
"Reborn in the Movie Universe"

Hi, I'm Krishna, reborn in the movie universe, enjoying my life. If you're interested, check out my story.

IAmUnknown · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
60 Chs

10."Last Chapter"

As I opened the door to Bheeshma's room, I found him lying on his bed, his phone in hand, surrounded by scattered books. With a hint of amusement, I remarked, "So I hear my brother has taken up reading, yet here you are, glued to your phone."

Startled, he glanced up and replied, "Krishna, when did you get back?"

"I just arrived," I answered, taking in the scene before me. "But what's going on?"

Motioning for me to join him, he made space on the bed and said, "Come, sit here."

Curious, I approached and took a seat beside him, eager to hear his explanation.

Seated beside Bheeshma, I leaned in with curiosity and asked, "So, what's the story behind this sudden interest in books?"

He sighed and began his tale, "Today, when I took Ma and papa to meet Chaitra, I tried to play it cool, pretending not to recognize her. But, of course, she saw right through me and asked why I was there."

Intrigued, I inquired further, "And what did you say to her?"

Bheeshma's expression softened as he recounted, "In response to her question, I told her that ever since I met her, I've developed an interest in organic farming. I even joked that I've managed to turn our parents into organic enthusiasts."

His words painted a picture of a lighthearted exchange, and I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of our parents embracing the organic lifestyle.

Upon hearing Bheeshma's account, I was intrigued and asked, "So, what happened next?"

Bheeshma continued, "After hearing my response, she expressed her happiness that I had influenced my family positively. Then, she suggested the best way to learn about organic farming."

Curious about his approach, I questioned, "What did she suggest? How did she propose you learn about it?"

With a subtle gesture, Bheeshma handed me a nearby book, leaving me puzzled. "What's this?" I asked.

"This is what Chaitra did," he explained.

Perplexed, I inquired further, "What do you mean?"

"She gave me this book and told me to read it. According to her, I could learn a lot about organic farming from it," Bheeshma replied.

I couldn't help but burst into laughter at the simplicity of the solution. "What did you do then?" I asked, still amused.

Upon hearing my question, Bheeshma chuckled and replied, "Do you think I'm an idiot? I saw it as an opportunity and asked her what if I needed to call her with any doubts."

Intrigued, I leaned in closer, asking, "And did she give you her number?"

Bheeshma's face lit up with a bright smile. "Of course, I got her number," he said proudly.

We both burst into laughter at the sheer absurdity of the situation, our joy echoing throughout the room. Suddenly, our laughter was interrupted by the sound of the door swinging open.

Startled, my father stood in the doorway, a stern expression on his face. "What the hell are you two laughing so loudly about?" he demanded.

Quickly composing ourselves, we apologized, "Sorry, Papa."

With a stern warning, my father said, "Don't laugh like that again, it's weird."

Acknowledging his words, we nodded solemnly. "Okay, Papa," we said in unison as he closed the door behind him and left us to our laughter-filled moment.

As Bheeshma's phone rang, indicating a new message, I glanced over at him, curious about the incoming notification. With a mischievous grin, he informed me, "It's Chaitra's message. I messaged her before you arrived, and I think she's replied." Intrigued, I leaned in closer as he opened the WhatsApp app, confirming that it was indeed a message from Chaitra.

Eagerly, I inquired, "What did she say?" Bheeshma's eyes scanned the message, and he recited her words verbatim, "She's saying that she's waiting for my message." A playful smile crept onto his face as he read her response, prompting me to lightly smack his head. "What are you doing? Message her back!" I urged him.

With a sheepish grin, Bheeshma admitted, "Oh, yes," and swiftly began composing a reply.

With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Bheeshma composed a playful response, typing, "You naughty! How did you know it was me?" He hit send, and we eagerly awaited Chaitra's reply. However, as the message appeared on the screen, Bheeshma's expression shifted from excitement to bewilderment.

His face contorted into a perplexed expression as he muttered, "She's saying that it was her field." Confusion crept over me as I struggled to comprehend her unexpected response. "What the heck is going on? You asked one thing, and she's answering something entirely different. Did you perhaps dial the wrong number?" I queried, trying to make sense of the situation.

Bheeshma shook his head adamantly. "No, I dialed the right number," he insisted, his brows furrowing in confusion. My unease grew as I realized that something wasn't adding up. "Bheeshma, I think something's not right," I voiced my concerns, a sense of unease settling over me as we tried to decipher Chaitra's puzzling response.

Hearing Bheeshma's sudden realization, I leaned in closer, eager to understand. "Wait a minute, I think she means crop field," he explained, his eyes bright with newfound understanding. Skeptical, I asked, "Are you sure about that?" Bheeshma nodded confidently and swiftly typed out another message: "What is your opinion about me? Tell me."

As we anxiously awaited Chaitra's response, Bheeshma's excitement was palpable. After what seemed like an eternity, her reply finally came through. "If I didn't have a good opinion about you, why would we be talking right now?" Bheeshma's eyes widened in delight, and he muttered to himself, "Wow, it's my lucky day! No need to beat around the bush, just ask her!"

Hearing Bheeshma's persistent excitement, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of concern. "Bheeshma, are you sure you're okay?" I queried, but he seemed lost in his own world, oblivious to my apprehension. With determination in his eyes, he swiftly typed out another message: "Do you like me?" and hit send before I could intervene.

I couldn't contain my disbelief. "Bheeshma, what are you doing? It's too soon to ask something like that!" I exclaimed, trying to reason with him. But he remained steadfast in his pursuit, his conviction unwavering. "Krishna, you don't understand," he responded earnestly. "After facing so many rejections, I finally feel like I've found someone who could be the one."

I sighed, realizing that Bheeshma's heart was set on this. With a shake of my head, I resigned myself to waiting for Chaitra's response, hoping that his impulsive move wouldn't backfire. As we waited in tense anticipation, I couldn't shake the feeling that things were about to take an unexpected turn.

After what felt like an eternity, Chaitra's response finally came through. As Bheeshma's eyes scanned the message, a wide grin spread across his face, but I couldn't help but feel a sense of skepticism. "What happened?" I inquired, my curiosity piqued.

Without a word, Bheeshma turned his phone screen toward me, revealing Chaitra's message: "I love you baby." My initial shock quickly turned into a skeptical frown. "Bheeshma, don't get too carried away," I cautioned. "This has to be a mistake."

But Bheeshma's enthusiasm remained undiminished. "Don't be envious, Krishna," he retorted, dismissing my concerns with a wave of his hand. "Just sit there quietly."

Reluctantly, I took a seat nearby, unable to shake off my doubts. "Why would I be jealous of you?" I countered. "You'll soon realize that this is definitely a case of the wrong number."

However, Bheeshma seemed adamant to believe otherwise, brushing off my warning with a nonchalant attitude. Despite my attempts to reason with him, it was clear that he was too caught up in the moment to entertain any doubts.

As Bheeshma typed out another message, I couldn't help but shake my head in disbelief. "I want to see you, can I make a video call?" he sent, hopeful anticipation etched across his face. Chaitra's swift response, "Of course, Darling," only fueled his excitement further.

With a satisfied grin, Bheeshma placed his phone aside and swiftly began to change into his finest attire. I watched him, a sense of foreboding growing within me. "Bheeshma, I'm telling you, this is a wrong number," I reiterated, hoping to break through his unwavering optimism. But my words fell on deaf ears as he continued to ignore my concerns, fixated on his newfound romance.

Despite my protests, Bheeshma emerged dressed to impress, his enthusiasm undiminished. He picked up his phone and initiated the video call, anticipation hanging thick in the air. After what felt like an eternity, the call finally connected, but the sight that greeted us shattered Bheeshma's hopes in an instant.

As the video feed revealed an familiar face, Bheeshma's smile faltered, replaced by a look of utter disbelief. With a quick salute, he said, "Good morning, sir. Have you finished your shower?" It was clear that this was not the romantic rendezvous he had envisioned.

Then I heard ACP Deva voice As ACP Deva's voice boomed through the phone, Bheeshma's face drained of color. "Why are you asking if I've finished showering? Will you come to scrub my back, and why are you texting me like I'm your wife?" ACP Deva's stern words echoed in the room, punctuating the awkward silence that followed.

Bheeshma, caught off guard, scrambled to explain himself. "I missed your class today, sir, so I was desperate to ping you," he stammered, his voice tinged with embarrassment. But ACP Deva wasn't buying it. "It doesn't seem like you missed attending a class; it's more like you missed seeing me. This video call is disgusting. Hang up," he commanded, his tone firm and unforgiving.

With a sense of defeat, Bheeshma hastily ended the call, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. It was clear that his attempt at romance had backfired spectacularly, leaving him feeling humiliated and exposed.

As the call abruptly ended, I couldn't contain my laughter. It erupted from deep within me, echoing through the room until I found myself tumbling from my chair, still convulsed with laughter. Bheeshma, however, wore an expression of bewildered disbelief. "Krishna, I really don't know what happened. I definitely saved Chaitra's number," he insisted, his voice tinged with confusion.

Regaining my composure, I managed to speak through my laughter. "I think you definitely saved Chaitra's number," I replied, struggling to stifle my amusement. Bheeshma's eyes widened in realization as he pondered the bizarre turn of events. "Then how the heck did the call connect to ACP?" he questioned, his voice trembling with incredulity.

Making my way to the door, I turned back to face Bheeshma with a mischievous grin. "Oh, that's because Chaitra is ACP Deva's daughter," I revealed, relishing the shock that swept across Bheeshma's face. His expression shifted from confusion to sheer terror as he processed the implications of my revelation. "Are you telling the truth, Krishna?" he implored, his voice filled with apprehension.

"Of course I am," I replied, my grin widening as I left Bheeshma's room behind. I heard his desperate pleas for help trailing after me, but I couldn't resist the temptation to tease him further. Ignoring his calls, I retreated to the sanctuary of my own room, leaving Bheeshma to grapple with the consequences of his ill-fated attempt at romance.

As I settled onto my bed in the cozy confines of my room, I opened my laptop, ready to dive into the final chapter of my novel, "The Guide." The soft glow of the screen illuminated the room, casting a warm ambiance. With a sense of anticipation, I began typing, each keystroke bringing me closer to the culmination of my literary journey.

"He got up to

his feet. He had to be held by Velan and another on each side. In the

profoundest silence the crowd followed him down. Everyone

followed at a solemn, silent pace. The eastern sky was red. Many in

the camp were still sleeping. Raju could not walk, but he insisted

upon pulling himself along all the same. He panted with the effort. He

went down the steps of the river, halting for breath on each step, and finally reached his basin of water. He stepped into it, shut his eyes,

and turned toward the mountain, his lips muttering the prayer. Velan

and another held him each by an arm. The morning sun was out by

now; a great shaft of light illuminated the surroundings. It was

difficult to hold Raju on his feet, as he had a tendency to flop down.

They held him as if he were a baby. Raju opened his eyes, looked

about, and said, ‚Velan, it's raining in the hills. I can feel it coming up

under my feet, up my legs—‛ He sagged down."


As I finished typing the last words of the final chapter, a sense of accomplishment washed over me. With a contented sigh, I murmured to myself, "Tomorrow, I should pay a visit to Mahalakshmi Publications." Closing my laptop, I set it aside on the bedside table and slipped beneath the covers. The events of the day swirled in my mind, and soon, the gentle rhythm of my breathing signaled the onset of sleep. Tomorrow held the promise of new adventures and possibilities, but for now, I let myself drift into a peaceful slumber.

(Words count:2229)