The man that gets on my nerves is Karlen.Just as I reincarnate he is the one my heart desires.I don't want to fall in love with my enemy! I , Sigurd , reincarnated in Artara kingdom and seems that my destiny is to be the hero who will save the kingdom.That's not my plan however.I want to live normal and to be a florist.
Bodies, blood splashed in the offices of the Circle. Wolves came and slashed them while they were working. Just as Frey came, he fought with them till they run away.
The mutilated bodies were taken out and the cleaning team left the offices sparkly clean. Frey called a meting. The next day all the leaders will gather.
. . . .
Kai, Yrsa, Waylin and Thyra are on their way to the Circle. The forest gives a cold breeze.
"The letter Frey sent us was terrifying. "Kai spokes in low tone.
In the letter he describes the massacre of the office workers from the Circle. The word Frey used were impactful for Kai. Was their fault for not warning about the assassin the way Frey wrote about the incident, they were probably the same wolves that killed Didrik.
"The wolves are going to be my prey! " Yrsa stairs in the distance as her faces tuns darker and darker form the anger building up. She is a hunter, her instincts of catching her prey could drive her wild if they escaped. She promised to herself to kill the wolves.
"The assassin is having this pack of wolves… the number is unknown but I think we can beat them."
"One of us need to stay with Kai at the Circle and the other two will search for these wolves." Yrsa described her plan once they reach the Ring City, where the Circle was.
. . . . .
The Red-Blade, a sword with the capacity to slash through flesh effortlessly. Kept usually in a special guarded room in the Circle. The sword was used to the ceremony at the beginning of the Hunter's Camp. The only person whit the permission to use it was Yrsa.
Her sword skills are blessed by the Ancestors as the result of a pure intended women. Every leader acknowledges her as the most powerful and good willed person after she demonstrated her skill killing numerous tiger, bears, and other wild beasts from the mountains.
Yrsa and Kai are in front of the wooden table, at the highest level of the Circles' building. The meeting with all the leaders that was announced.
"Where is the sword?" Frey rises his voice in the meeting. Other leader murmur along side the man that declares Yrsa and Kai the killers of Didrik.
"The sword … we lost it! "Looking at them with suspicious eyes they get smaller under the stare. It is the truth. They lost it …
How? That's a good question.
On the ship they got on from the Circle with Didrik to go home. The sword was in the scabbard tied by Yrsa's tilted belt. In the mean time, in the room they got, the hot and bothered women tossed the sword neared the bed. The sword slid under the bed when the boat was taken by the river's current. Well, the hot scene will be in another book, so for now just imagine: A red-head women on top of a muscular blond-haired man. After they satisfied their urges an urgency bell was heard. They ran outside in a hurry forgetting the sword that was hiding under the bed.
How can they tell them the story when they didn't even know where they lost it. The reminiscence of the past makes them blush.
"You want us to support the coronation of Kai when you can't even proof that you are pure? Also, where were you when the massacre was done? Have you ever told us that an assassin even existed?"
The couple can't deny any of the claims put against them.
'What are we going to do?'The thought persists in their minds. If they were to bring witnesses, they will fall under suspicion too, so the only way to not get more suspicious is to shut up and not make any claims that will be used against them later.
"Yes, Frey is right! You guys planed this, planed to kill Didrik and take the throne. If I remember clearly, in the testament, Didrik mention Lukas as a next eligible leader? Are you going to kill Lukas next! You murderers!"
"How are you going to defend yourself? We trusted you! Tell us!"
The guards are called they are taken to prison in the lowest level of the Circle.
As Waylin and Thyra finish walking the stairs, they overhear. Hiding from the guards they go undercover in the prison.
The iron bars clack and the guards are gone. Frey frowns as he grabs the bars.
"What are you guys doing? What the fuck happened with the sword? All the leaders suspect you! They want to make me the leader. What should we do?"
Yrsa and Kai glance at each other and Kai stands up closing the distance between him and Frey.
"Go and take the reins! Make sure the assassin is caught! Please look after Nissa and Sigurd too!"
He orders Frey to leave.
"I have a question … Is Sigurd a wolf? He must be safe as a human."
"He is not a wolf. Look after both of them."
Like a whirlwind he disappears. Kai sits down next to Yrsa. His hand hugs her.
"How did we end up here, darling? "She frowns while the cold floor makes her shiver from the chilly room.
"I told you that your lust will get us in treble. If I am with you, we will solve this somehow. Frey will free us."
"You are probably right but….. I can't help to think that someone framed us. Isn't it strange that the sword we lost was found so quick. Is almost like the person was on the ship with us."
"When we left the room I didn't saw the sword…What actually happened?"
. . . .
'How long are they fucking? Let them play while they can! 'An internal giggle, from under the bed Yrsa and Kai were making out, a hand snatched the sword that was at the edge of the bed.
A madam ….. a crazy madam will be the culprit that got the couple in prison.
She knew everything. Her plan seemed to function just as she planed, when her hands were on the sword.
The couple gets out in a hurry.
'Finally, the bell! Just on time.' She gets out of the bad and the sword is on her back covered by her cloak.
It was easy to hide afterwards at the base of the ship till it arrived in the Lupis port.
. . . .
The twins show in front of the bars.
"Aunt, we overheard everything should we do? Waylin can be your witness. Is not right what they insinuate. I think Frey is the on framing you two."
"You are delusional. Frey is acting to help us. Don't worry, he will get us out. You guys … can go home."
"Like I can go home after what I just witnessed. They need to know the truth! I will not tolerate such injustice."
"Thyra!" She leaves.
"Go after her! Her morals will get her in prison. "Yrsa stands up and her face gives the aura of a wolf who is about to eat it's prey. "Follow the plan! "She growls.
Waylin nods and follows his sister.
"Where are you stomping like that?" A girl with short blonde hair is leaned on the wall next to the stairs that go down to prison.
"Like you care! I have work!" Thyra 's waist is wrapped by a strong arm, pinning her to the wall. Her brown short hair and slim figure is pressed by a body more toned then hers. After all it was the leader of the Hunters we talk about. The blonde girl was taller then her and with her green eyes she is staring downward to the feisty smaller girl.
A smirk is spread on her tomboys face. Thyra knows this girl. A total playgirl who just liked to mess with her. Why now? Her attitude really pisses Thyra off. The hands that keep her tight to the girl's body, she couldn't help to not feel an urge to slap Thora.
"Thora, this is not the time to flirt with me. Take your hands off me!"
Her intense gaze, her gentle hand on the waist of the small girl still didn't gives a sign of loosening. Whatsoever, she enjoyed the interaction.
"You are as pretty as ever! "Her finger brushed the cheek of Thyra that had a cut on it. In the last training session she had, the leader of the Army fought to seriously. A mere cut.
" Who cut you?" Thora frowns. " Don't tell me it was my father…"
"Even if it was, I requested his full strength. "Grabbing the hand that holds her face gently, Thyra rotates her hand having Thora on her knees from the pain given by the just dislocated wrist.
"Darling can you stop using such cruel techniques? "She moans in pain. Thyra relocates her wrist and bolts away.
"Is not normal to touch people without their consent. Remember this once and for all, Leader! What are you teaching your subordinates? Get a hold of yourself!"
Thora smiles and drifts after her, now walking side by side.
"Where are you going? "A serious attitude replaces her playful gaze.
"Like is your problem! I am going to give those leaders a piece of my mind! Yrsa and Kai are imprisoned without proper evidence. It's injustice in the face. I was with them the time 'they killed Didrik with the sword'." Thyra is serious.
"Listen for a second! "The small girl is stopped by the hunter." Wait a bit more till the whole situation is settled! All leaders have suspicions and the prison is the only place that can keep these two safes. Do you understand?"
Thyra thinks for a moment.
'if they were to be killed because of me… maybe she is right.'
She punches the wall made of wood.
"I will come back!"
In a flash she disappears in the stables waiting for Waylin.
"What am I going to do with her? "Thora sighs and heads to the upper level of the building.
'Cute … so worrisome!'
. . . .
"Lukas can't be the leader! He will get them out of the prison without a punishment! Think!"
Frey walks around the table after listening at the endless opinions about 'Why should be the next leader?'
"Than how about we put someone that is not from the family, till their treason is proven to be false?"
The leader agrees with the man who spoke, leader of the Army, Edzard Hansen the father of Karlen.
"I vote for Frey! He is the one who is second in command here anyway can handle the role."
All of their hands rise in unison as the man voted, smiles brightly.
"Thank you for your choice, my beloved Leaders!"
"One think …Can you refrain from talking with us how you talk with Talis? It gives me chills, man! If yes, I will vote you!" The leader of Medical Centers, Theo Larsson glares at the man who seemed way to happy with the position he receives depending on his vote.
"Well, gentleman, I will refrain if it bothers you!"
"Its not the first time I told you that it bothers me." He mumbles while his hand rises.
"Now than we solve the problem, I shall sit on the leaders Throne. The ceremony will be tomorrow."
The discussions are on the subject of the disappearance of the boat, the files Frey found in the office of Kai.
"Why Kai didn't told us about it?" Frey ends the whispers.
"We will solve it together, forget about Kai. We together will solve all the problems he hid from us. I was actually very surprise when I found them. Also, I will bring people to fill the jobs at the Circle."
. . . . .
The stairs of the building are crowed by the leaders that just get out of the meeting. The satisfaction is seen of=n their face as they talk with each other. The fact that Frey will be the leader gives them peace of mind as well as drifts their attention from Didrik's death.
"If it isn't my father! "The tall short haired girl approaches, Edzard. She has a frown on as if the man did something that angered her.
"What's with this attitude? "He smiles and undertone tells her to not make a scene here. He valued his reputation a lot.
"You are right! Let's go somewhere else, where I can express myself freely."
In the back of the building the father and the son are before each other. She is glaring and her palms are well clench in a fist.
"I am going to punch you! "Thora thundered.
"Easy! Why do you want to hit your own father? "He is relaxed, watching her with an amused smile on.
"I told you multiple times to not cut Thyra! Can 't you fight without injuring her face .. and body?!"
"Ahhhh … She is the one to blame. She demanded I get serious and give her my full swings. Also, she came at me with full speed. Did you wanted me to get killed?"
"Just don't cut her next time! The next time I will fight you myself and all the cuts she has will be yours!"
She passes bumping in Edzard's shoulder on purpose. How can he injure Thyra? The unbearable feeling of seeing her hurt would make her go insane with jealousy. Why would someone other than her cut Thyra, when she couldn't even approach her without being rejected by the girl she liked whenever she got close to her.
. . . . .
The rumors about the imprisonment of Kai and Yrsa as the main suspects of the death of Didrik reach the 'castle '.
The siblings are surprised to hear the reason. Just Sigurd could comprehend the situation. He saw the sword, if the sword has a red paint must be the Red-Blade. He confirms asking Lukas how the sword look. The detail that Frey is already the leader rises suspicions in Sigurd's mind.
'Frey… is he a friend or an enemy?'
"What do you think about Frey becoming the leader? "Sigurd demanded more information from the uncle who is in the pool relaxing.
"He is Yrsa's childhood friend. He will probably get them out of prison. Don't worry !"
'You say that, but you are dead worried! Look at your eyes…."
Two days passed since the news got home and Lukas couldn't fall asleep at all. He was always in the kitchen, as if someone will enter the 'castle' and kill them.
"Why don't you try sleeping for a bit?"
"I am sleeping …"
Like he was sleeping! Sigurd looks for Nissa who is in the close pool. She was acting weird. No clinging. No laughs. And after Waylin left it become worse, her behavior.
"What is wrong with her?"
"Let her alone a little. That's how she was when you died. After few days she will be aright."
"Aren't you to careless? "He sprouts what he thinks without realizing what is the meaning of his word, only after Lukas responds.
"Are you worried about her? You started to get attach to her, right? "His eyes are closed as he smiles happy to concludes that Sigurd cares abut Nissa.
"... At the funeral, she cried but I could see that she cared a lot for me. And her clinging isn't to irritating…. It weird to see her like this. Her smile is what should be on her lips."
Sigurd mumbles but Lukas hears perfectly what he says and chuckles.
"How do you stay with your decision about being the leader? Didrik told us before that he thinks that you are the hero."
"So, you know too…..I am not confident in my power to change thing, the way the legend says…" The undertone fads as he continues exposing his thoughts to the uncle. He trusted Lukas. The warm feeling, he felt from him the first time they met and his childish and motherly side always opens his mouth in saying his real thought and feeling, especially.
"You didn't read al the legend. A master .. is the right hand of the human-wolf. His power will support you. And also, other wolves will be under your command, including me. Why don't you trust us a little more."
"Is hard…I will do it my way…..better. "Lukas opens his eyes and the drops of sun makes him flinch. The face Sigurd is making, gives Lukas a sense of how deprived he must feel in his fear. He sees that he is open to change but not yet ready to completely let go of his fear. In Sigurd's gaze he sees a sparkle of courage and a once of fear. His jaw is tense and his brows are furrowed, as if he is fighting from the inside against his desire lo lay low and run-away form protecting others.
"The way you feel now is due to your brave heart. If you were a coward, you would have dismissed the idea of fighting in one go without giving it some thought. Trust your feelings more. I don't know what you went through in your previous life but remember this: as long as you live you have to learn and discover. Not all people are the same. "Lukas' calm tone melts away his fears that have been gathering for years in his heart, Like a bird the urge to fly again, that is burning in his soul right now.
"…. You really trust me? You really think I will be able to win against my fear."
"For sure."
Lukas closes his eyes again and he fell silent.
'It's scary how much this man makes me open up…."
Creation is hard, cheer me up!
Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.
Thanks to all my readers! :)