

what happens when a person that comes from the ultimate reality descended to a lower narrative well its time to find out [Disclaimer: I do not own the Characters and series with the exception of the mc] Im just a newbie pls be gentle though constructive criticism is welcome i plan to make this story a pastime. the date for the releases i haven't decided yet also i apologize for my wordings as im not a native english

Primordial_Mind · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Chapter 3: I just caught a milphox on the wild


"Boobs are bigger than a man's life"

- Issei Hyoudou


|Kuoh City|

|10 years before canon|


We then see our protagonist walking in the streets of Kuoh City.

He Whistled and evens Hums tunes of his past life not caring about people

Of course he used his mask but made an illusion that its his original face.

Though that did not stop everyone from observing him

Maybe because of his long black hair

Who knows?.....

After walking for a while Hanten stop

Seemingly remembering something

He then curse himself which is ironic considering he is now Ahriman.

|Hanten PoV|

During my walk to the streets of Kuoh City

I theb remembered

|Why am I In Dxd again?|

He then tried to recollect his jumbled memories back

"Damn" is all he can say

During his Berserk state in the Fateverse he almost killed everything

"Thankfully the grail exploded or else I would kill myself if that's even possible"

But he is sadden that he cannot see his mother and sister.

"For now I will plan on what I will do in this world"

He also remembered Great Red which is much much stronger than his anime counterpart

"Damn what did the Universe feed him to grow that strong?" he whistled.

He then started moving on a certain place





"Chase them" many people with bat like wings tried to Chase two people on a deep forest

These are devils bit they are not the only one

"Chase the filthy heretic" Many people with church robes seeming also is on a chase

"Cleria please go

I will buy you time" the man that was chased then told the woman that was also being chased

"I refuse I don't want to leave you here

If you die i will die with you" Cleria then told her lover.

"We have no choice no matter what they will deem our relationship as something disgusting

So please

At least survive for my sake" Her lover named Yaegaki told her with tears running down his eyes.

"N-no please" She then hug her lover while tears was trickling down her eyes

"It seems that were too late" Yaegaki then sense many devils and priest  surrounding them

"Where will you go now?" one of the devils said

"Hahaha? You wretched heretic must die in the name of God" another one said but it's a priest

The two resigned and accepted their fate.





"Sheesh! you people are relentless

Well? What do I expect from people that has not communicate with women all their life" Everyone then heard someone from the side

The man has a Purple eyes with red tins and Long black hair with white tint at its tips seemingly exuding a mysterious atmosphere.

One of the priest became angry at his comment.

"What did you say?"

"That you-"

"What did you say again?"

"That you all got no bitches"

All of them hearing this was flabbergasted with the exception of the two couples who seems to be silently giggling

"You priest are just jealous because one of your comrades got someone

And by the looks of it he found a jackpot" the man Who is Hanten then trashtalked them even more

Until they started to get angry

"You Bastard!!!!" one of the priest runs onto him with a lightsaber in hand trying to decapitate his head

But he just block the attack with his attack and then punch the random  priest and turn him into exploding gory bits.

"So whose next?"

One of the Devils then questioned on what his purpose is.

"My purpose? Hmm well I need the two so you cant kill them."

Hearing this the Devil has no choice but to attack him forgetting what happen to the priest earlier.

Yawns* Hanten seeing all of them lunging at him did not waste his time and crush all of them into a size of an atom.

Both the couples was then shock and then feared the stranger

Of course they will be scared they just saw their Chasers disappear into thin air

"What did you do to them?" Yaegaki Questions

"Hmm? Ohh I just shrunk them into an atom." The stranger answers his questioned which made a chill creep on his spine but he steeled himself and questiones another one

"What do you want in both of us?"

"Me ohh its simple" Hanten then explains

Which leave the two dumbfounded

Cleria then talk

"So you save us because you want an To have an identity card?"

She was very confused by this and even questions the Stranger or Shiruhanten about his thinking

She thought it would be things like gold or even treasures.

"That would be made immediately after we go back" She told Shiruhanten which the man just nodded.

She then heard the man speak again.

" I also have another favor to ask you."

"Hmm? Then speak"

"Can I  a join as a teacher in this particular school"

"Kuoh Academy? That can be ordered."

The man then added.

"I also want to be free and can start becoming a teacher anytime"

[It means that he can become a teacher on any time if he wants to]

"I see, That will be granted" Cleria then said

"Thank you for saving both of us" Yaegaki then bowed forgetting his fear earlier.

"Don't sweat it I was luckily passing by and found you two ambushed" he lied through his teeth as he already knew about the couple when he used his mystic eyes earlier.

"We will go first then Thank you again Shiruhanten Dono" Both the couples then wave and left the forest

Cleria then send the news on what happened which made her Cousin Diehauser Angry

But was also thankful to the Mysterious man named Shiruhanten for saving his cousin

Diehauser then ordered her cousin to hide her lover to their secret Houses to make sure that their safe.

Diehauser knew of her cousins relationship with the now Ex-Priest and didn't mind about his position

As long as Cleria is happy he will not mind it.




|After The Forest Incident|Kuoh City

|Hanten PoV|

After saving the couples which should have died in the canon

I then waddled away back into the streets.

After that I tunneled into an inhabited mountain which has some stray devils in it

I did not waste my time as their just canon fodders and erased them.

After Cleaning the pest I then use my matter manipulation and made a cave

Inside the cave a mansion formed before many design was added to the background.

I entered my new home and immediately made things that are essential for humans

Though I don't need it I still use some as a way to make myself attached to humanity in general

The Tv then opens and I sat on a newly made couch and just watch the anime of this worlf…

The Animes in general are just knock off from my past life but I just watch all of it anyway as im bored.





We then see Hanten on a couch asleep while his Tv is still open

He then opens his eyes and immediately yawn and close the TV

He then stand up and tunneled somewhere.






It was just a normal day in Kyoto

Many people walking into the streets

Bustling lights that are either lanterns or lampost

And of course hidden youkais.



Hanten then tunneled to Kyoto seemingly curious about the place

He then strolled around moving to stores and stores and buying some souvenirs.

He even visited a shrine to try and pray there.

After doing all of this Hanten then found a bench in which he sits.

He then heard a voice.

"May I also sit here?" said a woman in a sultry voice.

Hanten just said "Sure".

"What are doing here sir?" the woman said

"Just seeing the stars" Hanten then added

"I have already visited every place so I just rest and joins this place to chill"

"I see….. I hope Kyoto leaves a good impression on you"

Hanten then observed who the woman is

Blond hair with big curves

He can also see an illusion that hides her fox ears and tail

"Yasaka" he inwardly thought.

But then he noticed something in her back

A little girl seemingly 2 or 3 years old

With the same blond hair as the woman

"I see" Hanten knew that he is in the past as he sees Kunou that is still a toddler.

"So, Whats your name?" He said

"Fufu my apologies for the late introduction but my name is Yasaka" The blond Woman or now Yasaka told him.

"Don't mind it and my name is Shiruhanten"

"Ohh I didn't forget this shy girl is my daughter Kunou" She then move Kunou upront

"H-Hello Mister, My Name is Kunou"

"Your Daughter huh?" Hanten smiled at this and then added

"Well what do I expect from a beautiful woman like you

Someone mustve already taken your heart a long time ago"

Yasaka upon hearing this immediately made a face of sadness but it change into a smile quickly.

"My Lover, Sighed* let me and my Daughter due to some situation"

After this Hanten apologizes which Yasaka countered

"Ohh Don't mind it

It was a long time ago" she said with a blank face

She then tells more.

Seemingly opening up on the Man.



But after this she apologizes

"Im sorry for taking your time Shiruhanten San"

"No!no! Its fine you look like you need to let out some of your frustrations so I just followed"

"I-I see thank you for hearing about my problems and rants" she lowered her head.

Her daughter then tilted and questions.

"Are we going to leave Papa?"

Yasaka hearing this gasped

While Hanten just giggled a bit.

"Kunou!! He is not your father!! About this I aplogize for my daughter

She is just *sighed* She wants to have a father"

"I don't mind it so its fine" he then wave his hands telling its fine

As long as the cute little girl is happy he will go on with it.

After hearing this Yasaka then Blushed

"U-Umm are you joking with me Shirhanten san?"

"What do you mean joking? Im telling the truth"

Yasaka then stops talking.

Then Kunou speaks again.

"Papa will we meet again?"

He then answered.

"Of course as long as its with my daughter I would always appear"

He then patted the Cute fox which made her tail wag but its still on an illusion.

Both of them then said to each other goodbye

When they were about to move separate ways Hanten then called Yasaka

"If you ever need someone to talk to just go to this place during weekends"

Yasaka Hearing this just said

"I-I see, Thank you and I will keep that in mind.

Both of them then left to their own places…

|Time Acceleration|

After the Meeting with Yasaka

Hanten then started visiting Kyoto every weekends to meet each other

A time has passed

And during these times they got closer and closer

The weekends turns into many days

Until Hanten always visits Kyoto at night everyday.

They enjoyed each others company

Yasaka with someone who can hear and talk her problems to someone

While Hanten Just enjoyed talking with Yasaka in general.




"Hanten" Yasaka speaks his nickname

"Hmm?" he wondered what she wants.

"We have been with each other for a long time now"

"And what do you mean by that?"

"Do you think its b-better to s-step up our R-relationship"

"Hmm?" Hanten narrowed his eyes.

"W-what I mean is

Will you let this Old woman b-be your lover?" She said while fidgetting.

"I have been thinking at it for a while now"

She fell in love with him by speaking wirh him for a while now.

Added the fact that he is Handsome made it hard to not fall.

Hanten then speak


Hearing this made Yasaka ears droop down

She already expected this but she hoped

But she then heard hiis next lines

"No one would refuse such a request from a beautiful woman like you"

She then Blushes like a maiden and her tails wag excitedly after this but she pouted at his joke

"Mou please stop with scary jokes"

Kunou showed up seemingly hearing their conversation.

"Does that mean he is my Dad now? Yayy!"

She is not shy now as Hanten doted on her for a long time.

"Yes my little fox you are my daughter now hahahha"

While he squish her now daughter cheeks.

Yasaka seeing this just giggled

After that they accepted each other



After becoming lovers they open up more

Yasaka telling about the supernatural to make sure his new lover is safe and not ignorant about the world

Hanten then questions her about the top 10 Strongest supernatural creatures.

Yasaka then told him

And as he expected

He change the heirarchy.

"The top 10 strongest creatures are the ones on the top of the scales of strength

Each capable of defeating anyone and those on higher echelons can destroy the world

These are

10. So called super Devils like Lucifer and Beelzebub

8. Hades

7. The Dragon kings

6. Draig and Albion

5. God Of the Bible, Brahma, Vishnu and Indra

4. Shiva

3. Auroboros

2. The Dreaming Dragon

And lastly

The strongest of them all

It showed up in the Testament during the war of the three factions

It was said that it defeated Great Red along with the Two heavenly dragons with no difficulty.

Its name or what it was called in the past.

The Strongest.




Of course you know who the top 1 is.

Also review,comment and gib stones