

what happens when a person that comes from the ultimate reality descended to a lower narrative well its time to find out [Disclaimer: I do not own the Characters and series with the exception of the mc] Im just a newbie pls be gentle though constructive criticism is welcome i plan to make this story a pastime. the date for the releases i haven't decided yet also i apologize for my wordings as im not a native english

Primordial_Mind · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Chapter 8: An S.O.S from the beyond


"Everything has a purpose.that is why it exist

after all what is existence without purpose"

- Unknown




Hanten infiltrated the Holy place again

He was in his usual angel identity

2 feathery wings with a long blonde hair and blue eyes with a halo on the top

He walks along with many angels in the first heaven

From what he know there are 7 levels

Each with their own specific uses

First Heaven is the "first floor" of Heaven, where the Brave Saints and low-level Angels generally reside. It also serves as the front lines of Heaven's defenses

Second Heaven is the place filled with darkness where the Angels observe the stars and where they confine Angels who have sinned. It is also the place where those involved in the Tower of Babel incident are imprisoned.

"Whatever the Babel Incident is"

Third Heaven is the home of the souls of the dead who have been taken to Heaven. According to Griselda Quarta, it's so vast that it's almost immeasurable and it is the Heaven worshippers believe in It is also connected to Purgatory which Qlippoth and Cao Cao used to enter Heaven It is also the place where the Tree of Life is located.

Fourth Heaven Is the Garden of Eden where the legend of Adam and Eve began. This is the place where the Tree of Wisdom resides.

Fifth Heaven Is the former home of the members of Grigori, before they fell. It is now filled with research institutes where the Brave Saints were created, possibly from Azazel's influence.

Sixth Heaven also known as "Zebel". The current core of Heaven where the Seraphs such as Michael and Gabriel reside. It is protected by a large gate that only a God-class being could break through.

Seventh Heaven Is the final level and also the home to the Sacred Gear System, and God's System. Also, where the God of the Bible once resided in Heaven when he was alive. It has a defense system that teleports trespassers away


Hanten then teleported silently into the Seventh heaven

He didn't immediately go straight and just teleported near the Gate as he sense many conceptual barriers and alarms

Seeing this he just open up his omnipresence and just casually phase through it withouth alarming Heaven itself

Once he is in he was welcome by a throne and two altars

One for The sacred Gear system and the other God system

Seemingly glowing gold and blue respectively

The throne is the most unique

Its as if its trying to call him

So Hanten slowly got closer

Until he is at the stairs to the throne

The voice is then more clear

"Ive been waiting for you [OBLIVION]" a hologram like figure showed up sitting on the throne

"Yeshua?" Hanten asked of the holograms identity.

"Guess you can call me that….But I am more interested in you [OBLIVION] or should I say your real name Kuroko Shiruhanten"

"How did you know?" Hanten asked him.

Yeshua just nodded and told something that made him shock

"During the end of the Three Great War I was luckily still alive but I was weaken to the point that I might just die spontaneously. Thankfully I survived and finished most sacred gear along with its System

I was about to split my put my soul in some of the items back then

Until a box like machine popped up in my face

I knew it as it is something similar to a projector that Azazel made during his time as an angel.

I was curious and press the giant button and a Projection of a humanoid showed up.." Yeshua stop talking

"What happened next" Hanten was curious by this

"Its better for you to know it yourself" Yeshua told him and guided him to the God system

After touching the golden sphere he was then given many information related about souls,Karma and even angel rules.

But he sense something

A subspace

"You sense the subspace? Try to imagine pulling it" Yeshua guided him.

He then imagine pulling and sense something coming out of the golden sphere.

A projector looking machine was then in Hantens hand

Before he was about to open the projector Yeshua then told him something.

"This hologram is time limited…Shiruhanten I have a favor…Think of it as this old mans dying wish"

Hanten nodded and ask him what he want

"I want you to rule Heaven"


"My children are slowly losing hope now that im not around

So I hope of nominating a Leader while Michael is the Ruler now he is temporary as he cannot think of himself as something higher than myself"

"I see…I will think about it for now" Hanten nodded which Yeshua just thank him

"it seems the time limit is now…I will go first…Also please take care of Ga-" the hologram was cut after that so Hanten didn't understand the last words.


Hanten sighed as he thought that his life got more complicated

He then look back at the projector

And goes back to his home to look whats recorded

"So? Whats the deal with you?" he then press the button.


A man was then projected in a static like manner

Hanten observed that His faced was Blocked to see and his Clothes that is something that he is familiar from his past life


"Hello!Hello! This is one of the representative of the SCP foundation specifically from the 05 council we are the overseers and the overwatch.

I'm 05-1 talking to you out there from the lower world..

Our World is currently on an ongoing apocalypse.. due to many [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] trying to enter our baseline reality

The world itself united to stop many anomalies from destroying humanity

Many organizations have held hands to make sure they survive.

We are supposed to not need your help.

As we the Foundation has tried to made contact attempts with the following individuals or groups.

Mary Nakayama , no response

Pataphysics Department , all confirmed dead

Artificial God Omega , no response

JALAKÅRA , confirmed dead

Department of Temporal Anomalies , no response

SCP-4755 , no response

In the acting department , all members have been confirmed dead

Pangloss , confirmed no longer exists

Calvin Desmet , confirmed defunct

Nobody , got a response: "I can't help, I'm so sorry."

We have hope for the worst scenario now as our very reality is slowly getting ravage by the Cosmic St****** and the old gods like the King of the D******* below.

For now our amnestic is effective for the memory erasure so that these memetic entities cannot break through our reality.

Haa" 05-1 sighed

But we do not know if we can hold on

The amnestic is getting limited as the "When day breaks" scenario is happening outside turning most of our forces into puddles of flesh and bones.

If these goes on every reality from starting from ours and every bottom "Narrative" will collapse..

We followed Dr Brights decision to create a Narrative Engine Blueprint for you or whatever you are to ascend to our base reality

It was also added with time control to make sure you can go to specific time in which the apocalypse hasn't started yet

You are wondering

Why wouldn't we do it ourself?

Our resources are limited now due to many K-Class scenario which is the reason we are in an extra-spatial dimension along with what's left of humanity.

So again

We need your help..

This is the final message beyond the cosmos that we can send

We hope it reach someone.."

After the projection ended


Silence exuded

Until Hanten finally cursed.

"Shit. My life just got more complicated"He knew that projection.

Scp Foundation

A foundation that contains anomalies for the safety of life.

They are the first defense of Humanities anonymous threats

Constantly fighting Higher Entities and stopping world ending threats along with it.

And now they are calling for help which means shit is going down up there.

"fvk" He didn't say more and observed the blueprint

It was a complex like Dyson sphere which needs Omniversal Level energy to activate

Hanten can work with the machine but he needs time.

"This might take a lot of time

I hope the Upper reality is still alive when I ascend"

He then made plans and ways to quickly make The "Narrative" Engine.

Hanten then called RED and told him to align the universe as quickly as possible

The Dragon sensing the worry in his friends voice then accelerated the movement of each universes more

The Multiverse of draconic deus is now almost align and very close to each other.

"I will start now" Hanten crack his knuckles and made a lot of materials and clones

He then told his other selves on what to do and they immediately complied

Hanten speculated that it might reach 60-90 years for the Machine to be finished.

The clones then started now.

"I need to Grow stronger again" His eyes has a light determination.

A crack in reality pops up in his side.

"What happened? I have never seen you panicked like this before" RED asked his friend.

Hanten then told him the situation which earned the dragon a grim face.

"So our so called "Narrative" will cease if the upper one is destroyed" RED summed up what he understand

Hanten just nodded

Red thought that its worse than it thought

"What would you do?" Red asked his friend.

"Im making an ascension machine but it takes time so during this time I will try to absorb this very "Narrative" so that if the higher one is destroyed everything will be safe inside my inner world"

Hanten was trying to become a living narrative similar to Eternity from marvel.

"Can I assist you in creating the machine?" RED tried to help

"You can but the Universes?"

"Don't worry about it….Also its almost aligned" RED reassured him

Hanten then told RED where his clones are making the HyperComplex Machine which is in the Void and RED immediately teleported there to assist.

"The canon is almost here but before that I need to do something" Hanten remembered his ability Dimension Shift.

"To be able to fight those Gods from Scp… I need to be in the same dimension as them"

Hanten focused and tried to Ascend his dimensionality

3,4,8,12,16, he slowly tried to rise up

His physical body also changed at this looking like mirrored fractals due to the symmetry.

He also thought of other plans like how to defeat living concepts.

"Why not become a concept myself?"

A living abstract idea

He didn't care anymore and tried to enter his Voidal Mindscape

"Hanten's Mindscape"

While im transcending myself outside

I entered my Mindscape

I walk again in the void platforms aimlessly

I saw the statue again but this time im not fooling around

"Ive been meaning to questioned you

Even if you don't understand

What am I?" I questioned the faceless porcelain statue I then ask more while I go closer to it

"Who am I?"

"What is your purpose?"

"Tell me?"

"Just tell me now damn it?" I shouted infront of the statue


There was a long silence

I sighed and thought that im just wasting my time here until




The statue moves again

Its also slowly cracking

Im unfazed by this.

It slowly then got infront of my face.

Showing its hollowed head that exudes an unexplainable light.

It then spoke..

Something it havent done before.

It was gibberish

At the same tine the voice is made by different person all at once

It talk with all language at once

Languages which are not even discovered or are alien to Humanity.

But I understand what its saying


I laughed at this

I knew there was something off

"I'm incomplete huh?"

My true origin is only 1/3rd

"Hahaha" this is the most hilarious thing that I have ever discovered in my life

I'm so dumb for not noticing this earlier

A 'saviour'

What the statue told me is..


Hahahahahaahahahahahah" I laughed maniacally


My guy is finally learning his self

also Review, Comment and gib Stones ;-;