The man that gets on my nerves is Karlen.Just as I reincarnate he is the one my heart desires.I don't want to fall in love with my enemy! I , Sigurd , reincarnated in Artara kingdom and seems that my destiny is to be the hero who will save the kingdom.That's not my plan however.I want to live normal and to be a florist.
Sigurd let's himself slide in the tub till the water covers his hair.
'My believes…my past…. change …. Didrik is dead….' Bubbles cover the surface of the water.
'Someone else died on my watch…. I let it happen … I was helpless….' The water gets in his nose forcing him to get his head out. He breaths and rethinks his previous life.
All he did was fight back then. For what? His mom is dead…He is dead. He couldn't protect anything. People will always overpower you at some point. Like his girlfriend.
The fact that he is still alive is the result of the Ancestors so protecting the kingdom will be his price. However, what if he ends up dead again? Ancestors didn't told him that he will be alive after defending the Kingdom. The wolves that had a big size and their teeth that were sharp could have killed him just then. If he will fight against the evil, imagine all the wolves and masters that will be against him.
The hard skin of the wolf he kicked is making the fear plausible and real. He was scared but his ego didn't want to admit it.
He covers his face with his hands and sighs.
The only think he wants is to at least be able to protect himself. But with the assassins that target Dalgaard family he will not be safe unless he transforms in a wolf and becomes the hero or just depend on Yrsa's protection till he gets stronger.
His fear of losing the fight … of losing his life …. of being betrayed by people…...he will need to make his decision sooner or latter. Can he live seeing people die by his side again without protecting them?
The death of Didrik makes him rethink his position. The old man died because he fought for his people even though some of them were his killers, not being scared of the outcome. Didrik did his duty as a protector even after his wife died by the hands of the people that he was leading and took care of.
Sigurd massages his scalp. His temples hart from overthinking.
'I will be a florist ….'
He lifts his leg over the tub and wraps his body in a towel. He looks around and there are no clothes to put of his body that shivers. He clenches his towel and peeps outside. No person on the corridor.
He tips toes out of the bathroom hoping no one will see him. His attempt of being unsee it's useless, his sister accompanied by Waylin and Jan step in the corridor. Their eyes meet, he freezes.
"Sigurd! "She runs towards him as her face describes how much shocked she was: it is pale. "Are you hurt? Show me! "The intense gaze that could see through makes the boy grab her hand that has the intention of snatching his towel.
"Calm down! I am still alive! Let me go and dress."
He trickles and closes the door. Not a moment of taking his time to dress, he snitches some clothes and puts them on quickly.
In the mean time, Waylin drags Nissa in her room. Her face color worries him. In a big hug he lifts her as she seems absent. Siting on the bed with her on his lap the silence eats Waylin on the inside.
'Is she that worried about Sigurd? I never saw her this lost … I need a doctor for both of them."
The news about Didrik's death is still not spread around cause if Nissa knew, she would have fainted. Her sensibility towards death was her only weakness.
Jan on the other hand is in the entrance hall walking back and forth biting his nails. He sent someone to inform Yrsa and Kai about the death of Didrik along with indications where was the murder done. The faster they find the body maybe he can be saved.
Little did Jan know about the disastrous news he will get when the couple will come.
The sun goes down as the man still moves around waiting.
In the room, Waylin managed to make the girl fall asleep. It was no use to keep her awake till her parents will come home.
Sigurd is going down the stair. The chef blenches when the boy grabs him.
"Did you told Nissa about Didrik?"
"No … Yrsa and Kai probably found the body, by now."
"I will go tell her myself. "The chef approves with a nod and pats Sigurd on the shoulder. The pain of not being able to to nothing; the regret is spread on the boys face.
"If that's what you want… Don't feel bad! You couldn't do anything to help it."
Not wanting to hear more he turns his back and goes up with big steps.
"Tsk...I fucking now that…"
More than anything he hated to hear it being said by another person right in his face.
As he prepares to knock Waylin opens the door to get out.
"Don't bother her. She sleeps."
"You know that Didrik is dead? "The frown on his face makes him look like he murdered the man. A raised eyebrow and a cold aura hit him.
"What do you mean?"
"He is dead. Yrsa and Kai are looking to find his body. "He bits his lower lip hoping that the pain will make him feel less guilty. The pain only made want to crave a bigger punishment.
"I can't tell her. Go and sleep, we will talk tomorrow." The man sighs and goes back in the room.
Sigurd feels the need to lose his mind for a moment. As soon as he remembered the fruit wine that was deposited in the kitchen, in a flash he passes Jan and takes a bottle and gets out.
"Where are you going? "The chef leaves him be.
Outside is dark and cold but the lamps on the corners of the stable make him feel welcomed there. He pops the bottle and takes a mouthful. He squats down in the back of the stable. There's no way someone will find him there. Sip after sip the dizziness takes over his heads. Underestimating the alcohol was a thing he did before and didn't learn from it.
'It tastes so sweet. Is it plum ... cherry ??'
The sky was full of stars. Small ones bigger ... and the moon. The same moon he was used to see when he stayed on the top of the flat he lived in. After getting his job done the view along with a beer were the only moments he enjoyed.
"HAHAHAH! Unbelievable!"
He starts sprout nonsense while he sips wine. A man appears as he is taking another mouth.
"Mother! I miss you …. I did a bad thing …."
The smoke of the cig smells nice, he squats. The boy is drunk, not recognizing the person he clutches the hand that had the cig. Sigurd draws his hand biting the cigarette. A puff. It tasted good.
"I used to drink and smoke… alone…I don't see you clear but your puff is good…. hahaha.."
"You used?" The man is actually no one other than Karlen. He brushes the hair out of his eye.
"I actually reincarnated …can you belief that? I am not Sigurd …I am Ace…"
The shock made Karlen more expressive then usual. He did read the well-known book but to think that the hero is no one other than Sigurd is hard to believing fact it fits perfect with the legend. He is a wolf and a human from the outside world.
'You are the hero? "He mumbles still having his thoughts process the dreadful information.
"Hero?.... I don't want be a hero…but I will have to be ….in order to kill Karlen…"
"Kill Karlen?" The man in question feels wretched.
"He killed .. Didrik.. I saw it my eyes…" Sigurd trips when he wants to stand up falling on Karlen. He shoves his hand in his pocket and takes out a knife. A knife that makes Karlen frown.
'It was him…the wolf. So, he knew al along that he was a wolf…. I can't compete with him.." He smiles. This will be the last kiss. He drags him in a kiss. The taste of wine combined with cigarettes is intoxicating and … sweet. He is pushed down by Sigurd who has a wicked smile. Like he wasn't drunk.
'Is he actually not drunk?...I don't know anymore.."
The boy on top swings the knives and jabs it next to Karlen's head. He burps and falls back on the big chest.
"That's how.. I will …. kill Karlen… "The mumble makes Karlen terrifies by his future.
'There's no hope … to be together.'
He overthrows Sigurd and leaves in a hurry after taking his knife with him.
The drunk boy glances and pushes himself up. From now on he and Karlen are enemies. The desire to kill him was from long before. The nights they spend together gave him more urge to keep his act in order to find who truly was the man who was always silent.
'I will kill you! No, I will hunt you down. Like a wolf that I am." He smirks.
The wine is juice for the Sigurd who used to drink at clubs and gatherings barrels of vodka and high-grade beverages.
'To think I had to act few days to find out the truth…He is a clumsy one. He might be a killer but the madam is the first one to kill in my opinion.'
"Let's go inside. "He trips one more time at the entrance given his realistic act, Jan holds him to his room.
Acting was the easiest way to find someone's intention. Fighting is no always the solution. Now that Karlen knows about his real identity, a wall will be between them.
He is a little proud to admit the fact that Karlen didn't told the madam that he is a wolf, which makes him wonder what is the long-haired man's intentions. Therefore, another test is needed.
Covering himself with the blanket, his ears are out and he puts his sensitive nose in his fur, curling.
'I like this form … 'He allows himself to sleep thinking that he didn't lived for nothing.
Tomorrow is going to be a long day.
. . . .
A crushed door and people yelling make our red-head open wide his eyes.
"Here we go…" He whispers as he tugs on his boots after putting his belt on.
The entrance hall is full with people from the village. They are screaming and curse the murderer who killed Didrik. Yrsa and Kai spot him and run through the crowd to him.
"Come!" Yrsa yanks him in the corridor.
"We found Didrik. Like you said he was dead. Are you fine? I guess they were after Didrik."
"Your assumption ae right … It was like they didn't even see me."
"Chaos arisen in the Circle. We need to go there. Seams that the people working there were massacred in the morning. Your father will be crowned."
"Are we coming with you two?"
Yrsa hugs him. the pulse of her heart feels through her shirt. The worry she feels for him makes him hug her back.
"No. Lukas will look after you too. Besides Waylin and Thyra no one is coming with us."
"I understand."
Thyra was a skilled hunter. She went to train herself after seeing Lukas losing her time of training playing stupid games. Sigurd remembers her cold face.
"Is Thyra a wolf?"
"Why asking about Thyra now? "The mother angers; her nerves were pretty loose from all the stress.
" She is a wolf, a valuable asset of the army."
The talk ends with the mother telling Sigurd to stay at home. The boy keeps his stirred feelings inside and goes in his room.
'Another problem…. Is she going to confine me?'
He still doesn't now how protective Yrsa is. Eventually he will discover that.
What about Nissa? The girl sleeps or more like kept to sleep by Waylin.
"What is happening outside? "She hugs the boy staring at his puzzled face.
"Nothing! Just close your eyes for few more minutes. You are still a little pale. Come one! I want to see you healthy. Close your eyes, please!" Persuading the girl in a soft tone doesn't seem to work.
"You talk to much. Tell me what happens outside! "She glares wishing that the boy will tell her the truth.
"I made a promise. It better to not know."
"You better tell me; I am already sick of waiting. I don't like when you lie to me."
He captures her face between his palms. In a second his lips are on hers. She mellows, he caresses her tongue. The kiss continues as he holds her not touching her erotically. Pulled in she wraps her hands around his neck, wanting more.
As they make out,, the pleasure tangles her thoughts distracting her from the noise outside. He doesn't let her gasp for air not more than few second, her lips are again licked and beg for her mouth to welcome his tongue inside.
"Why do you kiss me?" She looks at him seductive. He is in a bind. To confess, the timing is pretty off sync.
'What am I going to do? She will get mad it I lie!' He feels his heart getting out of his chest.
"Are you in love with me? "She smiles naughty…as he can't distinguish if she jokes or not his answer is a sarcastic one in response to her joke.
"Why would I be in love with you? I am your cousin! "He did it. Her face becomes expressionless and she back away his arms.
"Why would you be? Right?" A laugh that betrays her expectation makes him reach to her.
"I like you .. as a friend .." He did it again. She clenches her teeth and grips the blanket under her.
"Of course...I am going outside. Tell me if you know what's happening there. You have exactly three seconds. "The glare he receives, he gulps and reverts his sight.
"I will find it for myself…" After all you can't depend on anyone, she can't believe him fully. He is only putting with her childish wimps because they are childhood friends and cousins. Her feelings will never reach Waylin.
"WAIT! "The scream drives Yrsa crazy.
'What are you trying to hide so bad? Do you want me to to not know that badly that you kissed me! Why do you …need to kiss me because of it….'
Like a tornado, without waiting for Waylin to say something, the girl is in the corridor. Her mother is discussing with her father.
"Should tell Nissa about Didrik?"
"We will tell her later…." Kai glances behind Yrsa and sees his daughter.
"Nissa.." Yrsa turns at the words that leave Kai's mouth in an undertone.
"Baby…What's wrong? "The mother witnesses the portrait of the silence before the storm. Nissa has her eyes set on her parents. The dismay displayed is catching Yrsa off guard.
"What is happening?" The girl growls and nears them with small steps.
"We will tell you but for now go in your room. "The mother halts her.
"If you say so…" Her rage is dissolving as soon as Yrsa puts on a sorrowful face. Her eyes are filled with tears. But holds it in.
"If I tell you … promise to stay at home…. Promise! Nissa voices a silent yes.
"Your grandpa .. is dead." Nissa hears but doesn't seem to get it. Her eyes are revert and she redirects her steps toward the window. Like a dead man she crosses the corridor and disappears from their sight, no tears are falling … Just the pain that eats her from inside.
Why cry?
Her tears may have bought Sigurd back… no way …. Didrik will not come back even if she cries.
'He is dead … How did that happen?'
She treads toward the balcony, ignoring Waylin.
The villagers are seen in the distance marching along with the carriage that has the coffin with Didrik's mutilated body. That was the reason Yrsa and Kai didn't agree to let her see the old man. She would have suffered more.
She regrets her breath and thinks of a lake. Her tears shall fall in that lake and her heart will feel lighter. A smile shines in the afternoon sunlight.
"Grandpa I love you …. Maybe it was better for you to die. You were apart from grandma for a long time. Meet her in heaven.'
She reassures herself blowing a kiss as respect for his beloved grandpa.
Waylin is watching over her. The smile on her face strikes him.
'Why is she smiling? I thought she was going to cry…'
The girl enters the room and sits on the bad. A solemn look delivers her thoughts.
"I am mad at you. You dare to lie to me! I am not a kid that cries all the times. Just don't try to shield me again by deceiving me."
"I am sorry. I didn't mean to deceive you!"
"Just shout up! "She throws a tantrum by hitting him in a cute way.
'I am mad at you .. because you lie to me about your feelings. Am I not kissable, you need a reason to do it? I honestly start to thing that you really meant what you said. It's depressing.. I can't tell you. I wish sometimes you would have the ability to read my mind."
He lowers his hand in is arms. The meaning behind her works is hard to decipher for this mere boy. All he understood was that he should never lie to her again.
'Thank great ancestors she doesn't hate me! My feeling … will remain hidden forever, being friends.'
His back aches from all the small punches. She doesn't realize the strength she has.
"It hurts.." He groans.
'It should!' Her thoughts are the opposite what's she showing.
"My bad!" The smile heals Waylin's pain.
. . . . .
The grave is covered and a stone stabs the loose earth.
Sobs, screams … the morning resounded in the vast graveyard. Thyra is next to Yrsa.
"Aunt, do the people know the reason of his dead? "The murmur is passed to Yrsa.
"Yes. That's why the kingdom shakes. People should know the killer. He is clearly trying to take the throne."
"The coronation will be soon. The only concern I have is Kai's safety."
"It shouldn't. You, me, and Waylin are enough to protect him. I trust us!"
"You are are right, aunty. I was actually having a plan of how to get Kai safe to the Circle."
"See? You are competent. I will hear that plan later."
The two ended their whispering when Kai came next to Yrsa.
The events that will follow Didrik's death are keeping them on their toes. No tear is left and as the leaders they are, a raging vibe is oozing out of them as they had their sight on the stone 'Didrik Dalgaard – dead in August 7 , 2023 '.
Comment if you think Sigurd is a sly fox rather than a wolf :)
The influnce of Furry mangas !That must be .... :0
I was careless...
Anyways , thanks for reading my book!!!
(It makes me very happy to share with you my crazy story :)
Spoiler - It's getting more twisted (I am writing the 11 chapter now... )
Be prepared!