

It's about a ravage teenager who was murdered at her house party, her best friend left before the incident happened and she swore to avenge her friend's death. mara had problems with a few people who came for her party, but who actually killed her?"

Chel_Ivy · Teen
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28 Chs


Terry you need to understand that you can't force feelings, if it's meant to be it will be" I said in a calm voice hoping to calm him down

"Mara for goodness sake, you are a full on flirt, don't you want to experience true love? Don't you!!?" He said

"I lost all hope for love ever since my Dad died" I replied

"Move on mara, he's dead, he's long gone, he would want you to be fucking happy, don't you get it?!" He said, he placed his palm on my cheek and forced a kiss on me

I pushed him away 

"Get out" I said

"Mara I'm so..." 

He tried to apologize but I cut him short

"I said get the fuck out of my house!!" I screamed and threw a nearby fork on him

He looked like he got hit with a rollercoaster of emotions I couldn't read his face.

He smirked then frowned.

He turned around heading for the door, then stopped in his tracks

He did a 180 degree turn and said

"If I can't have you, no one will" he said in a very cold voice and slammed the door on his way out.


On my way home I stopped at a Chinese restaurant and bought some noodle soup for mom.

"Mom we're back" I said as I locked the front door.

But we we're greeted with silence

"Maybe she's asleep"

Zoe said as she wheeled herself to the television "maybe, I'll go check up on her" I said

"Mom?" I called out for her from outside her room door.

"Don't come in" I heard her voice, it was full of pain, struggling, sobs, and anger

I turned the knob and got in.

I walked in on mom chugging drugs into her mouth

"Mom!!!" I screamed

She had a seizure and fell limb on the floor

"Zoe call 911" I yelled

"Mom please stay with me".

Mara's POV

The party was in two days me and Keira had to go the mall together to get alcohol, then buy some weed and drugs from the alley.

"I don't think this party is a good idea mara" Keira said as she drove back from the mall.

"What could possibly go wrong, don't worry babe, we don't have to get down from the car" I said as I lit up a cigarette

"You don't have smoke in here" Keira said as she brought down the windows

"Jeez, stop being such a wheezle" I rolled my eyes and puffed some rings in her face.

She coughed and hit me playfully

"Get this over with already Mara!" She yelled getting angry slowly

"Calm down, I'm doing that right now" I said, I dialed my dealer's number.

Mara:-"yo Wiley, what's up?"

Wiley:-"ayee mara, whatcha up to?"

Mara:-"I'm right here at the alley, bring some loud, Arizona to be specific, then some powder, you got it aye?"

Wiley:-"yo definitely, I'll be there in a jiffy"

Mara:-"I'll be waiting"

I responded

The doctor came out 30 minutes later

"Miss Keira" he called out for me

"Yes, yes! Doctor" I replied

"Your mother is fine, sign her up for rehab as soon as possible. you can go and see her now" 

The doctor smiled

A huge wave of relief washed over me

I ran into the room while

Zoe wheeled her self in.

Mom was sitting on the hospital bed looking tired.

"Welcome" my voice came out frail as tears formed at the cornea of my eye.

"I'm sorry girls" mom said apologetically

"The pain was too much to handle" she added

"The pain was too much yea, But did you consider how me and Zoe would fucking cope?! Huh? You're so selfish mom!" I felt all my anger and hurt I've been hiding raid through my veins

"I lost my best friend, my dad, and you wanted to leave too huh? I always feel the pain mom, everytime, for the fact that I put on a strong demeanor doesn't mean I could scale through everything"

I screamed, tears ran freely down my eyes, the nurse had to force me out of the room,

I walked out of the hospital leaving Zoe and mom behind.