

Realizing where he is, our MC works to hone both his mind and body, finding ways to stay in the battlefield and do what he does best. [] This is inspired by another I’ve read and I just wanna put my own ideas out. [] We all know I don’t own sh*tt but my own characters.

Karstag · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
75 Chs


In Alfie's room in one of the buildings in the base he was on the phone speaking to his mother and father.

Earlier he called up a few of his old friends and had a talk before telling them about the next big battle against the Red Skull.

Every time there was a big operation, the Commanders would give the soldiers some time to call home and speak to their loved ones, Alfie does so as well.

Like Normandy battle, Operation Overlord or when Alfie first led his first company against Fort Rennes and so on.

Not every one of the old friends picked up, and Alfie didn't call every 50 of them either, it was just too much so he called who he was closest to.

It was past 11 Pm and everyone was already heading out for more preparations and sleep soon after.

Before the meeting finished Alfie snuck off a few minutes early and was already making his phone calls.

"Mom you don't have to worry...no I'll be fine, I'm always fine aren't I? I have the luck of those Irish bastards...Mom I'm an adult who cares if I'm cursing...well god will judge me when the time comes...yes I've been eating good and healthy...anyways how is dad?...He did? That's actually shocking, I thought he would be old and cranky by his age by now...yeah tell him I said hi too.

What?! No!! I'm not ready to settle down, I'm still too young and have so much I haven't done yet, marrying will just lock me down in one place...of course I've been seeing a few girls here and there...the one? No there is no one like that, at least not yet...grandkids?! Whoa c'mon Mom it's too early for that...there is no need to worry about anything Mom I promise when I finish taking care of a few things I will make you and dad the live the most luxurious life you wouldn't believe...well believe it Mom...Steve? Yeah the guy is fine he's just over here acting all high and mighty now...Bucky is envious that he isn't as handsome as us that's it...alright I'll tell them you said hi.

Love you mom, tell the old guy I love em too...alright bye." Alfie said as he finally hung up and sighed.

No matter what he does his mom is always worrying to no end.

Alfie walked to a chair and took off his shirt only leaving his pants on as he looked at the numerous letters on the table.

There weren't only tables but a few other things such as game tickets, movie tickets, jewelries, and many other things.

They were all from his friends back in the days, but now they all have moved up and have taken some pretty high end jobs.

From being actors, pro ball players, small company owners and founders, it really made Alfie proud of them.

Time moved on so fast he couldn't believe it, all these punks are now professionals.

Billy was still playing ball in the leagues and battling racism with pride and will, the man didn't let anyone take him down verbally or physically, Billy would always brag about him being friends with Deathstroke, the Wolf of America.

In his words Alfie was the big wolf when they were younger, Billy considered himself a wolf as well, born and raised in the Bronx where not only him but many other young wolves grew up.

Billy was one hell of a player, and was on his way to become damn near one of the best hitters in the league close to Babe Ruth and Ty Cobb.

He calls himself the Smiling Wolf, just like Alfie's Wolf of America.

When reporters asked, Billy would say that he was part of Alfred McBrides Pack, that along with many others they were followers of Alfie, the Main Wolf, in other words, The Alpha.

And that interview sparked something for the whole Morris Wolfs to be heard of, and riding Alfie's fame.

Rose was sought by a few reporters asking about her relationships with Alfie, when asked if she was also part of Alfie's old group she immediately confirmed it saying she was also a wolf, a Morris Wolf.

Rose was now coaching a few young ladies in the women's baseball league, she was a professional player for the women's league as well but she also took the chance and tried coaching which she fell in love with.

Now she was teaching one of the best teams in the future for the women's league.

Another one was Timmy, the man made himself a small company cutting diamonds and other gems, which is slowly growing into something bigger, a jewelry store and more.

Rolo and Jonjon were heard to be in the military, fighting with Alfie as well of course.

And a few other Wolfs spread around the country, but mostly in New York and were getting interviewed to know more about the childhood of Alfred McBride.

And as that went on, the people read more about Alfie and his crew in the younger days.

Most shocking is their undefeated victories against every small leagues during the middle school to High school.

Their Captain Alfie McBride has led his team to numerous games around the city and has Never lost one game.

The highschool they attended was in peak fame due to their skills in the game, in fact most of the Wolfs they interviewed were in the league famous or not.

That proved how scary these people were when they were younger, and their Captain was said to be the best of them by miles.

It made others wonder what it would be like if Alfie didn't enlist in the military and turned pro instead...how good would he have been?

But that was a stupid question as the man had already made a name for himself in the war, if he was in the league rather than the military than there was no doubt it would be unfair to any team facing against him.

Once the reporters were able to gather everything they were able to get, they published it titled "The Alpha."

Though it was just a story when they were young, it would still be a good read to many.

When the paper went out, a few kids in the Bronx, in Morris specifically became star struck.

One question in their young minds were, Deathstroke lived in Morris?!

Deathstroke wasn't exactly an appropriate thing to say, at least for the people in the 21st century.

But in the 1940's it wasn't a big deal, the kids at the time weren't soft, sure the name Deathstroke was weird at first but they got used to it, it became as casual as saying Captain America, which was also weird at first.

Even Alfie didn't plan on making the name public, he only wanted to make that a codename in the files for his achievements but someone spouted it to the Stars and Stripes which made his debut in the news.

As the "The Alpha" was published, Alfie's old friends were also mentioned and how Alfie was slowly gathering the original 50.

Even the part where they played against the Small Giants and met Steve Rogers after that.

Alfie and his crew saved Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes that day, it was a fated meeting.

As Alfie sat and looked at the many expensive things on the table, he couldn't help but remember the couple of kids who were a bunch of crybabies with snot hanging and swinging on their nose.

His expressions dropped while a small smile crept up.

He couldn't help but hate his selfishness, these kids were his friends, his origin, but when he found out where he was he knew there was more to life than a normal life, a normal life was sought out by many, but he didn't want that, he wanted to have the thrill and mess with the original stories.

He wanted to be involved, he wanted to be a legend himself and have a foot in the supernatural world.

In life a man has thought about being the strongest in the world more than once, and it is a sin to not test one's body and see what it's capable of.

And in the end he left his friends behind, and even his parents who were slowly getting old.

And as he deeply reminisced, he didn't notice someone walking inside his room.

"So even a man like you can make that face?"

Alfie came back to reality and saw Selena.

"Selena, oh sorry i didn't hear you knock." Alfie said as he grabbed the many gifts before putting it in a small wooden chest as he stood up.

"It's because I didn't." She responded.

"Oh...well...it's alright I guess, do you need something?" Alfie asked knowing damn well it might be about Rona.

"Yes I need to know why you have been tricking one of my warriors into disobeying my commands." Selena went straight to the point.

"I wasn't tricking them...not really, anyways Rona had things she wanted to do, and the only thing holding her back is your rules and your expectations of her." Alfie said.

"This has nothing to do with you."

"And you're right it doesn't, this is about Rona and you won't even think about what she wanted to do, what anyone of your girls want to do.

They may end up dying full of glory and bravery but they would definitely regret not following their dreams, except they have to die for something they barely care about." Alfie deflected.

"You don't think I've thought about that? I have been raised alongside them for years and I would be ignorant to not think about my warriors interest.

And there is more reason for me leading my warriors outside of our home, I have spoken to Peggy to set up some relations with America.

The older generation of our people wanna keep the old ways, I have presented them my ideas about coming into the men's world and being part of this new world, but I had no chance with all the elders and my Mother declined my ideas.

But now that I have been sent here to bring my blood-sister back I have also seen this as a chance to build something new.

I have always known about Rona's dreams to come to the Men's world, that is why I have also brought her along with many who had similar thoughts." Selena said as she made herself comfortable sitting and getting herself a drink.

Alfie stood and looked at her with some thoughts before sitting on another chair and getting himself a drink as well.

"At least you know of their interests, that actually makes you a good leader." Alfie said to cheer her up.

"I only know about their interests in the men's world because I also wish to experience the new age the men have created." Selena said.

"Either way you are still a good leader for actually sucking up your pride and making deals with other nations." Alfie said to which Selena scoffed at not wanting the compliments.

"It seems you have Rona's thanks, she was extremely happy about your time with her, she had a good impression on you…" Selena said as she stared at Alfie with squinted eyes.

"Now I know that you didn't do anything indecent to her but...did you have other purposes when you persuaded her into going with you?..." Selena asked which made the room more quieter than usual.

"...of course not...I just wanted to show her the world that she has never dreamed of, one she yearns for…" Alfie said as if it was obvious.

"Hmm…" Selena hummed in thought as she got up from her seat and slowly walked past Alfie.

"I don't believe you…" Selena said.

"Look all you gotta know is that I didn't touch her, in fact-........" Alfie gulped.

Because when he looked back to see her, what he saw was her slowly dropping her big pelt coat first, then under that was a simple light brown dress that covered everything other than the shoulders.

"I think you are just as despicable as what the elders described, a man who only has lust and greed in his mind…" Selena said as she slowly raised her hand to her shoulders and slid the shoulder part of the dress as it fell down gracefully showing her naked body.

There was no undergarments or anything covering her, she was fully nude as she stared at Alfie tilting her head up like the Princess she is.

"I-I...I hear you...and what you're saying...but you are doing...completely different things...I-I...I don't know…" Alfie slowly stood up as his mind was working on what was going on.

He didn't understand what was going on with Selena or what she is trying to do...but then again, does any man know? For so long men have trouble understanding what women want, or what they do.

But in Alfie's head a thought came up, was Selena testing him?

Alfie stood there and didn't speak or move one bit.

But his eyes were fully working as it caught every curve and beauty on the Princess.

Blood was slowly but surely flowing down to his lower region, his heart pumping excitedly.

Sure he has seen many women and he usually isn't too excited, but for some reason he was in a moment right now.

Seeing him not move, Selena made the first move as she stepped seductively towards him.

"It seems you have a weakness in you, to freeze up just from a glance.

Or maybe you're just surprised, I understand, who expected this to happen." Selena said as she ran her index finger down the middle of Alfie's chest to the stomach.

"I don't understand." Alfie said calmly.

"What's there to understand?" Selena said as she turned around and walked to the small bed inside the room.

"You coming?" Her lower body swayed back and forth exaggeratingly.

Alfie at that moment didn't care if this was a test and downed the whole drink in his hand before tossing it back and walked after her.


If Life gives you LEMON, then you turn that into Lemonade


On the side of the bed Selena stood with her back facing the bed looking at Alfie who still has his pants on.

But he didn't care; he dipped his head down to kidd Selena who didn't deny and also made her move.

He moved his hand around her stomach then to her back holding her as they kissed, Selena put her slender arms over his neck.

She was inexperienced and not the best kisser but that was expected, unless she is into girls than it's expected when she is on an island full of women.

As they were slowly enjoying each others lips Alfie picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his lower body.

But they didn't go to bed yet.

Alfie walked to the wall and put her back against the wall as they continued their oral activities.

As they went on Alfie was able to taste and smell the fragrant strawberry taste she had, he felt her skin spread with goosebumps and her constant breath coming from her moans were heart fluttering.

As they went on Selena could feel Alfie rubbing his lower body against her lower body.

One of her hands went down from Alfie's neck as it slowly went down feeling up every pecs and abs Alfie had even massaged them for a bit before she finally slid her hand down his pants.

It was only seconds since they started but to the two they lost themselves not knowing the literal definition of time.

The only thing in their minds were their senses.

His hands smoothly dragging across her curves and her hand slowly stroking him. Their bodies open to each other as they grind against each other in a pleasureful force.

These actions numbed their minds as a feeling of rush appeared in their bloods, their hearts pounding hard and fast.

But all of this stopped with a single push of Selena as they seperated, Alfie was sweat and with the cold air around it seemed like Alfie was steaming.

Selena didn't say anything but she looked into Alfie's eyes before looking at his pants.

She didn't need to say anymore, Alfie understood as he grabbed a part of his pants and ripped it off cleanly like a savage.

As he was also now fully nide he slowly stepped up to Selena but he didn't do anything yet, in these kinds of moments it was the woman who will have the power to either allow the man to go on or stop.

But she didn't, she looked up and kissed him again, and with a smile Alfie finally made his move and grabbed her again picking her up as they kissed.

Selena wrapped herself on Alfie again as he walked to the bed before walking on the bed with his knees to the middle of the bed.

Alfie sat down with his legs crossed as Selena sat right on top of him still wrapping his legs around him as they faced each other in a battle of kissing.

Minutes pass by as the sheet under them was already wet mixed with both kinds of fluids, they have been teasing each other for minutes as their genitals leak in torture.

But they seperated once again as Selena stood up and looked down on Alfie's lower body, she slowly lowered herself when Alfie stopped her.

"Are you sure?" Alfie asked, he wanted to stab himself for asking a dumb question but he asked anyways.

She didn't say anything, but she smirked and slowly lowered herself, in the middle of her going lower she couldn't help but wince.

That stopped her from going further as she took a moment.

Alfie smiled and brought his right hand to her front lower stomach as it glowed yellow.

Throughout Alfie's sexual life he has learned a lot about the women's body, not only that but when he learned about Chi, there were things he discovered.

Like enhancing one's body...and senses.

Selena didn't know what Alfie did but the pain she felt was gone, and her sensitivity down there became weird...in a good way.

She looked at Alfie in question, but Alfie didn't say much other than smiling.

'I'll show you why I am considered a Sex God.' Alfie said in his mind.


It's already past 2K words but I decided to make a few of you horny😂😂