

what happens when a person that comes from the ultimate reality descended to a lower narrative well its time to find out [Disclaimer: I do not own the Characters and series with the exception of the mc] Im just a newbie pls be gentle though constructive criticism is welcome i plan to make this story a pastime. the date for the releases i haven't decided yet also i apologize for my wordings as im not a native english

Primordial_Mind · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Chapter 13: Bro almost soloed everyone until plot happens


"I will love the light for it shows me the way,

yet I will endure the darkness for it shows the stars"

- Og Madino


[The art for this Arc]


"Sorry we were late"the man that was wearing white robes said

She then see her back

Seeing many people

Its not just normal people..


All of them Manifesting in her back

Each servants from the past and future.

"We heard the call of Gaia and Alaya That a beast manifested here" Grand Rider said

"We have to be careful, I can sense a very dangerous aura exuding from that creature"Lartoria said while readying her lance which fastens the world.

"To be turned into something like this, it seems like this king need to teach you a lesson Shiruhanten" Gilgamesh said as he remembered their fight he then added

"Be careful he is not just a normal beast when we fought we destroyed a star system and I was defeated"

"Hmm for you to lose, he must be strong to even kill you." A green haired androgynous man then tease his friend.

Gilgamesh ignored it and focus on to the floating Hanten(?)

"We'll go first" many servants then started moving towards the shadowy creature readying each of their noble phantasm.

A hail of tentacles then rain on their way almost piercing each and one of them if not for Jeanne'Darc's shield

She then gritted her teeth trying to keep her shield

"It wont last long" she finally said

They then rain many phantasm at Hanten's face which he just ignored.

He then made many tendrils.

To which he move and home to each servant.

They then all tried to dodge but some are not as agile as other so they got killed

After the tentacle wave all the high tier servants immediately move to him

The melee tried hitting him with their attacks but all of it just phase through him

Hanten then yank each and every organs of each melee attackers but the healers immediately healed them

Move away was what the golden king said

They followed as a giant red blast hit Hanten

"I destroyed that certain part of the higher dimension, go while he is vulnerable"

They then started to move

And now Hanten got hit

He was send rag dolling in different directions as all the close range attackers did not give him time to breathe


He Roared and sends spike in all of direction which pierce some of the Close attackers but  some survived by moving immediately out to the spike radius.

But then they all heard something which made them frowned

| Directly Create a hole connecting to Root- success

Gaining 3rd True magic "Heavens feel"- Success

Due to the vast amount of energy the system decide to give the human named Kuroko Shiruhanten

Extra true magic that is compatible.

Gained 2nd  True magic "Kaleidoscope"- Success

Due to the incompatibility or having an already existing related ability the Gifting process will be halted

Error Error

Due to the vast amount of Mana

Grail Prone to Breaking And sending the excess energy to everything in this Macrocosm

Calculating the Explosive Energy


The Vast excess energy calculated to be having the same energy as a big bang.

Time limit until it breaks and explodes: 10 mins


They all paled at the last sentence even the golden king himself has a grim face.

"Shit, he is on phase two" Ganesha screamed.

Hanten(?) Then floated and then stops at a certain height

His body then inflated until his body exploded like a balloon

Spewing out Black Mud which turns into Three headed Dragons

This is the new ability that Hanten have and he used it instinctively.

|The ability is Called "ZAHHAK" or in other term Azi dahaka|

The Dragons then attack each and every heroes at the same time Hanten has a hole in his torso that keeps of making The said Dragons..



|Hanten PoV|

|Void Mindscape|


"Aughh" he woke up and then had a headache

"What have I done?" he then remembered what happened earlier

"Shlt" he cursed

But then he heard another voice similar to his own

"Yeah shit." He then look where the voice came from and was surprise

A man that looks exactly like him except that the person skin is tan with many tattoos

"how are you here Angra Mainyu" He then looks at him seriously

The Daemon just laugh and told him the reason.

"And now here I am fused with you like a megazord" Angra Mainyu knew this due to getting small part of his memory after their fusion

"fuvk" Hanten cursed to which the Daemon laugh again and told him

"We all had bad moments in our life so don't sweat it" The Daemon just told him while it chills on the void platform.

Hanten then wondered how to get out of this place and questioned Ahriman.

"You cannot escape this place unless you are done fusing with all the worlds evils along with my Existence after the process is done you will automatically wake up"

"How about you then? What would happen to me after I fuse with you?" He said concerned.

"Me? I will dissipate. You see this personality is copied from you

Also my true form is all the sins and evil of the world so in truth I'm just a Force.

Yet Hanten is still panicking

"calm down just think of this as a power up like those anime" Ahriman laugh.

"How can I calm down, my Mother is Fighting myself along with all the Heroes on my ass

 you think im calm!!!"he scream at him

Ahriman then snickered and and told him that its fine.

The two of them then curse at each other

Until both of them notice something

"That thing is your origin right?"


"Why is it just there?"


Ahriman then Questioned him about his origin which he explains

"Light huh?" Ahriman said and then added

"Do you Know that you need to be compatible to someone for their fusion to proceed"


"your Light origin seems to resonate with my Darkness So perfectly."

"Like Duality" Ahriman said


"Yes Duality

Everything is just two sides of the same coin

Light and dark

Good and evil

Virtue and Sins

Fullness and Nonexistence" After Ahriman said that the statue creaks.

Both of them then see the statue moves to somewhere


To someone

It uses its flat porcelain legs to slowly move to hanten

Hanten himself want to run but he seems to be stuck.

It then move until it is in front of Hanten

It then uses its Porcelain hands to hold his face.

Hanten tried to scream and want to ask for help to Ahriman but he seems to be stuck just like him

The Statues face then started to crack similar to when he first sees it.




Meanwhile outside of the mindscape we can see that the location their fight is not the same.

It seems to be on space

The space in which  a certain origin goddess hails from

hIs size is also different seemingly towering over Solar System with a form akin to Chaos King in Marvel

Just with a purple aura

Then a pillar like creature shot laser beams at Hantens eyes

But it has no effect and just temporarily block his vision

After the dust disappeared he was then shot by rainbow beams

Hanten's threat level reach to dangerous levels

His presence now threatens universes.

Thank fully a certain vampire princess keeps on weakening him 6 times.

"Tch he is getting stronger to the point that weakening him is useless" Archetype Earth said

"OI old man? Are you certain this would work" She then look at the wizard of the second magic

The old troll Zelretch himself but he is not in his aloof mood today as they are fighting a being which Can destroy the multiverse if not for Spishtars Universe and Arcueids Marble phantasm.

Let me reiterate what happens earlier

The heroes along with the grands was almost killed by Hanten until Zelretch pops out of a portal and then fought Hanten himself

Why did he fight something that he is not confident to win

Well he is just here to Teleport the Pseudo Beast to the origin Universe

He the told the weakening heroes to blast him with all their phantasm so he will be pushed to the Giant portal

After which all of them nodded

And blast their all.

After Hanten was transported the Heroes then followed to the portal along with Zleretch

But before he goes he heard Tiamat

"Please Save my Son" she seems to be crying in her Dragon form.

He then nodded.

7 mins left before the grail explodes

We can see the origin goddess fighting the pseudo beast which is Hanten

She maneuvered her enemy with her own fighting style yet the Enemy immediately regenerates

She then throwed planets at it and it just cut the planets in half with its shadow tendrils.

"Just what are you?" She questions

She was fighting him now

As an Apostle that told her something is threatening all the cosmos.

So she immediately told the Apostle to send it to her so that everything will be safe.

The Beast just screams at her and lunge at her like a wild beast.

It then got a hold of her head and they fell to a near planet

Both of them fall like a meteor.

While he grabbed her she tried to fight back by punching his head yet it was useless and they then hit the Ground creating An explosion bigger than the one that killed the dinosaur

They did not stop there as after the fall they then rose up in the sky hitting each other at speeds faster than light creating a constellation in the sky one is red and the other violet

Their hits create violent shockwaves which tears the planets crusts

After in which the origin goddess pummeled Hanten so hard that he reach the mantle(Size of the planet is 5 times bigger than earth"

She did not stop and continously barrage him after

The barrage so strong that it made the planet explode.

Whoo" the origin goddess breathe out thinking its done

Oh how wrong she was

She then sense an attack from her back

 then crouch down to block after which

She then look back finding no one.

After this distraction she was hit by a punch at the side of her face

The punch is so strong that it sends her lightspeed colliding with planets and stars.

She then got serious and use her authority as the origin goddess

She controlled the near star systems and then throwed it at her opponent

She then sees him continuely ripping apart the star system while going to her.

She then readied her fist.

After which the Beast use his hands to do the same

Their fist then collided

The shockwave so strong that it shook the universe Itself.

She then felt her hand weaken

Seemingly weak due to the opponents strength

The beast then attack with a barrage of tentacle attacks which she dodges.


.. The fight continues until she sense that she is having a fatigue which made her say impossible in her mind

She a goddess getting a fatigue?

She was pissed and created a blackhole to erase her foe.

The Blackhole then suck the beast.

Instead of looking the other way as she finish her fight

She instead observed the blackhole

As expected the foe is not defeated yet..

After a while the black hole change shape turning Humanoid till it finishes its transformation.

Her foe grew to A size of a star system.

Seeing him towering over her

She then sweated at this. And panicked crept over her mind

"What is this thing that Apostle sent me?.

She then continued fighting it until the timer of the grail reach 3 mins

She seems to be bleeding

Her hand was ripped by the Beast her armament Anana was almost broken

She then use her Phantasm and her true form Bel Maana to shoot her Strongest ability Edin Shuggura Quasar an attack that burn space itself

The beast was hit directly yet it did not even graze it.

She regretted accepting the request now

She was about to be squashed like what Dormmamu  did to Strange

Until ..



" Sorry I'm late" the apostle finally showed up

He then shot a rainbow beam at the beast star size hands

Changing its trajectory.

"Ive been calling on to some friends" Zelretch then added

Then many portals open in space

Heroes and grand servant got out

The beast also joins the fray

Heck even Velber joined

All of them united just this time to defeat a common enemy

An enemy that threatens to devour the Multiverse




There was a silence

Till many heroes screamed starting the cosmic battle

Beast like Goetia sits on his throne charging up his laser beam

While the Pillars shoot eye lasers to the The giant entity.

Velber then move and Rip apart one of the shadows hands

The fallen hands then turns into dragon fighting the velber

Kama then use her Samsara Kama on the beast head

While Kiara use her heavens hole to try and trap him in her womb but failed

She then sensually said"I cant take him he is too big" while bleeding from her mouth

Bb use the Cutting crater to try shrinking the beast

It was effective as she tried to crush it in a piece of land with her hands

But her hands exploded as the beast then Grow even bigger

5 times bigger than what he is earlier

Arcuied tried and weakening the beast using her Marble Phantasm

After then many noble phantasms was shot again

"Enuma Elish"

"Qlipothe Rhizone"

"Samsara Kama"

"Edin Shuggura Quasar"

While they fought they secretly count the timer

52 seconds left

47 seconds left

During this time they tried really hard yet the enemy seems to continously grow stronger

It  is now the size of Ton618 while many things, planets and stars are then absorb by The beast

Courtesy of it instinctually copying others

What the beast copied is the ability of kiara heavens hole

He use it to absorbs everything like a black hole.

They can only shoot range conceptual attacks

But even then it loses its effectiveness due to its durability.


..20 second left




Most of them are now dead while the others was absorbed by the Beast itself


The Grail will explode in the next 10 seconds












Zelretch then forced himself and open a portal big enough yet it will still not fit

"Curse Cutting Crater" Bb now with healed hands shrink the beast the last second then immediately throwed it at the portal.

After The Beast now pass through We can see the Grail Glow

Forced detonation activates.

There was no sound as the explosion is so strong that it broke sound itself

The only thing the Fighters saw after the portal slowly close is A bright light and then an excess enrgy pass through the now small portal which shoots like laser.

They then see where the energy go and see a hole in the origin universe in which it moves.

Destroying all galaxies in that direction.


All of them finally relax

Most of the heroes died and return to the throne

While others are gravelly wounded

The beast seeing this each return to their original timelines

Arcueid Finally sighed and shouted

"We won!!!"

Everyone cheered as they finally vanquished a being that threatens their multivese.


After a while they return back to their Respective timelines

Then Zelretch Goes to Hantens original timeline

He then told Tiamat about what happen.

In which she cried a lot.

Saddens that she cannot see her son again

But then she felt a small connection.

Her son

He is still alive


But he is still alive.

She hoped to see him again.



But it will be soon

As his son was floating in the void

After the Grail exploded in his face with a strength of a big bang

His outer form was destroyed leaving a sleeping Hanten in the nothingness.

He is still in his shadowy form,a sign that he was undergoing fusion with Ahriman.

He now lose his desire to destroy but he still move to instinct..




He will be in the void for quite a while.




First arc ends.

just wait for the next prologue

also review, comment and gib stones


Heres the Strength of Hantens by vsBattle Standards


Kuroko Shiruhanten


"Now that Im alive Again i will use it to the fullest"

Hanten promising himself.

"Let gooo!!!!"

Hanten Transforming into a Beast



A soul trap in the void

but was then reincarnated to one of his favorite verse that is full of dangers.

he then slowly uncovers his Origins on the story.


Tier: 10c|6a after awakening|5b after training|4a after training in space|1C end of the first arc|still growing in strength|


Origin: Alpha layer

Gender: Male

Age: 10 years old (looks 15)

Classification: Human , Beast of Retribution and Progression.


Powers and abilities:

Matter manipulation,Fundamental Force manipulation, Transcendence, Regeneration(Low-Godly),

Existence Erasure, Corruption,Life creation, Minor law manipulation, Abstract Existence,Flight,Teleportation,Telepathy,Curse manipulation,Telekinesis,Accelerated development,Absolute Adaptation,Physical Resistance(Low-Godly),Non-physical Interaction,Space-Time manipulation.

Absorption,Reactive power level,Large size(Type 6)[During the Black hole form].


Attack Potency:6a[Can carry a continent, whats not to say he can destroy it]4b|1C[Fought all servants, beast and gods at the same time and almost defeated them all]


Speed:Subsonic|Supersonic[Keeps up with the unknown apostle and almost speedblitz Gilgamesh], Lightspeed[Fourth dimensional transcendence], Ftl [Keep up with the Origin Goddess during their fight which is Faster than light itself and even dominating her]


Lifting Strength:6a[Use New Zealand and sunken Zealandia like a gym weight]1C|


Striking Strength: Country level|Planet level|

Multi solar system Level|Universe level possibly up to Multiverse level|


Durability: Small country|Planet level|Multi solar system level| Universe level[tanked a big bang exploding in his face] eventually grow to Multiversal|


Stamina: Superhuman|Infinite|Infinite[Beast form]|


Range: From the Size of the planet to Universal|


Standard equipment: Graphene suit, Drip Jacket, porcelain Mask



Immediately thought of creative ways to use his powers.


Weaknesses: Intrusive thoughts


Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Disce Libens: Summons a Black hole

Infini-Tendrils: the ability to summon endless amounts of cursed tendrils which shows the one afflicted with the Trauma of their whole life

I am atomic: Use the strong force to create a Giant nuclear bomb and if added with Hantens Mana it can pierce even higher dimensions.

ZAHHAK/Azi dahaka: the ability to spawn Three headed Cursed dragons that spill mud which then creates more cursed dragons.

