

It's about a ravage teenager who was murdered at her house party, her best friend left before the incident happened and she swore to avenge her friend's death. mara had problems with a few people who came for her party, but who actually killed her?"

Chel_Ivy · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs


Chapter 20


Keira's POV

I drove to the lake me and mara usually came to chill at, sometimes even swim.

I picked up tiny pieces of stones and threw each one angrily Into the lake with a curse.

I let out an annoyed frustrated yell.

I took of my shoes, sat at the edge of the water, I put my legs into the water, I felt the cold water flow through my feets giving me instant ease.

I suddenly felt the urge to take a swim, I looked around to check if anyone was nearby, people rarely passed this path, it was an abandoned road.

I took off all my clothes, folded them neatly next to my shoes and dived into the water.

The sensation of the water on my body surreal.

I swam around for a bit then just floated on the water letting the setting sun coarse through my naked body.

I swam to the edge, put on my clothes and headed to my car to pick mom and Zoe up from the hospital.

I felt guilty for lashing out at mom, so I picked up some flowers from the store for her as a form of apology.

When I got to the hospital, mom was still on bed awake with Zoe's head on her lap.

She sighted me and we both looked at other in silence.

"I'm so sorry Keira" mom said

"I'm sorry mom" I said and hugged her tightly.

I helped her get up, the process woke Zoe up.

"You came back runaway princess" she said in a tone of sarcasm, I laughed and we all left the hospital.


by 3pm, Maddie's car pulled up in my driveway, I was home alone, mom and Zoe went to the mall to get some groceries.

"Welcome" I said with a smile and hugged her.

"Thank you" she replied

She had a look on unease and hesitance on her face

"What's wrong?" I asked 

She took a sit on the couch with her arm restlessly fondling on her thighs.

"Keira, I don't know how to show you this" she said worriedly

"What could she possibly show me that'd make me nervous or scared?" I thought to my self.

"Show me?" I insisted

She took a deep breathe then opened her bag and brought out something wrapped in a bandana that looks all too familiar, it was Cole's 

"What's this?" I asked confused

"Open it" she said as she put it in my arm

I unwrapped the bandana, I felt a shiver run through my spine, my face was ghost white at this point.

"Where did you find this?" I asked surprised as I switched on mara's phone.

"In Cole's room" she said

It felt as if someone slapped me with a rubber glove.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"How?" I asked getting a bit confused

"How?" I asked again

"I was at Cole's house with Carl last week, we decided to make chocolate chips cookies, but we didn't have chocolate chips, so Cole left us to the mall to buy some chocolate chips.

I left Carl in the kitchen to get my hoodie, I left in Cole's room the day before.

I didn't see it in his chair where I left it so I begun to ravage through his closet, just at the back, I saw the pouch of mara's phone, then the phone, I was too shocked to react, I quickly took it and hid it in my clothes and left" she said

I could believe what I was hearing at the moment I just stood there locked in my own thoughts.

"Do you think Cole's the murder?" Maddie asked

"I'm on it" I mustered

"Thank you for bringing the phone for me" I said

"It's okay, just don't tell Cole about this please" Maddie begged

"That's okay, you got my trust" I assured her and walked her out.

I needed to check what's in this phone.