

what happens when a person that comes from the ultimate reality descended to a lower narrative well its time to find out [Disclaimer: I do not own the Characters and series with the exception of the mc] Im just a newbie pls be gentle though constructive criticism is welcome i plan to make this story a pastime. the date for the releases i haven't decided yet also i apologize for my wordings as im not a native english

Primordial_Mind · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 4: Enemies to Friends/Mt. tai


"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"

- Eleanor Roosevelt


The strongest of them all

It showed up in the Testament during the war of the three factions

It was said that it defeated Great Red along with the Two heavenly dragons with no difficulty.

Its name or what it was called in the past.

The Strongest.



Hanten knew who it is after all it is him

Though he question more about the supernatural information about him

"It is said that God of the Bible gave the moniker to the creature

Due to it seemingly looking like a spiral darkness that looks eerily similar to the void.

Some even speculated that it embodies Darkness just like Great Red is to Dream and Auroboros is to Infinity

Some even thought of it as a foreign entity that tried to entered this world

But we do not know

As it is only explained in the book of testament and we do not know where it is today

Its explained in the book that Oblivion And RED battled on earth creating many catastrophe and disasters upon the globe

Both of them then rose up from the sky never to be seen again

But we can speculate that they are still fighting as there seems to be light popping in the sky during the time when they left earth" Yasaka explained.

"I see" Hanten has his hands at his jaws looking like he is thinking of something

"Do you know what happen next?"  Hanten said.

Yasaka then Nodded and told more

"Yes. After a hundred years the blinking lights in the sky stops

After this the angels tried to observe the dimensions and found Great Red recuperating

The angels thought the winner is the dragon and immediately tried to crown RED as the Strongest being

But God Stops them he then told them

"The Great Darkness is still here yet also not. he did not die as he is beyond death and life

He will always be

And he will never be

He is there when everything ends

At the same time he is also there to welcome the beginning

OBLIVION, the great darkness

That shall be his name

Etched this to the books my son and daughters

Before I leave to the beyond

I must warn you to not do anything that might lead to your inevitable destruction

That thing cannot be stop

Nothing can

Even I."

God seeing the future told the angels to crown the darkness as the strongest being there is and there will ever be.

The inevitable ending of everything

Yasaka hearing this suddenly had a chill down her spine but she calms down after a second and told Hanten to not worry about it as they do not know its whereabouts.

"Now that you know all about this what would you do next?" She question him

"Im just gonna chill for now

Also sorry for lying to you but I have already met some supernatural people"

She ignored that he lied and interrogated him for information

He then explains about the couple situation.

"Im glad that you helped them"

"Though why didn't you tell me about it earlier hmm?" Yasaka narrowed her eyes and grabbed Hantens ear

"Ow!Ow!Ow! Im sorry!" he screamed.

Yasaka then took her hand off of Hantens ear and Hanten immediately rub it off.

"Hmp that's for lying to me"


After this they then reconciled and move to their respectuve places

Yasaka on the Yokai Faction

And Hanten at his mansion.

|Hanten PoV|



After his talk with Yasaka he then returns by tunneling back to his mansion

And then immediately laze on his couch.

"Don't want to sleep to day

What should I do?"

|Dimensional Gap|

He then tunneled into the Dimensional gap.

Seeing the Kaleidoscope void he whistled


Only if it doesn't make you cease to exist" he said

After a while of observing he then sense someone at his back

After he move his head he was then welcome by a blast.


He was carried by the energy and exploded in the far distance.

Hanten then sweep of his nonexistent dust.

He then observed the attacker

"Great Red" he silently said

He knew why the dragon attack him


Red then roared and a second voice was heard


"What if i don't?"

"You have to remember I'm the one who trashed you in the past.

Or did I hurt you so much that you forgot?" Hanten mocked RED.

Hearing this great RED then observed his existence even deeper


O-OBLIVION?" Great RED said seemingly saying his moniker nervously

He thought that his foe was erase last time [Cannot sense Hanten hibernating due to him having immunity to his Omnipresense]

RED then questions Hanten.


"me well-" he then explained his situation..

The Dragon was then shocked by what it heard


"Of course!! You though that this is the only one out there? Ohh your dead wrong"

"Ohh and as for what my purpose is here

 I already told you that I was swept to the void and coincidentally entered one of your guarded macrocosm

For now im just gonna chill in this world while trying to find a way to go back to my original world"

"I SEE" great RED hearing his reason..

 seemingly  ignoring that they have a death battle in the past.

"What can I do for you to return" Great RED's voice seemingly lessen.

The Dragon thought that its better for this Entity to return than to endanger every life in this Multiverse that he rules.

"Travelling into the Void may take a long time so I need some preparations", Hanten said and then added.

"I need you to teach me about concepts"

"Me?" The Dragon wondered

"Ofcourse someone that embodies the Dream should have  a general sense on what concepts are in General"

"I do have knowledge it just that its more lean on making imaginations into reality via my existence"

"I do not know if im capable of teaching anyone about this type of power with the exception of maybe you as you possess strength eclipsing my own."

"Don't worry I can easily learn it"Hanten Assured.

"Very Well!.... Visit the gap tomorrow and I will past on to you my knowledge

Its up to your very dream and imagination that these powers will be at its full potential"

[Search Mentifery]

After some talk and reconciliation with RED

The Dragons seems to also need someone to talk to

Which unlike Yasaka that's about her problems

RED wants someone as powerful as him or even stronger.

Think of it like "Were both Strong so we can easily understand each other"

Due to this he immediately become friends with RED and apologize about the past.

After all of this an hour just passed on the Human world

Hanten then tunneled back to his Mansion to Sleep.




After Waking up he then eats breakfast then Showers

When all of this is done he then tunneled into the gap

What he saw was great RED with a terrestrial Planet the Size of the sun

HE was then Welcomed by the Dragon.

"You are here early

Good we can start" RED said

The dragon then explains about abstracts and concepts which arent known by mortals

"Unlike most life. us strong beings can sense concepts like it can be compared to you smelling the Flowers fragrance or seeing a color."

RED then guided Hanten on how to sense this concept.

Hanten learning this immediately got to work.

"I see" Hanten was sensing all the concepts that make up the Gap

"You can sense the void here right"


"This is the dimensional gap a membrane that protects this macrocosm from being expose into the Void outside

That is the reason as why almost no concepts are here unless the concept is complex enough to exist

Like I the dream or Auroboros as the Infinite."

Hanten hearing this now understand why the dimensional gap is Dangerous and can make someone stop existing.

"Concepts of yourself slowly unexist here" he inwardly says.

After RED sees him having a grasp of the Conceptual sense he then explains to him about the dream which Hanten just eagerly hear.

"What do you know about dream" Red Question Hanten.

"It is related to imagination, your path, it can also symbolizes as divination" Hanten said all he knew of.

"Dreams Is indeed all of this and more

It is your belief and the idea in your mind that cannot manifest into reality

Some dreams are achievable

Like having a dream job

But some are impossible

like spontaneously gaining a  Supernatural ability

What I can do is to make the impossible possible

Make the illusion hard enough that it is not different from reality"

RED then demonstrate by creating life

He change a small critter into a bird then a rhino to a dragon

"What I did here is to make my imagination and beliefs come true

I believe an insect exist so it will.

I believe that the insect is a bird so it turns into one

I then did it repeatedly."

Hanten observes the concepts

"The concept of dream and reality seemingly becomes one when RED use his powers"

Dream and imagination seemingly melded into reality making reality itself distort to what the user imagines.

"Remember Hanten, Reality is not just the universe.

 It is everything, everywhere and all encompassing

 and as long as reality and minds exist dream will also always exist"

RED then told Hanten to try.



Hanten then focus

"Turning you imagination into reality huh?" He then concentrate his dream.

A Dream that will manifest and anchor into reality.

He thought of what Great RED did and imitate the Dragon

HE then sense parts of the land distorted

Until he felt a life

Opening his eyes to observe he sees a small insect

Hanten then focused again changing it into different creatures

And it was seemingly easy for him…

Like the power was always with him..


He then saw RED that has a looked that screams impossible.


I observe Hanten meditating on a rock in this giant planet that I imagine

"You are getting close"

I can see what he is doing

When I use my signature ability I force reality to meld with my self and then warp everything to what I want

But He.. Hanten is different.

Its as if reality and dream was already fused and he easily made what I did earlier.

I then uttered impossible in my mind

Unlike me the abstract embodiment of dream

He is not.


Why is his use of this power more precise and absolute

I cannot change what he do

What he imagines seemingly will exist like it ever existed

Unlike mind which is weaker than the counterpart that I imagine it from

But due to having more knowledge I can make the constructs that I created into harder ones similar to the one I copied it from.

"Did I do it right, RED?"

I was then left out of my stupor when I heard my New Friends voice.

"Y-yes I was just surprise that you immediately comprehended it." I said

"Huh? I just followed what you said

I tried imagining and it happens

What's wrong with that?"

"Everything you unfair Bastard" Great RED then scream curses at Hanten in his mind and also to the Unfair existence.

"B-but still you havent train it yet

So I suggest you to train in the Gap to not affect the Human world" I told him and he nodded.

PoV ends|

After Training A while Hanten then returns to the Human world bit instead of using Quantum Tunneling

He use his new ability

[Dream Manifestation]

He imagines himself on his Mansion and immediately manifested back in his home.

He sees the time

"Still 7Pm? Guess I Will just watch an anime?" He then move to his couch to watch a knock off anime

While he is chilling in his couch he is also training his ability

We know this as in one of his hands we can see a copy of a solar system seeming orbiting his longest finger which is the second one.

It's a small one of course.

Else it would destroy everything in this world.



Hanten then teleported to Kyoto

But he sense that Yasaka and his daughter Kunou is not in their meeting place

Confused by this he then Observed the youkai faction



The barrier that protects the faction has a hole in it

He then focused on Yasaka

She seems to be furious and worried

He then teleported to her back

After seeing this Yasaka immediately got into a fighting stance

Until she found out that its Hanten.

Her face then change into a looks of worried and was almost about to tear up.

he after seeing this immediately question her.

"Yasaka. What happened?

And where is Kunou?" and Yasaka then answered


Kunou was Kidnapped"


Hearing this an aura then covered the world after which immediately disappeared


"The kidnappers seems to be wearing similar outfits

And has a Instruments presumably sacred Gears

To hide their presence and even pierce the Tokyo Barrier"

She then added that many tengus are scouting the whole Tokyo trying to find her daughter.

"Don't worry then I will find her myself"

Yasaka hearing this got worried

"You just met the supernatural currently I don't want you to put yourself into danger."

"About that don't worry

I can easily protect myself

Do you trust me?" Seeing Hanten seemingly shining with confidence

Yasaka the sighed.

"Very well but I will not let you go alone" she then called tengus to guard Hanten which he didn't mind.






We then see Hanten walking alone in a decrepit Forest in Kyoto

We can also sense people on the Background

They are the tengus that are

trying to protect Hanten



|Hanten PoV|

I waddled to the place where the kidnappers is at

I saw them using my mystic eyes

"They don't seem to be the hero faction" he concluded.

He didn't waste time and teleported unto their location immediately

The tengus seeing this was confused then panicked

"Shit our Leaders lover just disappeared" Tengu 1

"Where?" tengu 2

PoV ends|

"They just want some things in the Yokai Faction and then Kidnapped Kunou

These cannon fodders are really overestimating themselves"

He then knocks the broken door of a broken house in the middle of nowhere.

"Hello you got a parcel?

"Who?" random villain 1

"Don't worry I will open the door" random villain 2 said which 1 just nodded.

After opening the door 2 then saw I tall man with long hair looking down on him.

Seeing this made scared him a bit but he then thought of the man as normal person as he cannot sense mana exuding from his body

"Leave this place you shouldn't Be here?"

"Ohh? But I have a reason to be here"

"And what is that?" 2 mockingly said

"Where is she?"


"Where is my daughter"

After hearing this 2 was then sent flying by Hantens telekinesis piercing through the walls and then continuously hitting trees

2s Comrades seeing this then tense up and made a battle ready stance

They then heard a voice

"You people are really testing my patience"

The others except for the leader then lunge at where the voice came from.





A sound was heared and the boss sees all of his comrades head just pop.

Seeing this made the boss shit his pants and immediately take A sleeping Kunou as a hostage

"D-Don't move or else this little girl will get it" he then put the knife on Kunou's neck

Hanten seeing this just sigh

"What would you do if I move?"

"I-I will slit this girls neck"

"Well that's too bad"

"Huh" the boss was confused

"Look at your hands"

The boss then followed only to screams

"Ahhhhhh my Hands aughhh" he sees his hand that was not there and the stumps are continuously bleeding

"Hmp that's what you get for touching my Daughter"

Hanten then teleported to Kunou and carried her.

He then hit the Mob boss in the neck and make him faint

He also stop the bleeding.

After this he then teleported on where the tengus are.

"What?" the tengus are confused as he just pops out of thin air.

The tengus observed and sees Hanten carrying two person

The other is the daughter of their leader while the other one seems to be the boss of the kidnapping.

The tengus then forgot about his disappearance and reappearance and focused on their princesses safety and the apprehension of the Kidnapper

They then question hanten on where the others at

And he just told them

"They are in hell"

They understand what he meant and sweated

They then question him how.

"I have my ways" Hanten said.

They didn't question more after that and immediately return to the Yokai Faction Headquarters




After returning Kunou then wakes up and sense that he was being embrace by her father

Her memories then returned and she remembered that she was kidnapped.

Hanten seeing her emotional change then told her that she is fine now.

She calms down after this and just slept back in Hantens arms.

Entering the Headquarters Yasaka then immediately move to where her daughter is

Hanten then explained to her what happens and she was glad that she is safe

"Thank you for saving him Hanten" she then kiss him on the cheeks

"They dare tried to kidnap my daughter

They must be wanting death" he said.

Yasaka hearing this just giggled.

"Im glad that you two are back" she genuinely said.

Yasaka then looked at the leader of the kidnappers and her face frowned

She then called the tengus to imprison and apprehend him on the reason why he did this.

When all of this are done

Yasaka then goes to her home along with Kunou and Hanten

Hanten followed her to make sure that Kunou is safe

"Ufufu why not sleep here for today?"

"Sure. Besides I also need to protect my daughter"

They then entered one big room with a big futon

He then tried to focus his mind on other things as Yasaka is sending him some a lustful look

He didn't care about this [he does] and just sleeps while the Fox Woman was left dissapointed

And just followed to sleep.



He can't do it in front of her daughter.

also give review, comments and also gib stones. ;-;