makes it counteract with the Stack infinite 'Space' of the Void itself.

Making it expand at the vast endless emptiness.

During its expansion he then sense things bump into his the wave that he emitted

It was little at first..

Until it becomes more and more.

He then made it so that he can see through the his aura and what ha sees made him smile

What he saw are multiverse.

A whole lot of them.

He observed that most Multiverses have barriers coating them separating to the void outside.

He also saw many Anime and Comic verses that are supposed to be fiction in his past life.

"I was really reincarnated into a lower narrative" He wonders about the one at the top..

The Alpha layer of the Tree which was supposed to be where he was originally from.

Am I part of a story? Am I real? Is someone writing my very existence right now?

Hanten shivered at this thought.

He mentally slap himself to stop thinking about it.

For now he must do what he need to do…

During his monologues earlier he was also trying to find the Root Multiverse.

After finding it he was baffled by what he sees.

There was another Multiverse close to it.

"Abyss" he muttered

He observed the amalgamations of conceptual flesh, eyes and mouth squirming in the void

The said abomination is at the size comparable to a Multiverse itself

On top of its metaphysical 'head' there seems to be a giant pus like bubble

Hanten observed the inside and was disgusted.

There seems to be many beings inside the Pus on the abominations Head. They too are moving and squirming.

He can sense a thread of light coming from the Swirling blue vortex at the top of the Nasuverse presumably Akasha itself connecting to the Pus.

Hanten now understand what and who that being is and

It made him worry and hopes nothing happen to his world when he gets there.

Hanten tried to teleport directly but it seems like the 'Direction' is skewed and erase in the Void that its effectively useless.

So he just floated to go there

 He can move due to his very defiant existence.

"I really need to move faster" faster than lightspeed is very slow in the void

He need to go into trans-lightspeed to just move into the void but he is slowly getting faster due to his Origin.

He really needs to go faster

After all that Conceptual Abomination..

He already knew who it is…



Sorry for the late update.

My time is lesser due to many task needed to do because of school and expect it to be the same next week so the chapters are less.

Hope that it will be good next next week though.💀


Review and Comment if you want

also gib stones.
