
Chapter 246 - Heh, Female Cultivator

  "You...did you do anything to the jade branch?!"

  Hearing the clear cracking sound from the jade branch, the gloomy young man's face turned pale and he said in shock.

  This third-grade jade branch was given to him by a foundation-building cultivator. If he cannot return it to its original owner, then he will be held responsible.

  "Nephew, you can't say that casually."

  "It's obviously the hidden woodworm in the jade branch that is constantly snatching the vitality of the spiritual plant. How can you blame me?"

  Lu Xuan said calmly with a trace of indifference in the corner of his eyes.

  "But the crack was almost invisible just now. After passing through your hands, it has become so much bigger."

  "It must be you, it must be you..."

  The gloomy young man muttered to himself.

  He was afraid that the foundation-building cultivator behind the scenes would be angry with him for losing a rare third-grade spiritual plant, and subconsciously wanted to shift the blame to Lu Xuan.

  "How dare you!"

  Lu Xuan was furious, and a strong spiritual pressure spread out.

  "Is this the attitude that an outer sect disciple should have towards a senior who has established his foundation?"

  "I have already told you clearly that the reason why the jade branch was broken is because there is a hidden woodworm parasitizing inside it."

  "The hidden woodworm keeps taking the vitality of the spiritual plant. It just broke a little bit just now. Will it keep that little bit forever?"

  Lu Xuan asked the gloomy young man with a cold face.

  "But obviously... obviously..."

  The gloomy young man was about to say something, but when he looked over and saw Lu Xuan, who was intimidating without anger, and dozens of people sitting in the audience, he swallowed the words that were on his throat.

  He wanted to say that the spiritual plant was intact not long ago, but when the words came to his lips, he immediately realized that something was wrong.

  If he told the truth, he would be confessing himself, and it would be confirmed that he had framed an inner sect disciple. If

  the jade branch was damaged, he only needed to compensate for the value of the spiritual plant itself, and a little more blood would be enough to make up for it.

  But framing an inner sect disciple is different. He will definitely be arrested by the Discipline Hall, which is in charge of the sect rules. At that time, he will be confined for many years at the least, and his cultivation will be abolished and he will be expelled from the sect at the worst.

  Thinking of this, the gloomy young man calmed down a lot in an instant.

  He kept adjusting his breath, and after a few deep breaths, he finally calmed down.

  "I'm sorry, Uncle Lu, the jade branch is too precious to me. The sudden rupture made it difficult for me to accept it for a while, and my mentality was unbalanced. Please forgive me, uncle."

  "As for the hidden woodworm problem that uncle mentioned, I don't know if uncle can find the worm."

  The gloomy young man still had a glimmer of luck in his heart. Although Lu Xuan had discovered that the disease of the jade branch was parasitic on the hidden woodworm, it was one thing to find it and another to lead it out.

  If Lu Xuan couldn't pull out the hidden woodworm, then what he just said would not stand, and the young man would have a reluctant explanation in front of the backstage after returning.


  Seeing that he didn't cry until he saw the coffin, Lu Xuan asked for a first-grade crossbow magic weapon from the monks off the scene.

  The crossbow bow body and bowstring are made of wood magic weapons, which are extremely attractive to hidden woodworms.

  He controlled the crossbow magic weapon with his spiritual power and placed it in front of the trunk of the jade branch. A rich green light rose from the crossbow.

  Not long after, as everyone waited eagerly, a small section of the trunk of the green jade branch broke away, landed on the crossbow, and continued to climb.

  A small black hole was left on the trunk of the green jade branch, the shape and size of which were very consistent with the part that fell out.

  "This is the hidden woodworm, which can become one with the spiritual plant by parasitizing it."

  "The hidden woodworm in front of us has established a deep connection with the spiritual plant, so when it is led out, it will cause further damage to the spiritual plant."

  "Thank you, uncle."

  The last glimmer of hope was shattered, and the gloomy young man looked ashen. He took the damaged green jade branch from Lu Xuan's hand, picked up the broken part from the ground, and left the main hall with a dazed look.   

  His steps were deep and shallow, as if he was stepping on clouds.

  Lu Xuan had no sympathy for his plight.

  He had just come to the Transmission Hall to teach for less than half a day, and the person behind the young man deliberately set up such a trap that he had to fall into.

  If he could not grasp the real-time state of the spiritual plant and forcibly crack it, then his reputation as a spiritual plant master built in the sect during this period would be greatly damaged.

  Although the gloomy young man was instructed by someone, he also reaped the fruits of his own labor.

  Lu Xuan's move caused the person behind him to lose a rare spiritual plant, and also made the gloomy young man get the bad retribution he deserved.

  Well, the hidden woodworm got a good meal for nothing.

  "Okay, let's continue the class."

  He swept his eyes over the crowd off the stage, and the many outer disciples who were still whispering instantly quieted down.

  The appearance of the gloomy young monk was just a small episode, which brought some after-dinner talk to everyone.

  After him, some other monks came on stage and asked Lu Xuan about the various problems encountered in the process of cultivating spiritual plants.

  Lu Xuan patiently answered them one by one.

  After the day's classes were over, everyone left reluctantly.

  Under Lu Xuan's instruction, they had a new understanding of spiritual plants.

  "Uncle Lu, I am very interested in cultivating spiritual plants."

  "I wonder if I can help Uncle Master and take care of the spiritual plants he grows?"

  "Uncle Master's practice is hard, and he has to cultivate a large number of spiritual plants. If I take care of those low-grade spiritual plants, it should save a lot of time."

  Before leaving, a pretty female cultivator came to Lu Xuan, lowered her head, and almost buried her head in her bulging chest.

  "Take care of the spiritual plants for me?" Lu Xuan glanced at them.

  "Yes, I am willing to share Uncle Master's worries, and I can do it for free. I just hope to learn how to cultivate spiritual plants by Uncle Master's side.

  In addition, I can take care of Uncle Master's daily life."

  The pretty female cultivator sensed Lu Xuan's gaze, and secretly puffed up her bulging chest, looking rich and generous.

  "I appreciate your kindness, nephew."

  Lu Xuan replied calmly with clear eyes.

  "However, every spiritual plant in my spiritual field was planted by me personally, and it embodies my countless efforts."

  "Treat them like your own children. It is natural that you will not let others take care of your own children."

  Lu Xuan flatly refused.

  Are you kidding? After the spiritual plants mature, the white light balls harvested are the foundation of his existence in the cultivation world. If he leaves it to this pretty female cultivator to take care of, although it will be a lot easier, it also means that he will no longer get extra light ball rewards.

  After all, the degree of cultivation during the growth of spiritual plants is also one of the important factors affecting the light ball rewards.

  "Well... Uncle Master, if you need it, you can always find me."

  Seeing Lu Xuan's incomprehensible look, the pretty female cultivator looked helpless, left a communication talisman, and turned away.

  "You actually want to get involved in the spiritual plants I planted, so that I can't get the light ball reward!"

  "Hehe, female cultivator, it will only affect the speed of my farming."

  Lu Xuan looked at the figure of the female cultivator going away and snorted in his heart.

  (End of this chapter)

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