
Hunter A Hunter

Hunter A hunter is a fanfiction about man that is summoned to the hunter world.

The_Weeaboo_Lux · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

The Hunt

Gu Island was a strange place. It was surrounded by strong whirlpools, and many wrecked boats dotted the shoreline, silent witnesses to the island's peril. The villagers believed these whirlpools were the wrath of a god called Zeraka. But I had a different theory—I suspected a magical beast had made this place its home. I kept that theory to myself, though. I was still new to this world and this life.

My new name was Yuuma. I was born to the Ikeda Clan, a family known for protecting the island from unknown visitors. Anyone unfortunate enough to get caught by the whirlpools would face the wrath of the Ikeda clan. The clan took its duties seriously, and being part of it meant living by its strict rules and traditions.

Since I was part of the Ikeda clan, they taught me about Nen, though they called it the blessing of Zeraka. They taught me how to control my Nen, but not how to use the other principles. It seemed they had acquired this knowledge through their own experiences, lacking a structured system like in the books I had read.

When I turned nine years old, I gained access to Nen. It had been a year since then, and even with the information I had, it was hard to put it into action. The best I could manage was Gyo, but it was enough to see others' aura. It was a small victory, but a significant one.

Now, at ten years old, today was my first hunt. The hunt was a rite of passage, marking the transition from boyhood to manhood. It was a significant event for the family and the clan. My father and mother were from the lower branch of the family, which meant we were often looked down upon. This hunt was my chance to prove myself and earn my place in the family.

I stood at the edge of the village, the forest before me dense and intimidating. The other boys my age, already dressed for the hunt, eyed me curiously. Some were eager, others nervous, but all were determined. This was our moment to show what we were made of.

My father approached me, his expression stern but proud. "Yuuma, today you prove your worth. Remember everything we've taught you. Use your Blessing wisely and stay focused. The forest is dangerous, but you are Ready."

I nodded, determination settling in my chest. "I will, Father. I won't let you down."

He handed me a small blade, its edge sharp and gleaming. "This belonged to my father, and his father before him. Use it well, and it will protect you."

Taking the blade, I felt the weight of my family's expectations and history. I was ready. The other boys and I set off into the forest, our hearts pounding with a mix of fear and excitement.

The forest was alive with the sounds of wildlife. Birds chirped, leaves rustled, and the occasional growl of a beast echoed through the trees. We moved quietly, each step measured and careful. I used Gyo to enhance my vision, keeping an eye out for any signs of danger or prey.

Hours passed, and we finally came across a group of wild boars. They were large and fierce, their tusks gleaming in the dappled sunlight. We prepared ourselves, spreading out to surround them. I focused my Nen, feeling the energy course through me, sharpening my senses and quickening my reflexes.

I was a little slower than one of the boys.

The first boy made his move, charging at one of the boars. The animal reacted swiftly, but we were quicker. I used my sword to finish the first boar with a quick slash. While we worked together for the second boar, a coordinated effort that paid off. My blade found its mark, and the boar fell with a final, anguished cry.

The other boys cheered, but I remained focused. There was still danger. We continued hunting, each successful kill boosting our confidence. By the end of the day, we had several boars and other small game. We returned to the village, our spirits high, our burdens heavy with the fruits of our labor.

Back in the village, the elders awaited us. They inspected our catches, nodding approvingly. My father stood beside me, his pride evident.

"Today, you have proven yourself, Yuuma," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "You are no longer a boy but a man of the Ikeda clan."

"Thank you, Father," I replied, my voice trembling with excitement and pride.

I smiled, the weight of my new responsibilities settling on my shoulders. I had taken the first step on my journey, and there was still much to learn and accomplish. But for now, I was content. I had earned my place in the family, and my path as a hunter had truly begun.

The clan held a big feast to celebrate. Though I worked well with the others, I never had a conversation with any of them before. Because I was of a lower branch, I was often isolated. As the only boy of the lower branch, I never really connected with any other boys my age.

So, I enjoyed my time with my mother and father. As the festival died down, my family and I returned to our home near the shore of the island. It was a beach house, a home used to ostracize those of the lower branch. There were houses apart from ours, but people who had failed the rite of passage years ago were deemed unworthy to join the main branch. They were forced to watch the shore for any invaders or uninvited guests brought by the wrath of Zeraka.

My mother and father soon went to sleep. I, however, couldn't get a wink of sleep. So, I headed up to my favorite spot on top of the roof, looking at the moon. Though we were near the water, we were surrounded by some kind of stand from the water, almost like a veil. Getting past it provided a view of the outside world, with the sun, the moon, and sometimes the seagulls that flew past the veil.

But this time, something else came to the veil. It was not a giant ship. It was another vessel washed ashore. The ship was still intact. This was the first time I had ever seen a boat survive the whirlpools.

Seeing this, I went back inside the house. "Father, Mother, we have uninvited guests."

My father sprung up from his sleep. "What did you say, Yuuma?"

"I said there are uninvited guests. How do we proceed? Has this happened before?"

"Today, you are still part of the lower branch to the main branch. If it went unchallenged tomorrow, so you and I will handle this here on shore as men."

I went to my room at the end of the hall and grabbed my sword. I met my father while he grabbed his pike. We stood on the edge of the water, watching the boat slowly but surely creeping towards us, gliding through the water.

"How do you think it's on the board? What do you think they're all gone?" I asked.

"No ship heads towards us with such controlled effort. There should be no winds pushing them towards us, following the waves to the island. Prepare yourself, my son. You might not have the training yet, and that's partly my fault. We don't see this often. It's been twenty years since it last happened, but we must be ready now. This will be no ordinary encounter, but with another human. Whatever happens, you must have no regrets. Hesitation will lead to your end."

As the ship drew closer, my mother started ringing the bell, notifying the rest of the island. She must have seen people on that boat.

As the ship reached the shore, an anchor was dropped into the water. A stone fell from the side of the vessel, and the crew slid down the ropes, one after another. Soon, we saw twenty men on our shores. They looked like pirates. One man with a long beard walked to the front of the group and introduced himself.

"I am Captain Bone," he declared.

"I am Captain Bone," he declared, his voice booming and confident. He had a presence that demanded attention, and the other men stood behind him in a formidable formation.

My father stepped forward, his pike at the ready. "I am Ikeda Taro, guardian of Gu Island. What brings you here, uninvited and unannounced?"

Captain Bone smirked, a glint of amusement in his eyes. "We seek shelter and provisions. Our ship was caught in your infamous whirlpools, and we barely managed to make it ashore. We mean no harm."

I could sense the tension in my father's stance, but he remained composed. "Your presence here is a violation of our territory. We have strict rules for dealing with intruders."

Bone's smirk faded, replaced by a more serious expression. "We understand your concerns, but we are not ordinary intruders. We have valuable skills and knowledge that could benefit your island. Perhaps we can come to an agreement."

My father didn't lower his pike. "That remains to be seen. For now, you and your men will be escorted to the village square. We will decide what to do with you there."

Captain Bone nodded, signaling his men to comply. As they moved, my father whispered to me, "Stay close, Yuuma. This is a delicate situation, and we must be vigilant."

We led the pirates through the village, where curious villagers gathered to watch. Whispers spread quickly, and the atmosphere grew thick with unease. The elders were already waiting in the square, their faces etched with concern and curiosity.

Once we arrived, my father addressed the elders. "These men, led by Captain Bone, claim to have been caught in the whirlpools and seek our aid. They propose an alliance of sorts, offering their skills and knowledge in exchange for shelter and provisions."

The eldest of the council, Elder Saito, stepped forward. "Captain Bone, what skills do you and your men possess that would be of value to us?"

Captain Bone straightened, his voice steady and confident. "We are experienced sailors, navigators, and craftsmen. We have knowledge of the seas beyond your island, trade routes, and the latest in maritime technology. We can help improve your defenses and even teach your people advanced skills."

The elders exchanged glances, their expressions skeptical yet intrigued. Elder Saito nodded slowly. "We will consider your proposal, but for now, you and your men will be under watch. Any attempt to cause trouble will be met with swift retribution."

Captain Bone bowed slightly. "We understand and appreciate your consideration."

With the decision made, the pirates were taken to a secure area of the village, guarded by members of the Ikeda clan. My father turned to me, his eyes serious. "Yuuma, this situation is unprecedented. We must be cautious but also open to the possibility of gaining valuable allies. Keep an eye on them and report any suspicious activity."

I nodded. "Yes, Father. I will be vigilant."

As the night wore on, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease. I climbed back up to my favorite spot on the roof, looking out at the moonlit sea. The presence of the pirates felt like a disruption to the island's delicate balance, and I wondered what the future held for Gu Island.

The next day, the village was abuzz with talk of the pirates. Some saw it as an opportunity, while others were wary of the potential danger. My parents were busy with the council, discussing the best course of action. I decided to take a closer look at our unexpected guests.

I found Captain Bone near the makeshift camp where his men were staying. He was speaking with a few of his crew, and I approached cautiously.

"Captain Bone," I called out.

He turned to me, a curious expression on his face. "Ah, young Yuuma, isn't it? What can I do for you?"

"I wanted to learn more about you and your men. If we are to trust you, I need to understand who you are and what you truly want."

He chuckled, nodding in approval. "A wise approach. Very well, ask your questions."

I spent the next hour talking with him, learning about their travels and the hardships they had faced. Despite my initial distrust, I found myself intrigued by their stories. They had indeed encountered many dangers and had survived through sheer skill and determination.

As our conversation ended, Captain Bone looked at me with a serious expression. "Yuuma, your island is unique, and its people are strong. But the world beyond is vast and full of opportunities and threats. Perhaps, together, we can ensure Gu Island not only survives but thrives."

His words lingered in my mind as I returned to my duties. There was much to consider, and the future of Gu Island seemed more uncertain than ever. But one thing was clear: change was coming, and I had to be ready.

At first, I didn't trust Captain Bone and his crew. But after a month of them staying here, I began to understand them a little better. They didn't seem like bad guys or pirates, but rather a crew that sailed to explore and discover new places.

One day, I decided to talk to Captain Bone. "Captain Bone, what's the outside world like? Is there anything big going on? Anything newsworthy?"

He smiled thoughtfully. "Nothing big that I can remember. I've been at sea for so long that I barely have time to sit down and read a newspaper or watch TV. I'm mostly always on the move."

This conversation was my attempt to gather information and understand my place in the world of Hunter x Hunter. I needed to figure out the time frame I was in.

Then Captain Bone asked me a strange question. "So, kid, we've been here for months and haven't tried to leave the island yet because we promised to teach your people about sailing and navigation. But, to be honest, I feel like you could hold a secret or two. Do you know of any treasure on this island?"

His eyes sparkled with curiosity. It became clear to me that their arrival wasn't accidental—they were here for a reason. "Truthfully, I don't know if there is any treasure on this island. Maybe the elders would know, but I've never heard of any treasure."

"Yeah, that's too bad. I was really hoping you would know. I appreciate you listening to an old man's conspiracy theories."

While his crew continued to teach the villagers as promised, I remained an outsider as a member of the lower branch of the clan. This status gave me a bit more freedom to move around. I often stuck close to Captain Bone and his crew, observing them closely. One night, I saw them leaving their camp and heading north towards the forbidden part of the island, rumored to be home to a mystical creature in a cavern.

From a safe distance, I used Gyo to sense their collective aura and followed them, curious about their intentions. They seemed to be searching for the treasure Captain Bone had mentioned.

Captain Bone and his crew finally reached the cavern on the north side of the island. Surprisingly, none of the monsters attacked them. Greyback Wolves, known to run in packs, seemed to avoid them. I realized it was because of the eerie and powerful aura that Captain Bone emitted, using his killing intent to scare off any potential threats.

I followed them into the cavern, staying hidden. As I moved deeper, I encountered the bodies of Greyback Wolves—evidence of the crew's passage. Following the trail of bodies and footprints, I eventually found the crew in a large cavern.

The scene before me was astounding. The cavern was filled with werewolves and packs of Greyback Wolves, all engaged in a fierce battle with the crew. Behind the massive werewolf leading the pack, I saw a crystallized jewel shimmering in different colors, almost like a rainbow. The center of the jewel had a gray swirl, reminiscent of smoke, yet it reminded me of the veil that surrounded our island.

I stayed hidden, observing the intense battle. The werewolf was enormous, its presence commanding and terrifying. The crew fought valiantly, using their Nen abilities to hold their ground. Captain Bone's aura was particularly strong, and he seemed to be a master of his Nen abilities.

The battle raged on, and I could see the strain on both sides. The werewolves were relentless, but the crew was determined. My curiosity about the jewel grew. It had to be the treasure Captain Bone was after.

As the fight continued, I realized I needed to make a decision. Should I reveal myself and help the crew, or should I stay hidden and watch? The fate of the island and the secrets it held were at stake. The next move was critical, and it was up to me to decide how to proceed.

My decision was swift—I decided to stay back and watch how things played out. Captain Bone seemed frustrated and decided to up the ante. His aura surged, and then it slowly transformed into a pistol. This indicated that he was a conjurer. One shot from his pistol caused a massive explosion, and the sound was deafening.

My ears were ringing, and the cavern was filled with smoke. Regaining focus, I quickly activated Gyo. I was able to see Captain Bone's aura again. Although it was a little weaker, I could still tell it was his. I couldn't see the auras of his crew, who were lying on the ground near the unconscious Greyback Wolves. Captain Bone seemed not to care about his crew and was heading towards the crystal, which continued to shine through the smoke.

I realized I stood no chance against someone who had a Hatsu when I had none. I quickly made my retreat, running to notify the elders in the main branch, hoping they would have something to stop Captain Bone.

When I reached the village, the whole island was on high alert. Everyone was anxious, looking for what had happened. I explained to the elders, and they jumped out of their seats, their fear palpable. Rather than being angry about Captain Bone, they seemed terrified of something else.

The elders pushed me aside and ran outside to look at the shore. I was puzzled by their reaction and asked, "What's going on, elders? What's happening at the shore?"

They didn't answer, as if they were in a daze. I followed their gaze, and soon the veil around the island disappeared, and a creature emerged. The island shook, and massive tentacles rose from the waters. Its eyes were as big as the moon, and it made a deafening sound, a mixture of a lion's roar and a screech.

The monster gave off a powerful aura or killing intent, and everyone around me soon fell to the ground, either bowing or on their knees. I knew my father and the people of the lower branch were in trouble. Using my aura to stand up, I knew I had to protect my family.

Something inside me changed. It felt like all my emotions and energy were being forced out of me at a higher rate, bursting forth. This was my first time actually using it. This was Ren.

With my Ren activated, I felt a surge of power and determination. I approached the shore, my aura blazing brightly. The creature's massive eyes fixed on me, and its tentacles writhed in the air. Despite the fear, I stood my ground.

As I reached the shoreline, I saw my father among the fallen, struggling to get back on his feet. "Father!" I called out, my voice steady despite the chaos. He looked up at me, surprise and pride in his eyes.

"Yuuma, you must retreat!" he shouted, but I shook my head.

"No, Father. I won't leave you or anyone behind." My Ren flared brighter, and I could feel the creature's oppressive aura pushing against mine. It was a battle of wills, and I wasn't backing down.

The monster roared again, and the ground beneath me trembled.

 I took a deep breath and focused all my energy into my aura, pushing back against the creature's killing intent. My aura clashed with its own, and for a moment, the world seemed to hold its breath.

Then, I felt a shift. The creature's aura wavered, and its tentacles hesitated. I seized the opportunity, channeling every ounce of my strength into one final push of aura. The creature let out a screech and began to withdraw, its massive form retreating back into the waters.

The island was still. The villagers slowly began to rise, their expressions a mix of awe and relief. My father approached me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "You did well, Yuuma. You've shown great strength today."

"Thank you, Father," I said, feeling a sense of accomplishment and exhaustion.

As the elders gathered around, their fear replaced with admiration, I knew that this was just the beginning. The mysteries of Gu Island and the dangers it held were far from over. But for now, I had earned my place, and my journey as a member of the Ikeda clan had truly begun.

The villagers slowly recovered, and the atmosphere shifted from fear to cautious optimism. The elders, once paralyzed by terror, now looked at me with a mixture of respect and curiosity. My father stood proudly beside me, his grip on my shoulder firm and reassuring.

The creature had retreated, but the island's silence was heavy with unspoken questions and lingering threats. I knew this moment of victory was fleeting, and the challenges ahead were still formidable.

"Yuuma," one of the elders spoke, breaking the silence. "You have demonstrated remarkable power today. We must understand more about this creature and its connection to our island."

I nodded, my resolve hardening. "We need to investigate the northern cavern. That's where Captain Bone and his crew went, and where I saw the strange crystal. It seemed to be linked to the creature."

The elders exchanged worried glances. "The northern cavern is forbidden for a reason," another elder said. "But if what you say is true, we have no choice but to explore it. This might be our only chance to understand the threat we face."

My father, still gripping his pike, looked at me with determination. "I'll go with you, Yuuma. We need to see this through together."

A small group of warriors, including my father and a few elders, prepared to head to the cavern. Despite the uncertainty, there was a sense of urgency and unity. The villagers watched us with a mix of fear and hope as we set off towards the northern part of the island.

As we approached the cavern, the air grew colder and the forest denser. The path was littered with signs of struggle—broken branches, disturbed earth, and the bodies of greyback wolves. The sense of foreboding was palpable.

Inside the cavern, the dim light revealed the aftermath of Captain Bone's battle. The walls were scorched, and the ground was stained with blood. The crystal, however, remained intact, glowing with an eerie, multicolored light.

"We need to be careful," one of the elders cautioned. "This place is full of danger, and that crystal is clearly not ordinary."

My father and I led the way, stepping over fallen debris and cautiously moving towards the crystal. As we got closer, I could feel a strange energy emanating from it, resonating with my own aura.

"This must be what Captain Bone was after," I said, reaching out to examine the crystal. "But what is its connection to the creature?"

Before I could touch it, one of the elders stopped me. "Wait. This crystal might be more than just a treasure. It could be a trap or a conduit for the creature's power."

We circled the crystal, trying to understand its significance. Suddenly, a voice echoed through the cavern—a familiar, sinister tone. Captain Bone stepped out from the shadows, his pistol aura still shimmering faintly.

"So you found your way here after all," he sneered. "I was hoping to avoid another confrontation, but it seems fate has other plans."

"Captain Bone, what are you really after?" I demanded, my aura flaring in response to his presence.

He laughed, a harsh, grating sound. "This crystal is a key, a power source linked to the very essence of this island. With it, I can control the creature and harness its power for myself."

The elders gasped, and my father stepped forward, his pike ready. "You will not endanger our island for your greed, Bone. We will stop you."

Captain Bone's aura surged, and the cavern trembled. "You can try," he challenged, raising his conjured pistol.

The battle erupted swiftly. My father and the warriors engaged Captain Bone, while the elders and I focused on the crystal. As the fight intensified, I felt a pull from the crystal, as if it were calling out to me.

With Gyo activated, I could see the intricate patterns of aura surrounding the crystal. I realized it was a conduit, a link to the creature that had attacked the island. If I could disrupt the flow of aura, maybe I could weaken its connection.

"Cover me!" I shouted, moving towards the crystal. The elders formed a protective barrier, their auras flaring to shield me from Captain Bone's attacks.

I placed my hands on the crystal, focusing my Nen into it. The patterns of aura shifted and writhed, resisting my intrusion. But I pushed harder, pouring all my energy into disrupting the flow.

The crystal glowed brighter, then dimmed. The cavern shook violently, and a deafening roar echoed through the space. Outside, the creature in the sea thrashed, its tentacles flailing as the connection weakened.

Captain Bone's pistol wavered, and he stumbled, his aura flickering. "What are you doing?!" he shouted, his voice tinged with panic.

"Breaking your control," I replied, gritting my teeth as the strain intensified. "This island isn't yours to exploit."

With one final surge of energy, I shattered the crystal's aura patterns. The light faded, and the cavern fell silent. Outside, the creature let out a final, mournful cry before sinking back into the depths, its connection severed.

Captain Bone collapsed, his conjured pistol disappearing. The battle was over.

The elders and my father rushed to my side, their faces a mixture of relief and pride. "You did it, Yuuma," my father said, embracing me. "You saved us all."

As we made our way back to the village, the island seemed to breathe a collective sigh of relief. The threat had been neutralized, but the experience had changed me. I had discovered new depths to my power and had taken a significant step towards mastering my Nen.

Back in the village, the people welcomed us as heroes. There was a renewed sense of hope and unity. I knew there were still many challenges ahead, but I was ready to face them. With my family and the clan by my side, I felt stronger than ever.

The next day, the elders called me to the chamber. The room was dimly lit, filled with the weight of centuries of tradition and responsibility. They sat in a semi-circle, their expressions grave but not unkind.

"Yuuma, we elders are grateful for your contributions to the clan," the head elder began. "You and your family will be welcomed into the main branch."

I bowed my head in acknowledgment, but before I could express my gratitude, the elder continued, "You may also present one request."

Taking a deep breath, I steadied myself. "Elder, I wish to leave the island."

A murmur of surprise rippled through the chamber. The head elder's eyes widened in disbelief. "You wish to leave the island? After all we've just been through? Your life is here, my boy. Why leave? You're joining the main branch, which gives you more opportunities to learn about the blessing. And now that we have the crystal orb that was hidden on the island, we can control and destroy any visitors who try to enter our shores."

"And that's exactly why I want to leave, Elder," I replied, my voice firm. "I have no reason to stay and protect this place anymore. You now have something that can keep others out and protect you fully. Plus, I can use Captain Bone's crew to help me on my journey. Once you let down the veil, the only thing that lies ahead is adventure. Someday, I will return here, back to my home. You are all my family. But I also want to ensure our bloodline continues. We don't want our legacy to end with us, do we?"

The elders exchanged thoughtful glances. The head elder spoke again, more gently this time, "So, now that you're part of the main family, you wish for the title of searcher?"

"Yes, Elder. I believe it is the best way to contribute to our future. I understand the obligations. I will bring back at least ten women to join the family, ensuring they are protected until they arrive. I know I cannot claim any of these women for myself. They will be for the rest of the family."

The head elder sighed, a mixture of pride and sadness in his eyes. "Very well, Yuuma. You are free to become a searcher. I will announce this tomorrow afternoon. But do tell your family, for tomorrow is your day of departure."

I bowed deeply, gratitude and determination swelling within me. "Thank you, Elder. I will make the necessary preparations."

Leaving the chamber, I sought out my parents. They were in our home near the shore, the place we had always known. My mother was weaving a new basket, and my father was mending fishing nets. They looked up as I entered, sensing the weight of my news.

"Mother, Father," I began, my voice steady, "I have something important to tell you."

They exchanged a glance, setting aside their work. "What is it, Yuuma?" my mother asked, her voice tinged with concern.

"I've been granted the title of searcher," I said, watching their reactions closely. "I'm leaving the island tomorrow."

My mother's eyes filled with tears, and my father's face hardened with a mixture of pride and sorrow. "You're leaving us?" my mother whispered.

"I must, Mother," I replied gently. "The elders have agreed. It's my duty to ensure our family's future, to bring back new blood. You've always taught me to think of the greater good. This is my way of protecting our legacy."

My father stood, his expression stern but his eyes shining with unshed tears. "We are proud of you, Yuuma. You've grown into a fine young man. Go, fulfill your duty. But remember, this will always be your home."

I embraced them both, feeling their warmth and strength. "I will return," I promised. "And I will bring honor to our family."

That night, I prepared for my journey. I packed only the essentials, taking the small blade my father had given me for my first hunt and the knowledge and skills I had acquired. I knew the road ahead would be filled with challenges, but I was ready.

As dawn broke, the village gathered to see me off. The elders formally announced my new role as searcher, and the villagers, though saddened, cheered for my safe return. My parents stood at the front, their faces a mix of pride and heartache.

Captain Bone and his crew, having been informed of my decision, awaited me at the shore. As I approached, Captain Bone nodded in approval. "Ready for a real adventure, kid?"

I nodded, my heart pounding with a mix of excitement and resolve. "Ready as I'll ever be."

With a final wave to my family and friends, I boarded the ship. As we sailed away, I watched the island grow smaller, a sense of determination filling me. This was just the beginning. My journey into the world of Hunter x Hunter had truly begun.