
Chapter 245 - Helping It Destroy

  "Oh? A third-grade green jade branch? Please come up to the stage and let us take a look."

  Lu Xuan was a little interested. He had seen this third-grade green jade branch in a book in the Sutra Library. It was extremely rare, and there was no corresponding spiritual seed in the Tianjian Sect for exchange.

  The gloomy-looking young man took out a strange-shaped branch from the storage bag.

  The tree trunk was slender and dark green, with coral-like branches on the top, like light green jade, with a crystal texture.

  Lu Xuan's sharp eyes found that there were many almost invisible tiny cracks on the jade-like branches, which could be easily overlooked by the naked eye.

  The cracks were too subtle, and the extension trajectory of the lines was very natural, not like human intervention.

  "Excuse me, nephew, how long has this green jade branch been in this state?"

  Lu Xuan asked curiously.

  "Less than three days, I'm not sure about the details, I just discovered it by chance today."

  The gloomy-looking young man replied indifferently.

  Hearing this, Lu Xuan nodded, and kept turning over the third-grade jade branch in his hand, his mind churning.

  "What could be the cause? Judging from the development trend of the lines, the possibility of external force is very small, and the focus should still be on the internal cause."

  "Then what is the situation? Evil spirit intrusion? Or unknown alien insects? Or simply want to split?"

  "Master, have you found the problem?"

  The gloomy young man asked anxiously, getting a little impatient.

  "Not yet, let me take a look."

  Lu Xuan continued to carefully examine the third-grade jade branch in his hand.

  After another half a minute, he and the other outer disciples who were attracted were still helpless. The several methods proposed were only temporary solutions, and they could not find the root cause of the problem.

  "If Master can't find the problem, why not give up here, and I will ask other Masters to help later."

  There was a bit of doubt in the young man's tone.

  "Can I plant this jade branch again?"

  He asked the gloomy young man calmly.

  When in doubt, Lu Xuan plans to use his accurate grasp of the growth status of spiritual plants to try to plant them and see what the reason is.

  "Uncle, there is no need to do this."

  "I have a strong affinity for growing spiritual plants and can roughly sense their emotions and needs.

  After planting the jade branch, I can make a rough judgment based on those spiritual plant techniques."

  "As long as the jade branch is not damaged."

  The young man hesitated, and although he thought what Lu Xuan said was a bit unbelievable, he finally nodded in agreement.

  "Please rest assured, nephew, I promise that it will not increase the damage to the spiritual plant."

  With the permission of the owner of the jade branch, Lu Xuan found an open space, performed the earth-drawing technique, and planted the jade branch into the spiritual field.

  Among the many outer disciples who came to listen to the class, many gathered around to see how Lu Xuan would solve it.

  The root of the jade branch was placed in a crack just right.

  Lu Xuan cast a spiritual rain technique on the spiritual plant, and strands of spiritual rain penetrated into the roots and branches of the jade branch.

  With his mind focused, detailed information about the Green Jade Branch appeared in his mind.

  [Green Jade Branch, a third-grade spiritual plant, is rare and precious. It needs to absorb the essence of jade during its growth. After maturity, it can be used to refine jade ruyi, jade pendants, jade slips and other exorcism instruments. ]

  [Life is fading. Because the spiritual plant is parasitic on the hidden woodworm, the vitality of the spiritual plant is fading. If it goes on for a long time, the top jade is likely to slowly disintegrate. ]

  "Hidden woodworm? What is it?"

  After finding out the problem, Lu Xuan was relieved.   

  However, he had never heard of the hidden woodworm hidden in the spiritual plant. Out of curiosity, his spiritual consciousness gathered everywhere in the spiritual plant.

  Perhaps he encountered the hidden woodworm itself, and soon, a piece of information about the hidden woodworm flashed through his mind.

  [The hidden woodworm is a third-grade alien insect. Its attack power is low among similar insects. It has a strong hiding ability and can be cleverly and naturally integrated with the spiritual plant. ]

  [It can form a symbiotic relationship with some spiritual plants and grow together. It can also parasitize other spiritual plants and slowly seize the vitality of the spiritual plants. ]

  [It can be led out with wood-based magic tools and talismans. ]

  "It can be integrated with the spiritual plant. No wonder there is no trace of it."

  "Symbiosis... parasitism..."

  Lu Xuan sighed, and suddenly, it seemed as if a flash of lightning struck his mind.

  "The green jade branch in front of me is obviously not the symbiotic target of the hidden woodworm, so why is there a trace of the hidden woodworm inside the spiritual plant?"

  "Maybe someone took the initiative to put the hidden woodworm in the spiritual plant?"

  The more Lu Xuan thought about it, the more he felt that this was possible.

  The passive relationship between the hidden woodworm and the parasitic spiritual plant, plus the fact that the abnormality of the jade branch was obviously very short.

  Lu Xuan thought quickly in his mind, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was possible.

  "If the hidden woodworm was deliberately put into the jade branch, what was the purpose?"

  "Come here to mess things up?"

  He had already imagined the next scene.

  As a spiritual plant master who could come to the Transmission Hall to teach, he was helpless when dealing with the third-grade jade branch's collapse, and then was solved by an unknown Qi training monk.

  Such an obvious contrast is likely to affect his reputation in the spiritual plant field.

  "Who is the mastermind behind this?"

  The first thing Lu Xuan thought of was the three people in the blessed land. He has always lived in seclusion and treated people kindly. It was only because the royal poinciana had a huge conflict with the three people that the possibility of others was very small.

  "Use the rare and precious third-grade green jade branch as bait, and deliberately put in the extremely difficult-to-detect hidden woodworm. When you can't solve it yourself and your reputation is ruined, you can use a specific magic tool to lure out the hidden woodworm in the spiritual plant, and the lost vitality of the green jade branch can be quickly restored."

  "It's really not easy to come up with such a flawless method in just half a day."

  "Unfortunately, I didn't expect that I could detect the traces of the hidden woodworm."

  Lu Xuan's mouth corners rose slightly without a trace.

  Being able to grasp the real-time state of the spiritual plant, you can see the abnormality of the spiritual plant at a glance, and then find a way to deal with it.

  "Putting the hidden woodworm in the rare green jade branch that cannot establish a symbiotic relationship, there is no plan to save the spiritual plant."

  "In that case, I will give you another boost."

  "Help the demise of the green jade branch."

  He held the green jade branch spiritual plant in his hand, and a wisp of green wood source energy flowed out from the tip of his little finger and penetrated into the spiritual plant.

  The Qingmu source energy contains a large amount of pure plant spiritual energy, and is the favorite of most spiritual plants and insects such as hidden wood worms.

  After the hidden wood worms in the green jade branch absorb it, they can greatly speed up their growth and merge with the spiritual plants more closely and deeply, becoming indistinguishable from each other.

  The person behind the scenes wanted to strike Lu Xuan down and then separate the hidden wood worms from the green jade branch. Lu Xuan decided to do it once and for all and welded the two together tightly to cut off the possibility of separation.

  "Nephew, I checked carefully and found that there should be a third-grade hidden wood worm hidden in the green jade branch."

  "However, it has been a long time, and the chronic disease is hard to recover. I am afraid it will be difficult to restore the spiritual plant to normal."

  As soon as the voice fell, the jade branch at the top of the green jade branch made a cracking sound, and the cracks that were almost invisible at first suddenly became longer and larger, clear and obvious.

  (End of this chapter)

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