

Death is the destruction or end of something; we are told that death is the separation of the soul from the body. One never knows how to act in front of it, is feared by a great number of people, and is the cause of inexplicable sorrow.

When someone loses some object, whether valuable or not, that person saddens but quickly passes that pain when the object is found or replaced. I wish this could be done with people.

When someone who is close to you dies you hurt and cry, and sometimes you ask why, why him, or why her, we just want that person to never be gone, to be by our side, one can become depressed, angry with life or with the person, blame oneself, or even die.

But...what if the person who dies is the love of your life? Will it hurt more? Will it get better? ..... That's when it changes.

There is a phrase that was spoken by Alphonse de Lamartine that goes like this: "Often the grave unknowingly contains two hearts in the same coffin. This phrase refers to the pain caused by the death of someone you love, that is, your partner.

Some people know how to handle the news in the best way and there are times when they can recreate their life but others simply are devastated and die little by little from the sadness. The death of your partner changes your world in a drastic way, sometimes, as a form of denial, you can feel that you are dreaming. Emotions are at their peak: at one moment you cry; at another you scream in anger or show yourself inert, perhaps unable to feel anything.

And unfortunately this is not the typical story where the couple ends up with the classic "and they live happily ever after" ending. These two young people will live something similar and both will have to fight "against the wind and the tide, with all their might" against all the obstacles that life will put in front of them, and when they think that finally things would be better and they could live their love in peace, a news comes to them giving their lives a 180° turn.

But they have a motto because despite all the problems they know that....

"Not Even Death Separates Us"