

what happens when a person that comes from the ultimate reality descended to a lower narrative well its time to find out [Disclaimer: I do not own the Characters and series with the exception of the mc] Im just a newbie pls be gentle though constructive criticism is welcome i plan to make this story a pastime. the date for the releases i haven't decided yet also i apologize for my wordings as im not a native english

Primordial_Mind · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 12: When your Intrusive thoughts win.


"To grow, we all need to suffer"

- Dolores Abernathy


|5th day of the war|


After Hanten got home

He was again welcomed by Tiamat's Fist going into his head


"Oww" he then rubbed the bump.

And then reprimanded by his mother again.

It took a while till she finally goes silent.

Soon after a while she forgives him again.

But the next time he does this his punishment would be even harsher.

He just sweated at this




|Certain Cave|

We then move to see a certain grail

If you look closely it seems to be spilling black goo.

And the rate of spill is like a broken dam.

The Evil god inside sense that it cannot manifest and was seemingly throwing tantrums

Which is why Grail mud was spilling

It seems to flood the insides of the cave

Corrupting the ground and affecting the life in the soil

After this Many Giant worm creatures and centipedes rose up from the ground

hell-bent on corrupting life itself with amalgamation

The creatures then move to the surface

We go back to Hanten's home

Seeing our main character sitting on the couch along with his little sister.

They seems to be watching the news.


|Welcome back to Fuyuki headlines|

We are here to give you fresh information on the current situation that is happening on our lovely city

Intro music starts then stop*

The news that we have to day

"Unknown Explosion? Is it aliens or a gas leak?"

"Mysterious Nuclear Explosion that did not do damage to many but only to a specific residence"

"Weird Light beacon that pierce the sky"

And the current fresh news that we have

"Mysterious disappearance of people"


Hanten sweated at the 3 first news as he knew all of it was his doing

He wondered what would happen if the world knew about the supernatural.

But he frowned at the last news

Disappearance of people, some people even made rumors of giant insects seemingky crawling out of the ground, if they ever see the insects run immediately. The characteristics are

Razor sharp mandibles

Size roughly going from 1 to 5 meters

Black carapace

Mouth seems to exudes a black substance.

Even the anchor was weirded out by This and didn't believe it was true

Until the news caster that's is observing a dead insect that seems to be 3 meters

It bleeds black blood that seems to have a corrosive effect as evidence of melting concrete.

"I-I see but how?" the anchor nervously questioned and then added

"How come we only knew it now?

"We don't know all me discovered is they seem to be an unknown species related to centipede and other land Invertebrates" the news caster said with a grim face.


After that the news is already done

He then observes his surrounding

Seeing Saber and Tiamat watching it too.

"Its because of that right?" Saber said

"Yes," he answered then added

"The mud seems to be contaminating the surroundings and turning life itself into its servants to destroy everything"

He then stands up to his couch.

After which sakura spoke.

"What would you do now brother"

"Just the usual, Destroy it so that it will not corrupt any life"

After which he then look at Tiamat.

"Mom I have a favor?"


"I want you to stop the excess mud around the cave so that it will not corrupt more people

At the same time protect them. Can you do it?" he ask.

"Do you doubt your mother? Of course I will protect them they are also my children"

with that covered he then told saber to protect sakura which just earn a nod from her

But she the questioned

"How will you do it?"


"You said the grail will expel an endless mud if you break it"

"Don't worry I got a plan"

After Tiamat heard this she then Felt something bad will happen but she did not mind it as she believes that his son can protect himself. Too much in fact.

She then told him to lessen the damage which he just nodded while sweating

Once the discussion is done they then ready themselves for the night to come




|Night Precisely 10:30Pm|


Hanten and his mother was now on the moved

Moving close to the grail cave

On their way they met amalgamation of monsters chasing people

 They then let the people sleep with Hanten tunneling them to a safe place and killed the monsters

The more they get close the more hellish the landscape becomes

When they first see the surroundings plants still have their leaves and the soil is darker than usual

Now the trees are instead decayin with fire replacing the leaves along with  a black ground.

They then met sees the cave entrances in the distance and sees black mud spewing out in the said entrances

The mud then flowed to the ground then corrupted it

Hanten and Tiamat then started flying and sees many monsters rising on the ground.

But they immediately defeated them.

Tiamat the started her work

Using her chaos tide she absorb the curses on the ground

After this she then turn it into some kind of barrier that blocks the black mud from going outside.

She then look at his son and he saw him nods

He then bolted into the cave entrance

After he sees her son entered the cave

Her bad feeling manisfested again

"I hope everything will be fine" she then thought clearly worried about Hanten.

|Hanten PoV|

After entering the the cave

Many insect like creatures tried to get a piece of him

But its useless as he immediately tunneled them to the sun

burning their curses along with their souls

He then goes even deeper


Then left




Until he finally found the grail

It seems to be on an altar glowing red and purple

Many curses flow out

He can also see a pulsating thing in its center.

He floated then got closer.

 Even more Closer.

50 meters

20 meters

5 meters

3 meters

Then he was in in front of it directly

He can hear the mud spilling like water

He can also hear a sound like heartbeat that's caused by the pulsating thing in the center of it all.

"Its time to abort you Angry Mango" He then used his telekinesis to move the whole cave

He will try to tunnel it in the sun.

But as he was distracted

A tentacle pierce through his chest which made him widen

He was shock as nothing can ever penetrate his skin in this world.

He then observe the tentacle in his chest

He then knew the reason why

Its not physical but rather hits the soul

After then he was pierce by more and more tentacles that comes from the pulsating thing

It then forcibly activates his circuits then his mana.

"Aghhh" he screamed in pain as he sees his mana getting absorb by the tentacles directly in his soul

He tried to fight and found it useless as he sees he cannot move

After which the all the mud is moving back to the inside of the cave until it was absorbed the grail

It was then directly poured into Hanten's soul which made him scream in agony

He then heard many voices in his head.

All curses seems to be talking to him and telling him to destroy everything

He was then coated in a black ball similar to a black hole

After which the grail followed and enter the ball.



|Tiamat PoV|

My son has been there for a while



I then see the mud moving back to the cave and was glad

Yet my uneasiness remains

Until I felt my connection to my son which made me panicked

He was in pain and agony

After then I heard many of his feelings







Every desire I felt from my son

And its not a good desire


Its all the Crimes that makes up sins

I then sense the feelings stop

Its void

I then bolted inside the cave




|Hanten(?) PoV|



Who am I?

What am I?

Ahh that's right

I was someone that's reincarnated into a world in which I'm fond of

Fate was it?

Yet I felt something pulsing in my chest.

But I did not care about it.

Instead im focused on my emotions

The pent up rage

Me wanting to break everything





I want them to tear them apart

I Want them to feel what I feel when I was in the void

I then heard the pulse.

It seems to be talking to me in a voice that seems to be A man, A woman, A child(?)

Telling me something.

The voice was small but it then grew in volume

"Let go"

"Let go"

"Let go!"

"Let go!!"

I see

"Let go!!"

"Let go!!"

"Let go!!"

That's right

I will let them know my pain, my suffering, my agony, my apathy, my VOID.

The world

No the multiverse will feel it.

"Leeeeeeett gooooooo!!!!!"

I said following the amalgamation of voices.


A loud roar was then heard by the cosmos.

It seems the roar comes from the black sphere

It then slowly cracks showing the insides

After a while we can see a shadowy figure

The Grail seems to float atop the creature spilling it with black mud.

It then spoke mechanically

[System initiating:

Opening a direct connection to Akasha


Use the human named Kuroko Shiruhanten's Mana as a alternative for the energy needed


Error Error

Cannot process more energy as the energy amount is already fullfilled.

Error Error

Due to the Vast Amount of Energy Detected by the system

Forced Grail Overcharge.

Initiating the ritual


Break a hole in Gaia- Success

Locate the Root-Success

Directly Create a hole connecting to Root – in progress

We can then see at the back of the shadowy creature that a giant rift is forming.




As this is happening Tiamat then Entered on the place where the shadow create along with a hole forming at its back.

She knows who the creature is

After all its her son

She regretted that she ignored her uneasiness

now something bad happened again




His son seemingly ignores her as he sees him in a meditating position

Then tentacles pop out of his back forming a kind of legs of insects.

She then tried to call for him.


His son seemingly stares at her

It then shot a tentacle trying to pierce her

But she dodge it and tried to find her son in that shadowy form by calling his name more

We can see her eyes glistening and tearing up at whats happening

No matter what she did she cannot sense him.

After calling him many times the tentacles became more and more.

Until it overwhelmed her and pierce through one of her shoulders.

She then remembers all her Trauma from the past, present,and many possible futures.

It seems that it's the ability of the tentacles.

After remembering it all her vessel broke down in to her chaos tide

A another creature then emerge to the chaos tide.

It seems to be Tiamat in her Dragon state she then berserks to Hanten(?) Shooting powerful beams in which he just deflects to another direction killing many .

She then shooted more and Hanten(?) retaliated by sending tentacles in her way

Her beam easily overpowered by the tentacles piercing through her draconic body

Which made her scream the traumatic scenes again showed up in her head but this time she didn't berserk but gain her thinking back

She then saw his son again.

Seemingly charging up an attack in one of his fingers.

The charged ball of darkness is no joke as it has an output similar to goetias ars almadel salomonis.

She thought she was finally going to die here.

The ball then turns into beam then moves to her so she closed her eyes at her fate.


"Garden of Avalon" she heard a mans voice.

"Artemis agnos" he heard another

"Kur Kigal Irkalla" then the world around her changed to a place familiar to her

"The Sumerian underworld"

"Sorry we were late"the man that was wearing white robes said.

the Backup is finally here

Called by the counterforce




What would happen next see in the next chapter of dr- cough Cardinality.

srsly though review comment and gib stones :-;