

"Sato" is a light novel that follows the story of Toshihiro, the son of a famous yakuza boss. When his father is killed in a back alley, everything changes in Toshihiro's life. Raised by his father's friend, Hotaru, a mysterious figure, Toshihiro grows up determined to avenge his father's death. joined by a mysterious organization,

Sora_Miyashiro · Action
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7 Chs

Chapter 2: Kenji Sato

Once, Kenji was a ruthless and merciless leader of the Red Dragon gang. He was known for his fierce temperament and his ability to take control of any situation. He had no tolerance for betrayal, and dealt swiftly and brutally with anyone who dared to cross him. Civilians and innocent passersby were often caught in the crossfire, as Kenji cared little for the collateral damage his actions caused. His reputation as a feared and dangerous leader spread throughout the city, and no one dared to challenge him.

The Red Dragon gang was ruthless and merciless in their tactics, with little regard for the safety and well-being of others. Civilians and innocent bystanders were often caught in the crossfire of their battles, and the gang had no qualms about using violence and intimidation to achieve their goals. The gang's members were fiercely loyal to each other, but they were also known to turn on each other at the drop of a hat if there was a dispute or disagreement.

Yasuhiro stood silently, surveying the area around him. The remains of the Red Dragon territory lay before him, and he could almost feel the presence of the former leader, Kenji Sato. As he spoke, his voice carried a hint of grudging admiration.

"Kenji Sato. Despite his numerous faults, he was a formidable leader. His ruthlessness and ferocity were unmatched, and his ability to command respect and loyalty among his followers was undeniable."

There was no compassion or empathy within the gang, and the members had no hesitation in carrying out their leader's orders, no matter how brutal or senseless they may have been. The gang operated with a deep sense of moral corruption, with no regard for the law or the well-being of others. The gang's members believed in the adage of "the end justifies the means" and they would stop at nothing to achieve their goals.

"Kenji Sato was a fearsome force to be reckoned with, a blazing inferno that left destruction in his path. At the same time, he was an immovable mountain, unyielding to the pressures of the world around him. His determination and ferocity were unstoppable, and he commanded respect and fear from all who knew him. With a single glance, he could send chills down the spine of the bravest souls."

And so the great tragedy happened...

"Kenji Sato, the once-respected leader of the Red Dragons. You were a figure that I looked up to and admired. But you left the group, left us behind. And for what? For a family? Did you forget the values and code that we lived by? We have no place for loyalty or sentimentality here. We are the Red Dragons, and we do what needs to be done to maintain our power and control."

"With a quiet determination in his eyes, Yasuhiro stood motionless as he surveyed the scene before him. His dark gaze was focused and intent. A barely perceptible shift in his demeanor betrayed a hint of a sneer at the corner of his mouth as he gave the order to his men. "Kill him. Kill Kenji Sato."

Yasuhiro: "He's a liability now. He's forgotten his obligations to the gang. He's become soft, weak. We have no room for sentimentality or misplaced loyalty. He must be dealt with immediately. Do you understand?"

Subordinate: "Understood, sir. We'll handle it."

Hotaru stood in the shadows, fists clenched, as he watched the scene unfold. He understood Yasuhiro's reasons for wanting to eliminate Kenji, but couldn't help feeling a pang of regret. Despite his loyalty to Yasuhiro, he had also grown to respect and admire Kenji. Deep down, he wished there had been another way to resolve this situation.

He pressed his body against the wall of the nearby building, hiding in the shadows. The night was dark and stormy, the sound of raindrops on the cobblestones and the occasional distant roar of thunder filling the air. He stood tense and alert, waiting for the opportunity to make his move. The chill in the air seeped into his bones as he waited, his fists clenching and unclenching in anticipation.

Kenji stood defiantly in the street, battered but determined. His fists flew with lightning speed as he fought off his attackers, his moves calculated and precise. His years of experience showed as he dodged and parried expertly, landing brutal blows on his opponents. Even in his injured state, he fought with a ferocity that made his attackers hesitate, their confidence shaken by his relentless onslaught.

Hotaru stood in the shadows of the alleyway, his muscles tensed and fists clenched tightly at his sides. He watched the fight unfolding before him with a sense of helpless frustration. He knew he could join the fray and use his skills to help Kenji defend his son, but that would mean defying Yasuhiro, the man who had taken him in. Hotaru's heart filled with anguish as he wrestled with his conflicting loyalties and conscience. He whispered to himself, torn between honouring his debt to Yasuhiro and following his own moral compass.

As he observed the fight from the shadows, his heart was wrenched by conflicting emotions. He was loyal to Yasuhiro, yet admired Kenji's fierce determination to protect his son. The sight stirred his heart in a way he hadn't expected. He desired to intervene and help Kenji save his son, but he knew that such a move would mean betraying his master and risking his place within the Red Dragons. The mix of loyalties and emotions left Hotaru paralyzed with helplessness. His dilemma was clear: save the son or salvage his loyalty.

Going back to the present...

He watched Toshihiro grow up, he grew increasingly fond of the young man's determination and strength.

Their connection deepened, as Hotaru saw himself in Toshihiro's fierce loyalty and resilience. Though the present required immediate action, Hotaru's heart ached at the thought of leaving the young man defenseless.

In the current moment, however, there was no room for sentimentality. Hotaru's fists flew with precision and power, delivering blow after blow to the opponents. He glanced over at Toshihiro and said,

"Come on, let's kick some ass!"

The fight continued, Hotaru found himself

remembering the times he had shared his crude humor with Toshihiro. He chuckled to himself at the memories of their shared laughter and closeness, but there was a twinge of regret, too. Hotaru wondered if he had inadvertently played a part in molding Toshihiro into the person he was now. With a humorless smirk, he muttered,

"Ah, if only I hadn't shared my lowbrow jokes with him, maybe he wouldn't have turned out so much like me."

Toshihiro and Hotaru stood ready, their fists raised, their faces grim and determined. They were surrounded by a group of dangerous criminals, each one eyeing them with a predatory look. One of the criminals sneered,

"You think you can take on us?"

Hotaru grinned, his eyes glinting with determination.

"You bet we can,"

he muttered to Toshihiro.

"Let's square up against these motherfuckers."

"Throughout their journey, the main characters have faced numerous battles and trials, pushing themselves to their limits. With determination and grit, they've forged relationships and honed their skills. Now, they face a pivotal moment as they prepare to confront the final boss. Armed with all the strengths they've gained, will they overcome the odds and emerge victorious? Find out in the next chapter, "Chapter 3: Fierce Resolve: Hotaru and Toshihiro's Stand!"