

what happens when a person that comes from the ultimate reality descended to a lower narrative well its time to find out [Disclaimer: I do not own the Characters and series with the exception of the mc] Im just a newbie pls be gentle though constructive criticism is welcome i plan to make this story a pastime. the date for the releases i haven't decided yet also i apologize for my wordings as im not a native english

Primordial_Mind · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Chapter 7: The Watcher


"It's better to try and fail than to not try at all"

- Nicole Krauss


The Fuyuki Holy Grail War, also called Heaven's Feel, is a ritual that has been ongoing for two hundred years. Established by the Tohsaka, Matou, and Einzbern families, the Three Founding Families, as a means to reach Akasha, it is currently thought to be only a competition for something recognized as a possible Holy Grail. Seven magi are chosen by the Grail as Masters and, with support from the Grail, allowed to summon seven Servants to do battle. The winning pair is supposed to be able to claim the Holy Grail and utilize it to grant a wish for each of them. Its true purpose is to actually utilize the seven Servants returning to the root as a way to form a hole directly to it.

At the time there was also a serious flaw in this system, As the Grail required the energy of all seven Servants to help activate the Greater Grail and open a hole to Akasha, it would mean that all Servants including the victor Servant would have to be killed, and since the Grail can only be held by a Servant, activating the Greater Grail, let alone retrieving the Holy Grail, cannot be achieved, as Masters are incapable of doing so without a Servant. This flaw made the Grail capable of only granting wishes to Masters and Servants.

There has yet to be even one true winner who actually claimed the Grail in all five wars, and due to Angra Mainyu being summoned in the Third Holy Grail War, it would be impossible for a winner to have their true wish granted in most cases. The Grail, which is normally "colorless", was corrupted and turned into a manifestation of All the World's Evils. It cannot grant wishes without also causing great destruction, though only the Einzberns are directly aware of this fact. Overall, it is a minor event in the magi world. The stakes could be considered the highest up until the Second War, as the Church became involved afterward. The preparation and decision-making were done by the Mage's Association. The Association also held most of the power over the matter. However, since the "Holy Grail" was part of the name, the Holy Church would not remain silent. "Fake or not, we must control all the Holy Grails" thus the Holy Church sent Arbiters to Fuyuki City, plotting to confiscate the Holy Grail when the opportunity emerged.

For now ..

Let us talk about the supposed "protagonist" of the Fate/Zero

[ Emiya Kiritsugu ]

He is a man of his ideals

Doing anything to accomplish his goal

And that is to create a miracle

It is mainly the reason why he partakes in this war

From his long experience by being a mercenary he knew that it is impossible to save everyone

Due to this reason he was left no choice but to save many people while sacrificing others

1 for 10

10 for a thousand

A thousand to save millioms

Due to this he was broken inside

Many innocent died by his hands to save others

The feeling of somethings gnawing your inside due to guilt

Yet he must keep on working

He must keep on doing it

In hopes for a better world

But due to the grail war he was given a chance

A miracle

He thought of it

To save all he need miracles

And the grail can give it to him…


Story ended.


We can now see kiritsugu along with irisviel on a church

It seems that there is a giant magic circle in the middle

Kirotsugu then chanted the words to summon a servant

Using the "Scabbard" as a catalyst to summon a heroic spirit

After his chant the magic circle lit up till the light itself is blinding

After that an armored figure showed up in the middle of a magic circle

It then looked to the two and said,

"I ask of you"

"Are you my master?"


|Time skip|

|After all masters finished summoning their servants|


We can see Hanten just chilling on his couch

"Hmm, are they done with the summoning?"

He then tunnelled into space and observed the city with his mystic eyes activated

He then look at the masters and their servants that are participating in this war

The event happened the same as he remembered the anime

Waver who took his masters catalyst summon the hero Rider Iskandar

Kariya Matou summons a berserker lancelot due to the interference of Zouken

Tokiomi Tohsaka summoning Archer Gilgamesh

The psychopath Ryuunosuke Uryuu summoning Caster Gilles

Kirei Kotomine who summon assasin hundred-Faced Hassan

Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald along with his wife Sola-Ui Nuada-de Sophia-Ri summons the lancer diarmud of the lovespot

And lastly Emiya Kiritsugu and Irisviel Einzbern summoning saber Artoria Pendragon


He then Focused on each of the command seals that are present in the hands of the masters.

"I see, So that's how it Works"

He then copied the nature of the command seals

And connect it to the throne of heroes

Thankfully Alaya did not mind him

Or rather Alaya cannot stop him from summoning servants.

Unlike the other masters

Hantens command seal was not given by the grail

So his servant can literally be any class

And free to exist unlike those who are in grail wars

(Servants summoned in grail wars will simply return to the throne of heroes after the war ends)

He plans to summon a servant later

But for now

He kept just kept on observing

After a while he returned back to his home

As nothing happened yet

Of course nothing happened

After all this is the first day of the war

The Masters are all planning to make sure that they win

So no event yet

Hanten also remembered that the first battle is on the third day

So he instead chilled back into his couch

And watched another movie till he sleeps…



|2nd Day of the Grail war|

|Fuyuki City|

|Almost noon|


We can see a white haired woman along with a blonde the is wearing a butler suit walking down the streets of Fuyuki

The white haired woman is Irisviel of couse.

She enjoys the view of the city and its people.

But was sadden due to the Things that will happen soon she smiled again in hopes that Kiritsugu can save the people

She then move to see her butler(Servant).

"Are you sure that you want to stay with me?

You can investigate this place you know?" Irisviel said

"I refuse, My task is to accompany lady irisviel in the city and priortize her safety and protection" the butler countered.

Then the butler sense something

Someone observing them

And then it disappeared

During this the butler was dazed until she was tapped on the shoulders

By iris herself

The butler then answered why

"Lady Irisviel. It seems someone is observing us but it immediately disappeared before I sense its location"

"I see"

"Well it disappeared right? Then lets go don't mind it too much" she reassured her butler

After that they go on their way..




Hanten POV


I woke up earlier and then observed everyone again

I sense each of the servants along with their masters walking through fuyuki city

Other hid and while others  uses spiritual forms

I then look and observed the most famous two spirits

Gilgamesh and Artoria

I  look at saber first..

Seeing her walking along with her fake master Irisviel.

But not for long saber felt something

Which prompted for hanten to stop the observation

He then look at Archer next

The King of Uruk seems to be in a throne

Drinking wine using a golden chalice

He observed him for a while until

He heard the King saying

"Interesting" after at which the king seemingly smiled and look at the Hanten which observes him from a mile away

Hanten then stops and sweated at this

He forgot that Gilgamesh Has Clairvoyance

He mightve already known him even if they did not meet..



After the observation

He take a look at his command seal again

He then created a magic circle in his backyard

Before he did all of this he made sure to create an illusion that makes it so that no one can see what's happening in the backyard.

He then chanted.


Let silver and steel be the essence. Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation  Let the colour I pay tribute to in which is myself. Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall Let the four cardinal gates close. Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate.

I hereby declare. Your body shall serve under me. My fate shall be your sword. Submit to the beckoning of my world  If you will submit to this will and this reason…Then answer!

An oath shall be sworn here! I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven.  I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell! 

Let your reason and mask that's hides thyself be unleashed,

Let your emotions be what you want it to be.

 From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three greet words of power, Come forth from the ring of restraints, Protector of the Holy Balance! 


After this the magic circle lit up and then shines much like the summoning of other masters

But somethings wrong

The light itself did not stop shining until it creates a giant beacon that pierce the sky.

Hanten then cursed himself thinking he made a mistake

Until the light died down.

Smoke and dust almost settled

Leaving a silhouette in the magic circle

And then he sees it clearly now

A little girl with a with a lightblue hair

But whats unique is the long horns

And the glowing pink cross shaped iris

It then slowly accelerating into his direction

And then his servant said something which confused him

"My SON!"



Pls review and gib stones ;-;