

what happens when a person that comes from the ultimate reality descended to a lower narrative well its time to find out [Disclaimer: I do not own the Characters and series with the exception of the mc] Im just a newbie pls be gentle though constructive criticism is welcome i plan to make this story a pastime. the date for the releases i haven't decided yet also i apologize for my wordings as im not a native english

Primordial_Mind · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 7: Throwing hands with the God of destruction


"The two most powerful warriors are patience and time"

-Leo Tolstoy,




Time passes by quickly|1 year before canon|

Days become weeks...

Weeks become Months...

And Months become Years.

His daughter Kunou is now 11 years old and stronger than her original counterpart

Stronger by the fact that she has 7 tails and are capable of destroying a planet the size of Jupiter

Yasaka..His Lover now Wife looks younger but still had big curves..(Married her last year)

Its due to him continuously having mana transfer with her which also made her stronger.

|Hanten PoV|

During this time I slowly absorb universes.

I also learned another thing..

I'm nigh-omnipotent, nigh-omniscient and omnipresent

Inside the absorbed universes.

But I weaken myself to 0.001% to make sure and fit with the power scaling here.

I also meet with some of the Main cast

Like a certain leader of the fallen angel

"You got any goods?" he or Azazel asked him for one of those anime books of his past life.

I laughed at his antics and showed him some famous mangakas.

Azazel's eyes shone at this.

So you wondered how did we meet




Hanten walks to all of Japan and discovered some places

Specifically a bar

[Fallen Shot] the sign said.

I then entered the place and found many people dancing and flirting with each other.

I move to where the waiter is and sat on one of the chairs.

"A new customer? What would you like sir? Whiskey? Champagne? we also got fine wines here that comes from overseas?"

"I'll just take your best stuff" Hanten told the waiter which nodded and move to take the beverage.

"Your have a good taste.That one was fermented for 10 years….So it has a shot..Mind to share?" He heard a voice in his side.

Hanten then looked at the man

"Black hair with a yellow strand- check

Goatee- check

Feels like a pervert- Check


Its Azazel" Hanten thought

He then answered the man

"Sure. Can't just drink this all alone now can i?"

They then started taking shots and talks a lot to each other.

This goes on for a while and many of their secrets spilled

Well most comes from Azazel himself.

"So you said you got some high quality books? How about giving this man a test read?" Azazel asked him.

"Here" he then proceeded to make some Mangas into books and gave it to the Fallen angel.

That's where Azazel got the Manga obsession.

They continuously meet in the Bar after this…

|Flashback ends|

"This is some good shit" Azazel then rubbed his face in on of the books

Which earned a disgusted look from Hanten but he changed his face the last second.

They then talked for a while until Azazel said a bomb

It shoudnt be heard by others so Azazel made a sound barrier

Hanten noticed this and did not mind.

"So Hanten do you ever believe about supernatural?" Azazel asked him.

"What do you mean Zel(Azazels fake name)

I thought It was just stories that our Ancestors made up to scare us when we are kids" Hanten trolled Azazel into thinking he is innocent.

"Well? What if those stories are real?

What if the things that you have read in the book really happened" Azazel then tried to look mysterious

The fallen angel then stands up and told Hanten to follow him

They move into a secret room in the Bar.

"Here no one can see us" Azazel said.

"Woaa!woaa!hey!hey!hey!! I'm your friend but I'm not into that" Hanten motioned his hand like stop.

Azazel was confused by this until he understand what he meant.

"Oi!don't think of it like that. Besides the only thing that keeps me going are busty women" Azazel then cleared the Misunderstanding.

They then sat on couches opposite to each other.

"What do you mean that supernaturals are true?" Hanten asked 'Innocently'.

Azazel then proceeded to explain everything and how he is a fallen angel.

He even showed his wings

"Come to think of it arent fallen angels Evil" Hanten wondered and Azazel just laugh

"That's just a misconception…Devils are mostly the ones that are making atrocities but they are more tamed now due to the new Satans.. We fallen angels share knowledge for Humans to grow."

"And here I thought that devils and fallen angels are the same"

 Azazel just laughed again and told him that its another famous misconception.

The Fallen angel then info dumped Hanten about all of the mythologies and the ranks of each beings

Hanten knew all about this but he still listened to not break his Mask about being innocent.

"Now that I have explain everything

What would you do?" Azazel asked him.

"What do you mean?"

"how would you deal with the world itself?

I trust that you would keep your mouth shut."

"Honestly? Knowing that everything in my past is a lie and that my friend is the literal Azazel in the bible….

I got nothing to say"

"Uh huh" Azazel just nodded at his answer and didn't asked him more questions.

After the talk Hanten then started to leave the bar… When he was about to leave Azazel immediately goes to him and gives him a card

"This is for contact. It has a magic circle that can send signals and distressed calls.

If you ever met a Supernatural Entity just press the circle in the middle as I would immediately go to your location."

Azazel made sure to give him his contacts to make sure that he is safe out there.



Hanten then left and entered a dark alleyway to teleport to his mansion.

He met many more Characters and their Respective places

He even observes many interesting things

He was able to as he made an illusion that change his identity.

The Heaven in which he turned into an Angel

He tried to Peer inside the System made by the Abrahamic god..

He noticed something but he will focus on it later.

After this he then move to the Norse Pantheon and acted like a normal person in the World tree

He even noticed gods in taverns

Especially Thor which is boisterously laughing.

Then the Hindu Pantheon which he acted like a normal believer in one of The Trimurti.

But his Act was then caught easily by someone.

"A great illusion you got there" Hanten then looked at his back to see a child like figure with blue skin and 4 arms.

The presence of this being feels like pure destruction

Something that is stronger than anyone in this world with the exception of Him,RED,Ophis and Trihexa.

"What do you mean good sir I am just praying and thanking the Gods?" He acted innocently.

"Cut the Act! I know who you are

[OBLIVION]" The figure immediately go straight to the point.

Hantens face get serious after hearing his moniker

"How do you know about that?" he questions the Blue skinned Child(Man?)


A long silence  exuded and only their eyes are focusing on each other.

Until the Blue skinned man laugh.

"Im just fooling around with you

Anyways the name is Shiva" the god then introduced himself as Shiva.

"I thought you would be more destructive and evil

Sounds like there are things that are more than meets the eye


"Just call me Hanten I don't want everyone to know about me" He told Shiva which just nodded.

They then walk outside the temple which is seemingly empty.

"So? What brings you here at our Pantheon?

Did anyone of us did something that earn your visit?" Shiva ask him on why he is here.

"I'm on a tour so I started visiting pantheons" Hanten answered.

"I see. Hope you enjoy your visit

Also is it possible to meet you tomorrow?"

"Im still here so yeah I can"

"Great then see ya later" Shiva then wave goodbye at Hanten and disappeared..


After the meet with the God of Destruction he started to waddle away in India and visiting its tourist spots..

|Timeskip/King Crimson|

After visiting every Crevice of India

He then returns to the meeting place of him and Shiva.

"You're here" he heard a voice in his back

"Why did you want to meet me--?" Hanten ask The God of Destruction but he was suddenly hit by a Blue colored fist in the face and was sent flying into mountains

"Of course its to fight" Shiva told him from a mile a way.

"Damn!! Straight to the point" Hanten then aligned his jaw (He let himself get hurt).

He then accelerated into Shiva's position and made a left hook

Shiva seeing this smirk and gracefully the dodge the punch and countered by hitting Hanten's abdomen.

"You held back that punch

Don't worry this place is in another dimension so you can go all out" Shiva reassured Hanten which made Hanten sigh.

"Then lets go!" Both of the fighters then disappeared

They then met up in the air and countered each others attacks while some attacks passed through they did not cared and continued.

We can only see A dark blue and A Dark purple light colliding with each other

These collisions Shakes the Place that they are fighting in..

We zoom in again..

Hanten is slowly adapting to Shiva's fighting stylw

Shiva noticing this has gotten more fierce

He use his Time authority to slow down Hanten.

He then barrage him with attacks during this

After the barrage he then shot a beam of pure destructive energy in a straight line with Hanten in its point blank range.

After the successive action it made Smoke and falling debris which blocks the eyes of the God.

Hanten use this opportunity and give Shiva an uppercut

Shiva saw this but its too late to dodge so he was hit directly in the chin and was sent flying in the air.

Hanten then teleported on top of the God and interlock both hands and push him back down to the grown

During the fall Shiva then shot disk that can destroy anything to Hanten

Seeing the projectile he then dodge it all

But it was just a distraction

Shiva then teleported in Hantens back and is trying to shot a destruction laser again..


The God failed as the laser beam was slap by Hanten into another direction

He then sends a punch directly in the face of the God after this and send him tumbling into the Ground.

Hanten immediately tried to follow until he heard Shiva

"Wait! I surrender" Shiva has his hands up.

"The battle has not been decided yet why did you stop?" Hanten ask him.

Shiva just shook his head and told him the truth.

"Its useless. You know that I can see futures too..No matter the possibilities you either surpass me or straight up defeated me in raw power"

After this they both then laughed and complemented each others strength

Shiva even invited Hanten to eat at their home but he refused and told the God of destruction that he will be on his ways to the others.



Hanten then goes on his way

Becoming a citizen in each pantheon to know and understand the gods

He even goes to the underworld and other places to see the dragon kings

He was also disappointed of the Tiamat of this world

"Weak. Infinitely weaker than mother(bias)" Its true though

The gods and other supernatural here are Weaker than their fate counterpart

"maybe that's the reason they survived"

He also entered Tian and acts like a gods tenants

He even stole some medicine of immortality like a certain Monkey king

The leader of the Chinese pantheon was the Jade emperor

Hanten tried to compare the god with the GOH one and found out he cannot manipulate fundamental forces..

He got a cool clothes tho.

There's also Takamagahara which the shinto gods reside in

Amaterasu is also different in this Multiverse to his other one

Unlike the Amaterasu of his Multiverse which is A divine fox that separated herself into Tamamo nine

Though she found a loophole by ascending into a primordial goddess and now exist beyond time and space.

The Amaterasu here is Just your run-in a mill goddess of the sun though shes quite strong than her god peers.

After finishing on touring each of the pantheons he just returns home.



I'm gonna accelerate it now so that the canon will start

Also please review, Comment and gib stones ;-;