

"Sato" is a light novel that follows the story of Toshihiro, the son of a famous yakuza boss. When his father is killed in a back alley, everything changes in Toshihiro's life. Raised by his father's friend, Hotaru, a mysterious figure, Toshihiro grows up determined to avenge his father's death. joined by a mysterious organization,

Sora_Miyashiro · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

The New Transfer Student: Asuka Tanaka

Asuka: "Well, it was nice meeting you, Toshihiro. gotta head to class now. We'll catch up later, okay?"

Toshihiro: "Yeah, sure. It was nice meeting you too."

With a final smile, Asuka walks away, leaving Toshihiro alone with his thoughts. He reflects on the unexpected encounter and the impression Asuka left on him. As he heads to his next class, he wonders what role Asuka will play in his life in the future.

Toshihiro stood alone in the hallway, reflecting on the unexpected encounter with Asuka. He couldn't help but feel curious about her.

Her friendly demeanor and interest in him were unlike anything he had experienced before.

As he made his way to his next class, he pondered what role Asuka would play in his life going forward.

Would she simply be just another classmate or would her presence bring out something more? He couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation as his thoughts turned to the possibilities that lay ahead.

As Asuka left the hallway and walked to her next class, she couldn't help but mentally pat herself on the back for a job well done.

She had successfully introduced herself to Toshihiro and seemed to have left a good impression on him.

"That went better than expected,"

she thought to herself. She couldn't help but feel drawn to him, there was something so mysterious and captivating about him that intrigued her.

"The school hallway buzzed with activity as students rushed to their next class. The sound of chatter and footsteps echoed through the corridor, creating a symphony of noise that filled the air. The scent of fresh paint and antiseptic lingered, a testament to the recent renovations that had been carried out.

The walls were a muted shade of gray-blue, with small signs on each door indicating the classroom number and the subject taught. There was a sense of order and routine, a testament to the school's strict adherence to discipline and academic excellence."

"The classrooms themselves were well-equipped, outfitted with modern furniture and state-of-the-art teaching aids. The teachers, dressed in their crisp uniforms, moved with purpose and confidence as they prepared for their lessons.

Despite the chaotic atmosphere of the hallway, the classrooms were a picture of calm and discipline. It was clear that this was a school that took its academics seriously, and that students here were expected to meet the highest standards of excellence."

"As Asuka headed to an empty room to open her laptop, her demeanor shifted subtly. A small smile played at the corners of her lips as she logged onto her laptop and the words

"Welcome Kai Adams"

flashed on the screen. She quickly looked around to ensure that no one was watching as she navigated through several layers of security systems, entering passwords and PINs with practiced ease.

Once finished, a soft beep signaled that she had successfully gained access to a top-secret database filled with classified government information."

"Toshihiro Sato, huh? You sure have a cute name. It suits your handsome looks, I must say," Asuka says with a charming smile.

The room Asuka entered was sparse and well-secured. The walls of the room were painted in a dark grey color, with no windows in sight. The only source of illumination came from a single florescent light on the ceiling. Her laptop sat on a simple metal desk, the only other piece of furniture in the room.

There was a hint of ozone in the air, and the sound of a faint hum from the server in the corner filled the silence. Asuka wasted no time in getting to work, her fingers moving swiftly across the keyboard as she focused on her task.

Asuka's mind was focused solely on the task at hand, and she spent hours poring over the classified information that filled her laptop screen. She occasionally paused to take notes, scribbling furiously on a pad of paper, her mind racing as she pieced together bits of information.

Despite the monotony of the task, Asuka was determined to uncover the secrets that lay hidden within the data. Hours passed, and the room grew hot and stuffy, but Asuka barely noticed, her focus never wavering from the information that held the key to the mystery she was unraveling.

"Target found,"

Asuka thought as a small smirk played at her lips. She had been tracking a particularly elusive criminal for weeks now, and finally, her persistence had paid off.

She quickly set to work, gathering every piece of information she could find on the target. She scoured databases, interrogated informants, and followed leads until she felt confident that she had a complete picture of her target's actions and true nature.

With a sense of excitement and determination, Asuka prepared to bring the criminal to justice and unmask their true self

Asuka's demeanor hardened as she focused her attention on her adversary, her icy blue eyes filled with determination.

Her fingers danced across the keyboard with practiced ease, quickly gathering information and analyzing potential weak points in her target's defenses. As she worked, her mind raced with calculations and plans, always one step ahead of her enemy.

Asuka was in her element, a master of her craft as she prepared to take down her target and reveal the secrets they were trying so desperately to conceal.

The criminal, known only by his alias "Mr. Wolf" sat in his opulent office, adorned with black leather furniture and dark mahogany accents. He was surrounded by a few of his most loyal minions, each of whom was waiting for his instructions. With a sinister grin, Blackhand launched into a grand speech, outlining his plans for domination and conquest.

His voice was filled with a chilling confidence that sent shivers down the spines of his followers, a clear indication of his ruthless ambition and thirst for power. As he spoke, images of violence and destruction flashed through his mind, visions of his enemies falling before him

"Mr. Wolf" sat in his office, surrounded by his most trusted allies, a sinister grin on his face. With a voice dripping with arrogance, he began to outline his grand plans for the future. He spoke of crushing his enemies, expanding his empire, and ruling with an iron fist.

His subordinates listened intently, their eyes gleaming with excitement at the prospect of being a part of his ruthless schemes.

As he continued to speak, his voice grew more and more sinister, his eyes taking on a manic glint as he envisioned his enemies falling before him

Mr. Wolf: "The Red Dragon may be gone, but their former vice captain is still under my control. With him by my side, I will crush any remnants of the clan and take over their territory for myself."

Mr. Wolf: "I want to make those citizens suffer. They've lived in peace for too long. I want to see the fear in their eyes, the chaos in the streets."

His minions nod eagerly, relishing the thought of causing harm to the innocent citizens. They begin to discuss various methods of causing panic and terror, ranging from setting fires to instigating riots. Mr. Wolf listens intently, a sinister smile on his face as he imagines the destruction they will cause.

As Mr. Wolf's minions eagerly discussed their plans for causing chaos in the city, one of them suddenly blurted out,

"Hey boss, you should watch this."

He gestured towards the TV screen, where a news show was playing.

The newscaster was reporting on a scandal involving Mr. Wolf, accusing him of various illegal activities and crimes against the citizens. Mr. Wolf froze in shock, his face turning pale as the truth of his actions was laid bare on national television.

The newscaster on the screen continued with the report.

"We received an anonymous tip from a mysterious individual who sent us detailed information about Mr. Wolf's illegal activities. Thanks to them, we were able to expose his crimes to the public."

Toshihiro and Hotaru sat on the couch together, watching the news report with a mix of shock and surprise.

Hotaru's eyes widened as the news of Mr. Wolf's crimes was revealed, and he couldn't help but comment with his usual dry humor,

"Damn, those people are really living on the edge of society. What a skill issue."

Toshihiro laughed, shaking his head in disbelief at Hotaru's nonchalant attitude towards the situation.

Hotaru glanced over at Toshihiro, his expression becoming more serious for a moment.

"But seriously, those people really need to step up their game.

How can they let a scumbag like that get away with so much shit?"

Toshihiro nodded in agreement, his laughter tapering off into a more somber expression.

"Yeah, it's messed up. We should try to do something to help those people."

The two men sat in silence for a moment, both deep in thought, considering what they could do to help those affected by Mr. Wolf's corruption.

Toshihiro clenched his fists, a steely determination in his eyes.

"Fuck morality if damn villains doesn't give a shit about the law then we fuck them off. We'll fight fire with fire."

With a fierce expression, he seemed to be embodying an anti-hero, willing to do whatever it takes to bring justice and protect the innocent, even if it means crossing the line between right and wrong.

While Asuka sat at her desk, a satisfied smile on her face as she watched the news report. She had been tracking Mr.

Wolf for months, and finally, the criminal had been exposed and publicly disgraced. This victory was sweet, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of triumphant pride as she watched the news unfold.

With a smug smirk, Asuka savored the moment, relishing in the knowledge that justice had been served and the corrupt had been brought to their knees.