

Ruoyeeeeeeee · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Friend (Oneshot)

*Alarm Rings*

Rainne got up from her bed and started her day by taking a bath and preparing for school.

She was in the tenth grade of Luz de Lune Academy, an exemplary school, where his father enrolled her wanting her to have the best education and secure future. Her father is working abroad to provide for their needs and her expensive school fees. Although you can say that they're not very well off, they're not on the low class of the society either.

"Rainne, your allowance is deposited into your account, check it out. That should be enough for a month" her stepmom said as she walks down the stairs.

Breaking the stereotype, her stepmom is nice to her but she always tend to ignore her because she never liked the idea of her dad remarrying. Though she never voiced it out as she wants her dad to be happy

"I'll be going," Rainne said and went to school. "You sure you want to go by yourself? Erin is almost done, I can give you a ride to your school" Nicole, her stepmom, said. Erin, on the other hand, is his twelve-year-old step-sister studying at a different school because she is only in elementary while Anne is in senior high school. "No thanks, I want some exercise" Rainne said. "Ok, have a nice walk. Take care" Nicole replied.

Rainne took a deep breath before leaving the gates of their house. Being the antisocial that she is and the thought that she has to socialize once again... or atleast blend in to the society.

"PSST" just from the pitch of the hiss brightened up her gloomy mood.

"Come on out now, Leo," She said.

"heh, thought I'd creep you out, turns out, you're the creep yourself" Leo said mockingly.

"Excuse you, mister sir~" she was cut before she was finished

"How was your nap?" He asked.


"I know you didn't sleep that long, look at that meat on your eye bags. It's a lot healthier than you are" Leo said pointing to Rainne's eyes.

Rainne grinned and said, "Jokes on you, the moment I tried to sleep, the alarm said get the freak up and start your day" Leo bitterly smiled knowing the situation.

Leo is Rainne's friend who she met at a random chance when her mother died. Though he's a mystery to her as she knew less of him, where he lives, who his parents is, etc... She never intended to ask anyways, she's just happy the way things are.

They took the same bus but went separate ways when they got to the school because they were on a different section of the same grade.

"I'll see you later then" Leo bid.

"Mm, see you" Rainne replied.

Walking through the hallway quietly, Rainne was suddenly pulled into an empty classroom but was unfazed because this is already part of her daily routine. "Where is it?" Shyra, the bully, asked. "Where is what?" Rainne calmly asked being used to the repeated over and over scenario. "Don't play dumb you dumb bitch! I told you to make my assignments" Shyra exclaimed.

"Didn't make it, didn't do mine either" Rainne said which triggered Shyra and asked her underling Alexa to give Anne a blow. "You should've done it then. It was easy for someone like you. Book smarted underprivileged rat" Shyra disparaged Rainne. "Seriously, this is frustrating" she then added.

"I don't get it though... Why are you mad that I'm not well of as you? If it leave a bad taste in your mouth being with someone like me then why do you keep bugging m~" Rainne then took another blow before she can ecen finish her words

"It does.... I hate people like you just because I do" She said having Rainne's hair pulled. In a privileged school like this, it is normal to belittle scholars or underprivileged students and it is always privileged that has the power. They then let go of the poor girl and left.

Weakened because of the blow, Rainne stayed there lying for a moment and regained strength. It's already been a while so she skipped her first class. She got herself up wiped the blood off her popped lips and continued her day.

Her went by and school hours are over. She's on her way to the bus stop then she saw the silhouette of her friend on the school gates patiently waiting.

"Did you wait for a while" Rainne asked.

"Yeah! What took you so long?" Leo whined. "And what happened to your lips?" He then added as he saw the bruise on her lips.

"Nothing, just bumped of the desk as I tried to take a nap earlier" Rainne lied. Leo just satred at her for a second then replied. "How stupid can you be haha" he then mocked her. Leo actually knows what happened but he didn't want to poke onto it even more as he knows how Rainne hates to talk about it.

They then just took their way home.


"I'm home" Rainne said as she got home.

"Oh yes we're doing just fine here don't worry too much..." She overheard her step-mom talking to someone.

"Oh, Rainne! Rainne's home" Nicole said to the phone

"Your fathers on the phone he wants to talk to you" Nicole said. She handed over the phone to Anne and left so they could have a private conversation.

"Hello, Rainne?" Julian, the father, called Rainne.

"I'm here dad" She responded.

"How're things going?" He asked.

"Not going well... Just kidding, everything is great!" Rainne faked an enthusiastic tone. Julian laughed genuinely with his daughters 'bubbliness'. Rainne doesn't want her father to worry about anything while working overseas because she is aware that being separated from them was already a challenge for her dad.

"When will you be home?" She then asked out of the blue. Julian sighed before answering that gave Rainne anxiety. "That's why I called, my contract here got extended for another seven years and I accepted it because that will cover your college and Erii's high school" He explained. Rainne wanted to cry but she knows it will add more to her father's worries.

"Oh... Take care always then" she tried her best not to crack her voice. Their conversation ended with goodbyes and I love you's then Rainne returned the phone to Nicole.

She went to her room and once again isolated herself. Filled with thoughts and anxieties running on her mind, she's on a verge of a breakdown. But then she heard a familiar hiss.

"How'd you get here?" She asked "Through the window" Leo then answered. He looked exhausted. Anne empathizes with him because Leo is also in the same situation. Just according to his stories, His parents were on the verge of divorce and he was being split into two.

"Why are you here huh?" Rainne asked pretending not to know that it was because of his family.

"Nothing" He evaded the topic.

"Hoooo? Hmmm... Let me guess, you're hiding from a girl you flirted and she's at your house now?" She teased him.

Leo sarcastically laughed and said "How could that happen, I don't even exist" the bubbly and playful Leo is not there yet. It's the sad, dark, and gloomy Leo that is present.

"Just rest for a while now and go home before it's late, you can't sleep here!" She said, laughing. Their position stayed as it is for a couple of moments and then Yuri got up.

"Come with me" Leo invited. Rainne showed a confused face but then just followed Leo. They through her window and climbed up to the roof. But Anne was still confused.

"Come with me" Leo once again said.

"To where?" She asked.

"Let's escape this world" He replied.

Rainne broke down. She cried her eyes out. All her sufferings came running into her mind, all the sadness caused by her mother passing away, the loneliness caused by his father being far away.

Rainne composed herself and agreed on Leo's plan. They both jumped off the roof of the two-story house of Rainne.

Rainne found herself on a hospital bed with Erii by her side. She had a panic attack and Erii tried to calm her down by hugging her. When she cooled down, Erii called her Mom who also called the doctor.

The doctor arrived and checked on her vital statistics and asked her to do some things to assess her capabilities as she just woke up from a couple of months' coma.

"Leo" Rainne said.

"What?" Nicole asked

"Where is Leo? I jumped with him, he's with me! I need to know how is he" Rainne said that left Nicole to have a baffled expression. Nicole then replied "Honey, you're all alone there lying on the ground bathing on your own blood"

Rainne was bewildered by what Nicole said. She was pretty sure they both jumped off the roof. Anxiety is alr creeping into her mind. Confusion was getting into her then she saw a frame of a man standing in the corner of the room smiling to her.

Then Rainne suddenly said "Leo! I thought you left me.....No you stupid..... *more mumbling*"

But no Leo was in the room.

Rainne is suffering Schizophrenia triggered by stress and depression. She inherited the illness that her mother died from. Rainne's mom overdosed herself with drugs co-occurring with schizophrenia.

Anne was brought into a mental institution where she gets theraphy.


Few years of medications passed, Rainne regained herself. Though there is no cure to schizophrenia yet, she could still live a normal girl. Her father also went home hearing about what happened to

Rainne and realized it is him that Rainne needs the most. The family spent more time together and gave Rainne the support and love she needed.

She's now starting college at a normal state university near them. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before taking the first steps into the new chapter of her life.

"Excuse me" A familiar voice said.

She turned her head and saw a familiar face.

"I'm an incoming freshman by the way, do you know where the school gym is, I think thats where the orientation will be held... I'm Theo by the way" the man then offered a handshake.

"Uh....uh... Rainne! Nice meeting you. Yeah actually I'm headed there too, wanna go together?" She then replied, confused.

"Gladly, let's go?"
