Fallen Flower Ariezah
My name is Ariezah, princess of the Shiron Kingdom. Today is the day of my betrothal to our allies in the neighboring kingdom of Geyser. Today is the day I meet my new family and my husband, Prince Oliver.
As we entered the kingdom of Geyser, I was met with a celebratory greeting from my soon-to-be people. The crowd was huge, and red flowers adorned the roads. The people yelled in glee, their faces alight with joy.
Though this arrangement was made without my approval, I am glad the citizens approve of me. Their smiles make me proud to be a princess. It is my duty to protect them and guide them into prosperity.
The carriage soon reached the castle gates.
My knight guard, Leo, knocked on the door. "Princess, we have arrived."
The door swung open in slow motion, and I was soon overwhelmed by the beauty of the castle. The castle was as tall as a mountain, its stone walls adorned with the color of tan sand. The garden was a pure bliss of a variety of flowers that resembled a rainbow.
The_Weeaboo_Lux · Fantasy