

◥ 36 Years Ago ◤

Both young men were in the bedroom with tears running down their faces waiting for the last breath to be taken

- Come on honey - caress his cheek subtly - don't be like that, we knew that sooner or later this would happen

- I know ... but I'm not ready yet - put your hand on top of your partner's

- Remember my words - sigh - always, but I will always love you and I will not leave completely, from above I will be taking care of you, besides....I have left a part of my heart...to you and our son

- I will miss you so much my love.... I love you - kiss his hand - I will always love you

- I have no doubt about that - his countenance gets serious - I need to ask you something

- What? - confused question

- Promise me that you will remake your life

- What do you mean?

- I want...I want you not to cling to me, to remarry, for you and that person to take care of our child, not to be depressed by my leaving, please...promise me...

- I'm not sure I can do what you're asking me to do...you're my everything

- Love, please - take her hands - I don't want you to be alone, I want you to be happy even if...even if it's not by my side - squeeze her hands - I need you to be strong...for our child

- I'll try...I'll try to be strong but I can't assure you that I'll be happy without you again

- I need you to do it, it's the only way I can go peacefully

Sigh - It's okay dear...I promise

◥ News ◤

One little girl was very excited because she was on her way to the house of the person who spoiled her and made her happy. When she arrived, the little girl ran into the house to her 68-year-old grandfather. When she was close to him, she jumped into his arms and separated a few seconds later.

- Grandpa!

- How about that little girl - she smiles at him

- Hi dad - greets the father of the little girl

- Hello son - he smiles at you - nice of you to come

The girl smiled at him, but that smile changed to a confused grin when she noticed that on her grandfather's lap there was a frame with a picture of a woman who looked familiar to her.

- Hey grandpa

- What happened my child?

- Who is she? - I point my finger at the frame of her lap

- amm...- he smiled at her - How about I tell you a story?

- Yes, a story! - She gets serious - but you still have to tell me who she is, huh?

- Yes my girl - she laughs along with the presents - very good, because....

◥ 52 Years Ago ◤

- So what do I have, doctor? - anxious question

- Well...- sigh - I'm sorry to tell you this but you...you have cancer

- What do I what?! - his eyes got wet

- What I hear, according to your analysis... that's what you have

- And what is going to happen to me... Am I going to die? - He had a few tears running down his face

- I'll be very honest with you - you intertwine your hands and put it on the desk - you have a very high chance of that happening, however, as you discovered in time and if you follow the indications I'll give you, you might survive

- All right...tell me what to do

When you get the news that you might die, what would you do? Would you lie in bed and wait for the day to come or would you do everything on your wish list? I think many would choose the latter, wouldn't they?

But there are some who choose to go on with their life as if nothing happened, because it is a way of balancing the mind and being able to distract you since remembering something like this is not nice at all, if I have to live something like this, I would rather spend my last days together with the people who love me than doing things away from them.

And just as I would choose that, it's the same thing that Amelia chose, she preferred to live her last days as she has done up to now.

After leaving the office, she went straight home to tell her family the news. No one could stop her from shedding a few tears, it was not easy for anyone to assimilate that a young girl of only 16 years old with a great future ahead of her was going to die, but even so, they decided to do as if nothing had happened at her request, they still had a little hope that all that would happen and they would see it as just another memory.

During these days they have been very detailed with the doctor's indications, in fact, today they would do her first chemotherapy. Amelia and her mother were waiting for the nurse who would take them to a room.

If before she had nerves, now that turned into fear when she saw more people inside, she obeyed the nurse's orders by sitting in an armchair and trying to relax by closing her eyes but that only made her more anxious.

- Relax," said a young man next to her, "it's not that bad.

- Are you sure? - I turn to see it

- Are you really asking me? - raised an eyebrow

- Sorry, I'm just a little scared

- I understand you... I know! Close your eyes

- Why? - I ask in fear

- Nothing will happen, it's for you to relax

- Okay - close your eyes - What now?

- Imagine you're at your favorite place...Ready?

-More or less - settles in - ouch! - feels a twinge in your arm

- What do you see? - curious question

- Well...I see my family, on a lake - it moves uncomfortably

- What else? ....describe the place

- Well - he smiles - it is a warm place, you can hear the birds, it has a green grass and gives off a pleasant aroma, and the water - he sighs - the water is crystal clear and you can see what is in it

- Sounds like a very nice place

- It is....Can I open my eyes now?

- Not yet - put your head on the back of the chair - just carry on as before

Amelia listened to him and tried to relax as well as the person next to him. After a while they were both totally relaxed so they started talking.

- Thank you - I whisper without opening my eyes

- It's nothing - he turns to her and smiles at her even though she couldn't see him - First time?

- It's obvious, isn't it?

Laughs subtly - Right, and what do you have?

- Me, I have leukemia...and you?

- Maybe....- he thought about it - but...can you be cured?

- The doctor told me that only if I followed his instructions ..... Will you be okay?

- Actually....I...I couldn't be cured

- How? Did the treatment not work? - she said in alarm, opening her eyes.

- My body rejects everything - gives it a nostalgic smile

- Too bad...you think the same thing will happen to me

- I'm not sure, everyone is different

- You are right - look at it - were you able to do everything you wanted?

- Something like that, but it doesn't matter, every good and bad moment that happens I enjoy it

- And how much do you have left?

- The doctors don't know yet

- Aren't you afraid?

- No, I'm not afraid

- And how old are you?

- I'm 20 - see her eyes - how do you feel?

- A little tired

- It is normal, you will soon feel good

After a while, the nurse came in to take off everything she had on, she immediately stood up but the boy on her side grabbed her before she fell.

- You shouldn't stand up right away

- I noticed it - he sits back down - did you hurt yourself?

- No, they took my stuff away half an hour ago

- And why didn't you leave?

- I wanted to check that you were going to be okay ...well ...I'll see you later

- Yes and thank you for helping me - he smiles and turns around but then turns back - what's wrong?

- Here - he hands her a piece of paper with a number and letters on it - it's my number

- amm....Thank you, but for what?

Laughs - What do you mean, for what? .... to keep in touch

- ahh - keep the paper in your pocket - then tonight I'll mark you

- All right, now we meet - she smiles at him and turns around this time to disappear from his sight

- Maybe it's not all bad here - he thought

- Daughter...Are you ready yet? asks her mother

- Eh?...ah yes mom, let's go