
[GL] Mulan : The Witch and the Exile

Mulan chose a difficult road to fulfil and bring honour to her family. She is a woman yet she didn't hesitate to step up and walked towards the road of men. Her impulsiveness led her family to carry her shame. Her idiocy led her to suffer the injustice of wearing a man's armor, and bathing with the blood of her country's enemy. Mulan endure discrimination of gender and turn to hide under the facade of her father's sword. Mulan embarked on a journey out of society and led a life wearing a mask that could lead to her death once discovered. She was supposed to be a hero. The 'man' who defeated thousands using only her wits and intelligence. The 'man' who stood up and led the army to victory. But she is a woman. And as a woman, she resolutely chose to continue fighting and let them see the true worth of a woman. But what if that didn't happen. What if... Mulan let go of her principles because of her hopeless situation. What if... Mulan abandoned her identity and turned her back away from her country. What if... Mulan chose to forsake her name and broke up with her family. What if... Mulan accepted her fate and chose exile because of despair. Mulan chooses not to care and live her life as what she truly is. ... ... ... Based on the 2020 live action movie from Disney– Mulan. ... The witch looked at Mulan with eyes that twinkle like moonlight and reached out her hand and said: "Come with me. Together, we can create a world where no one would dare to point fingers at us." Mulan gazed at the witch with unfathomable eyes, she smiled and stretched out her hand and nodded in agreement: "en." Mulan held the Witch's hand so tight, the Witch gasped and instinctively struggled. But who is Mulan, she pulled the Witch in her embrace and held her in her arms tight and in protective manner. "I will come with you. Let's create a world where there's only the two of us." ... ... ... [Cover photo own by appropriate owners]

Aachiin0914 · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs


With a slash of the sword, blood splatter everywhere. Within Father Khan's eyes reflected red tides– a body of armor fell down under his feet.

It was a young soldier. Not barely even reached fifteen yet. Seeing this, Father Khan can't help but rage.

He did not know these people. But he knew that flag.

Although, they were only people from a tribe in some country side, people who only knew works from rivers and lakes. They were not dumb. They know things that they have to know.

That golden dragon.

If father Khan was not mistaken, that flag belongs to that large territory beyond the wall.

People beyond the wall usually mind their own business, and only care for their own well being. They guard themselves up like a turtle and even build that wall to be their safeguard. People there rarely came out of the wall.

So, why are they here now?!

And they didn't just appear, they even dare to attack! What are they planning now?!

Father Kahn doesn't know.

"Ro! Take the women and children out of here! Take them to safety!" Not waiting for his subordinate to respond, father Kahn rushed out towards the center of the battle field.

As father Kahn glared looking around the tribe, a soldier suddenly attacked from behind. Carrying a spear, the soldier rushed towards father Kahn and wielded his spear. But, father Kahn as if he had eyes behind his head, swiftly shifted his body to the side, dodging the attack that targeted his heart. He turned his body, using his free hand to grab the spear and pull it towards him.

Not expecting his attack to be unsuccessful, the soldier was taken aback from Father Kahn's sudden move and didn't manage to react in time. Still holding the spear tightly, when father Kahn pulled the spear, the soldier also followed.

Shing! raising his sword, father Khan welcomed the soldier with a sharp slash on his torso, ending his life immediately.

Gritting his teeth, father Kahn clenched his sword and welcomed another attack coming his way. Two soldiers rushed towards him, while one at the distance carried an arrow and a bow.

Within seconds the soldier released his arrows, while the two attacked him from all sides. Father Kahn raises his sword with its tip facing downwards. He turned his wrist, his sword moving with him. With a circling motion of his sword, father Kahn blocked the arrows, then firmly held his sword– with a swing, he thrust his sword forward stabbing one of the two in the neck. He then swiftly took the dagger hanging on his waist and used it to block the sword of the other.

Clang! Sparks flew off from the friction produced by two metals colliding. Father Kahn strongly took his sword from the soldier's neck, and didn't even think of pulling it out. He directly slices off the soldier's neck, and waves his sword, stab it towards the other soldier's shoulders. Without the sword obstructing his dagger any longer, he used it to quickly end the soldier's life by slicing off his neck.

Blood spur everywhere. Even now, after father Kahn killed many of these invaders, he still can't believe that this is happening.

His eyes darted around and he saw how his tribe, he worked so hard to protect, was destroyed within just a short amount of time.

Father Kahn breathed hard. His eyes turned red from fury and anger. They were not prepared at all. And witnessing how these invaders easily occupied their land and killed his people, they were completely opposite.

Since when?!! These invaders knew their territory so well that Father Kahn could only helplessly watch as they used their own lands for their advantages.

The Rouran Tribe once proudly boasted their lands. Their lands were rich in natural resources. The lake is just there within arms reach. Mountains and forest surround the terrain. The Rouran Tribe was never lacking in food or other basic needs. Especially, their people are strong and can protect their own.

People from Murim dare not provoke them as well. They thought they were safe. What they did not expect is...the one that will push them to the brink were unknown people from the lands beyond the wall!

Father Kahn can't accept it!

Anger filled his eyes. Father Kahn could feel his blood boil. He clenched his fists tightening his hold of his sword and dagger. His muscles bulge, veins appear throbbing in the sink with his heart.

Breathing hard, in and out. Father Kahn released his clenched fists, and he relaxed his muscle. The air around him changed. Before it was just anger and fury. The pressure coming from him is heavy and oppressive but now– once father Kahn released the air in his lungs and calmed down his raging heart, that oppressive and heaving pressure disappeared.

There was only silence.

Father Kahn glanced around calmly observing his surroundings. Then he moved. He took a step casually like he was strolling in his backyard. Holding the sword in his right hand and a dagger to the left. No one dared to come close to him. Those who first planned to attack him stood frozen in place. Now, a huge space was empty with father Kahn in the center.

Seeing this scene, father Khan can't help but sneer. "This is a battle field. Inside it, no fool will wait upon his enemies to strike first. Only fools will stand frozen in the face of death!!" As he finished shouting his battle cry, Father Kahn kicked his foot, dashing towards the nearest soldier. Swinging his right hand, the gleam of his sword flashes, sliding towards the tip. Not waiting for the soldier to react, father Kahn directly decapitated his head and he died not even knowing how. His head flew off, his blood spray everywhere. And his eyes were not yet closed as it clearly reflected the figure of the person who just took his life.

Without resting his movements, father Kahn did not wait for the decapitated head to touch the ground as he immediately threw the dagger in his hand, hitting straight between the eyebrows of the soldier in front.

Far in the distance, four archers stood in formation aiming at Father Kahn.

As if sensing something, father Kahn looked towards a certain direction and saw the four archers realizing their arrows. His eyes flashed killing intent as he slid his feet using the sand and small stones in the ground and swiftly turned to the left dodging the arrows and ended up killing their comrades instead.

Father Kahn then jumped into the soldier who was riding a horse and stabbed his head directly with his sword, without hesitation. Blood embraced the blade as he pulled his sword out and kicked the body out of the horse for him to ride the horse more freely.

His eyes were firm. He looked towards where his comrades lies, and swung his sword as he went forwards. For every swing, a body will fall and blood will splutter everywhere. Soldiers lifelessly lie on the ground for every step father Kahn took.

Pulling the reign on the horse, father Kahn stopped when he reached his destination.

One be one, he looked at his flustered and angry tribesmen.

They were attacked all of the sudden. They were caught off guard. Many of their tribe people– men, women and children lost their life without even depending themselves.

They lost their family, friends, comrades...

Father Kahn looked around, as if he finally found the people he was looking for, he shouted decisively. "Li Mo! Qu! Ping Gou! Gather everyone! We will retaliate! Protect the tribe! Kill all the invaders!"

People from the Rouran Tribe who heard Father Kahn resolutely scream in agreement. They raised their swords and slashed them towards their enemies.

Their eyes red in rage. Some were even crying while waving their weapons in desperation.

They will never forgive these invaders for ruining their peaceful lives and killing off their loved ones.

Watching how his tribe men stand up and defend their lands with all they have, Father Kahn can't help but feel warmth in his heart. At the same time, he couldn't help but feel pain. As if his heart is being sliced with a dull knife.

This is the Rouran Tribe. For hundreds of years they lived in this land in chaos and peaceful times.

Now the Rouran Tribe was at its wits ends. Father Kahn didn't even know whether their Tribe would survive to see the sun rise tomorrow.

Nevertheless, they will fight! They will not die in vain.

They will struggle until the end!

Clenching his fists, father Kahn suddenly turned his head. He stared straight towards his right, looking towards a certain someone.

He then raised his hand slowly and pointed his swords towards that direction.

It was a provocation. A challenge.


Sitting on top of his majestic white horse, with his red fiery cape flew as the wind blew. The Emperor halted his eyes that were looking around, enjoying the view of the blood bath beneath his feet.

He felt something.

And this feeling is something so strong that it sends a rush of electricity throughout his body. It made him excited. He looked around wanting to know where it came from and finally, his eyes landed on a person in the distance.

A huge man with messy hair that was tied casually with a ponytail. He was holding a serrated, jagged jian with a ring pommel and a long grip that was clearly pointed at his direction. The man's sharped eyes that carried heavy killing intent rested on his body. The Emperor felt his eyes stabbing and slicing off his body million times over. If only eyes could kill, this Emperor's heavenly body may have already been in bits and pieces.

(A/N: Jian Sword- it's a double edged sword used in China. In this scene, remember the Sword of Shan Yu. That's the appearance of Father Kahn's sword!! ♡(> ਊ <)♡)

The Emperor inhales, breathing in the bloody scent and burns in the air. It feels refreshing like he was washing in a clear cool spring pool, making his body relax.

The Emperor never felt this way before and it made him so addictive.

He wanted more.

Then suddenly, his eyes met that person's eyes. The Emperor shivered unconsciously and his lips can't help but curled up. His eyes bent in crescent as his hand gripped his golden spear tightly.

The Emperor breathed hard as his mind wondered– how great would it feel if the blade of his spear pierce that body through. Blood will surely taint the golden dragon. He wanted to slice off his skin, decorating his body with his own blood, while listening to his beautiful voice screaming in pain and agony.

That feeling must be heavenly!

How wonderful would it be if this person could bend his knees and beg for this Emperor for a quick death.

This Emperor wanted to see.

As the Emperor contemplates, his eyes brightens and killing intent rushes out from his body without him noticing. His close confidants trembled in fear as they looked at their Ruler in horror.

The Emperor grabs the reign of his horse and orders it to move forward. He played with his spear, circling it on his hands and body.

As seconds passed, the horse slowly quickened its pace as it passed through many obstacles. The Emperor never even spared a glance in his surroundings, his eyes only saw the person from the distance. He never cared if his spear took the life of his soldiers or his enemies.

He just wanted to go quicker towards that person in the distance and open up his body through the most torturous and painful way.

Because the Emperor had never seen such a person before.

So fascinating. So interesting.

Such a man that excludes the aura of a king and a ruler. Such a man... this Emperor wanted to break him little by little.


Father Kahn, of course, saw this. In his mind he can't help but think whether this person has several crews loose in his head.

For the very first time he saw this person just now, Father Kahn already felt disgusted.

The way this person observed his surroundings, the way he sees everything. It's as if he was watching some amusing scenes. Like all these lives were just here to help him overcome his boredom and entertain him.

And when that person saw him. Father Kahn disgusts and hatred just grew even more. When their eyes met for the first time, he couldn't help but feel goosebumps all over his body. And now...seeing as that person is coming his way, Father Kahn just wanted to wipe that creepy grin out of his face and kill him off quickly and help his comrades immediately.

But as the Emperor grew closer and closer, father Kahn realized that things wouldn't be that easy.

He clenched his teeth and braced himself for the incoming strong enemy.

"...as expected from the invaders' leader. He sure is strong." He muttered and he kicked the horse and strode forward. He raises his sword to meet the golden spear coming his way.





Mulan: "Who is Ro?"

Waving his hand, Ro replied: "it's me! It's me!"

Mulan: "Who are you?"

Ro: "What about you? Who are you?"

Father Kahn: *cough* *cough* "He is one of subordinates."

Mulan: "then what about Li Mo, Qu and Ping Gou."

Li Mo, Qu, Ping Gou can't help but look at Mulan all at the same time: "..."

Father Kahn looked awkward: "They're my subordinates as well."

Mulan looked at the author questionably: "?"

Author: "don't look at me. The world of Mulan is huge. It was expected that there's many new names pooping out."

Mulan: "No. That's not what I mean. What's up with their names. Especially, what the heck is Ping Gou?!"

Author: "Why? Is there something wrong with their names? I'm too lazy to search for Chinese name, so I just wrote off the first syllables that came to my mind. Ping Gou may sound weird but it's cute you know. Moreover, it's not like they will appear again."

Li Mo, Qu, Ping Gou: "..." That's harsh.

Father Kahn: "What if one of them survives? Author you will eat your words sooner and later. My subordinates were stronger than what you thought. I trained them myself."

Ro suddenly intervened: "that's right. Maybe I'm one of those who will survive. Author just watched, you may see me at the war in the second and third arc."

Author: "Why are you so enthusiastic. I haven't even finished the first arc."

The Emperor interjected as he himself was feeling a little grievance: "Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. At least their names were specifically called out. What about me and Father Kahn?!"

Mulan: "Do you even have a name, Your Majesty?"

Father Kahn: "I'm fine with Father Kahn. But Perverted Emperor should I name you."

Author: "Right Emperor do you have a name? In animation you were a bald old man with a long white beard and was called the Emperor. In the live action, you became a sexy, cool but idiotic Emperor who rush to death by himself. I never thought you have a name..."

Emperor: "..." ಠ益ಠ

Father Kahn: "...that's...that's too much isn't it, author."

Author/Mulan: "Not really."

Xianniang appeared to rescue the face of the Emperor: "Try to search for it, Author. Maybe he really has one."

Author: "...oh. okay. I'll try."

– a day later

Author: "nope. Sorry Emperor. I only found J*t Li who acts as the Emperor of China in the Movie. You have no name. So let's just call you Emperor, your Majesty. Your name isn't that much important anyway."

Father Kahn: "Harsh. At least I am called Father Kahn."

Mulan/Xianniang: "..." (٥↼_↼)

Emperor: "..." (ノ ̄皿 ̄)ノ ⌒== ┫

Author: "don't be angry. At the very least you have your own distinct and unique personality now. You're not only the benevolent and kind Emperor of China."

Emperor: "You turned me into a f****** perverted lunatic. How could I not be angry!!"

Father Kahn: "At least not a short lived cannon fodder that only exists to trigger the vengeful spirit of my son. Sheesh~"

Mulan: "Oh come on."

Author: "okay! Meeting adjourned!"

Emperor: "Are you kidding me!" (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻