

what happens when a person that comes from the ultimate reality descended to a lower narrative well its time to find out [Disclaimer: I do not own the Characters and series with the exception of the mc] Im just a newbie pls be gentle though constructive criticism is welcome i plan to make this story a pastime. the date for the releases i haven't decided yet also i apologize for my wordings as im not a native english

Primordial_Mind · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Chapter 2: A giant Lizard vs A mad Rizzard


"If she does not do what you desire, her friend you shall acquire"

- Master Oogway


After Red and Hanten fell on the ground

Hanten then Change his size to equal that of his dragon foe

They then started wrestling each other

Flattening mountains and making Giant earthquakes which made many volcanoes in the planet erupt in the process

The Biblical God and others seeing this retreated back trying to find a safe zone

Leaving Draig and Albion on the battlefield

The two heavenly dragons then watched Their Strongest…. Great red Fighting an being that is seemingly made of darkness

They tear each other apart be it claws or the Shadow creatures hands

"Do we join their fight?" Draig asked Albion Excitedly

As dragons seemingly battle maniacs with some that are either lazy, trying to protect their hoard or taking care of the eggs.


Albion then spoke

"Just observe for now"




Hanten And Red continuously exchanged blow but RED is dodging some of the Shadows attacks.

One of the hits of Hanten hits the jaw of red which is charging a breath attack

The supposed attack of RED was the swallowed back and RED was then sent flying out of orbit hitting the moon

The attack just now Disoriented the dragons very existence

RED knew that earlier his attacks are slowly getting stronger and more precise

Unless RED unleashed his Full power he thought that he might easily over power him

For now he is still on the Moons Surface trying to Fix the disorientation of his existence




We see the berserking Hanten seemingly stopped moving

Until the two dragons then lunge at him

Draig then shot his Green purgatory flames that can burn souls

And Albion with his poison that can lessen everything in existence

When this hits Hanten he seemingly bleeds

The black blood then flowed out of his wound and falls to the ground


The two then heard a new roar coming underground.

Bot of them saw the blood turning into a three headed Dragon

It then Lunge at both of them

Seemingly biting both of one of their wings simultaneously with both of its head on the side

The bite seems to corrupt both of their wings as they noticed that part getting darker

So they immediately shot their Special abilities at the new foe then flew far

After seeing the parts of ther wings getting darker

Draig and Albion immediately cut the corrupted wings then regenerated a new one

They then see the Three headed dragon move to their position

They then blasted it with their strongest breath

But it seems to just leave a small hole in the body of the dragon and it immediately close up

Both of them seeing this

United to fight

They knew that if they didn't both of them would be killed.



After a while they finally defeated the Dragon

But it left them weak with many wounds and bleeds.

They then tried to escape but a tentacle shot to both of them piercing them both


They then roared in pain

Then new information entered their Minds

Many of their Trauma opened up and showed like a Being on front of a TV Screen

Their Past, Present and their future when they turned into a sacred gear showed up

Seeing this made both Draig and Albion

Stopped moving and seemingly in a catatonic state

Stuck in limbo seeing their Traumas

Until A light blast the Tentacles and move them to another place courtesy of the Biblical god

The limbo stop but both Draig and Albion still cannot move due to them still being weak.

Hanten then started moving up to the atmosphere trying to go to his Strong Enemy

RED was now fully healed and tried to enter the planet but the Dragon was sent into orbit again as Hanten punched him.

RED and Hanten then continued their fight in open space

Going out of the solar system and battled continously out there

Many stray blast that evaporated star systems was then seen





Timeskip|A long ass time in space

We then see Great Red summon stars and black holes at Hanten

But Hanten just absorbs it seemingly Growing even bigger

Great red seeing this stop throwing star system and just make his size bigger than a galaxy to try and crush him with his claws that are capable of containing millions of star systems

He tried to make a crushing motion with his claws destroying everything in RED's palms

He then observe and tried to find the darkness but seeing it is not there.

Thinking that it was destroyed Red then let its guard down

A fatal mistake

Due to his Sheer Size he was easily hit by a tentacle that span a galaxy away

RED then roared in pain similar to the heavenly dragons

RED then saw his traumas but due to His Existence being Higher than most it immediately died out

With the exception of the pain that comes from his soul

Because RED's soul was pierce it gave RED pain that is seemingly felt by him and all of His Selves in the Infinite multiverse.

The pain is so bad that he immediately tried to blast Hanten with his Strongest Breath attack

An attack which has a name for its potency and efficiency in killing his foes…

An attack that he used only a second time..

The First was on those pesky mechanical beings that tried to conquer his turf

And now this shadowy creature

[Nightmare Derminitus]

RED then blasted it to Hanten

The blast is so strong that it can make space and time itself chaotic.

After this Hanten then disappeared.

THE dragon cautiously look in all of direction trying to find if his enemy

But it didn't show up so RED calms down

RED then took of the leftover tentacle that pierce through him

And then slowly healed his soul

RED then sense that he can only output 30% of his full power due to the Tentacles damage to his soul

He then returned to the Dimensional gap to slowly heal.




After Hanten was hit by the beam that can make time and space chaotic

He was send into the timestream

In the timestream you can move back into the past or into the future

but it has a downside

You cannot determine how much you go back in the past or in the future

You might just go back into the age where earth doesn't exist

Or go to the future where the universe is already on a heat death.

Thankfully our mc is a lucky man

He was send 1000 years back into the dxd canon

|Still floating in space|

After the Fight between him and RED he slowly gain consciousness and knew that he was fighting something

But he did not dwell on it as he tried to sleep to make sure that he doesn't go berserk




|Time passes by|

|Dxd 10 years before canon|

The place in which Hanten is far away from the milky way

During the time of his slumber

He slowly gathered space dust which slowly builds up

Turning into a planet.

The Rogue planet float deep into space.



"Mhmm" Yawn*"We see our mc woke up like it's a normal Monday morning but he sense that he is in something

He then open his eyes and sense that he is on a planet core

Confused why he is on another planet he then Tunneled into space

After in which he use his mystic eyes to see everything in the universe

He was more confused now and spoke to himself

"Why am I in dxd?"

our MC seems to look more mature now

he has a long black hair now with white tips

his eyes now having a red tint

and his torso having weird tattoos

if you have caught up in the last chapter

you knew what happened

he is now completely fused with ahriman.




After seeing that he is in dxd he then teleported to the main setting

not after he made clothes of course

he then smiled

"Im already here why not have fun?"


