
Level Up: My Yandere Wives Made Me OP

[System Has Awakened] [Greetings Host, and welcome to the 'Love Tap' System] Zephyr blinked a few times before voicing his thoughts out loud. "The what through the what system?" ['Love Tap' System] The robotic voice repeated. "What is it?" [Thanks to this system, the host will gain experience points and skills for performing nightly activities with various women or men... My job isn't to judge.] *Cough* Zephyr coughed and quickly corrected the voice, "Women. Definitely, women..." [Alongside the primary function, the host can also gain various bonuses thanks to completing achievements.] "Sounds great." Zephyr grinned. "Sign me up!" _______________ 200 Power Stones = 1 Bonus Chapter _______________ A/N: The synopsis is temporary so it will probably change in the future. This is my first attempt at a smut novel so please go easy on me. I have an idea for a weird but interesting power/leveling system so this won't be just pure smut. However, it might end up being quite fast-paced at times. This will have no Yaoi, no Yuri, no NTR (Although the MC might steal women from others) and no other not-so-fun stuff like non-consent. A minor spoiler for the first chapter, the MC grew up with his family but finds out he isn't related to them, not even on paper. There is some mystery to this and a reason for it but given the genre of the novel, I think you all should know where I'm going with this ;) I hope fellow Daoists join me on this journey of writing an R18 Novel and help me out from time to time! The cover is mine (AI generated unfortunately for now) I made a nice title for it but apparently adding a title makes it inappropriate.

Smutmeister · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Escelation [R-18]

"How is this?~♡"

"Mmm, that feels good."

Seraphina was squeezing her tits around Zephyr's dick and moving them up and down.

Time passed, and the pair became more adventurous.

"Keep going," he said as Seraphina gave him an intense tit job.

An idea popped into her head, and she smirked and then started sucking and licking Zephyr's tip.

"I'm going to cum," he warned her before exploding in his big sister's mouth.

Seraphina choked lightly but swallowed everything and opened her mouth, sticking her tongue out to show Zephyr.

"Good girl, you've gotten better," Zephyr praised Seraphina and kissed her on the head.

'I can't believe how much more forward she has gotten over the last few weeks.'

Zephyr was thinking about what had happened recently, and Seraphina surprised him with how eagerly she had been going out of her way to please him.

'Maybe I can be more forward? Well, it won't hurt to try. She hasn't said no yet,' he thought to himself.

Later that day, Zephyr went to find Seraphina, as always.

"Oh, you're here, Zephy," She happily greeted him.

"Same as always?" She asked him.

Shaking his head, Zephyr had something else in mind, "I wanted to try something new with you…"

"What is it?"

"I wanted you to lie on top of me so I can try licking you too."

"You want to… lick me too?" Confused as to why he'd want to do that, she asked.

"Yes," he nodded eagerly with a smile on his face.

"But why?"

"I just thought it would be nice if we could feel good together. It's unfair that I'm the only one feeling good…"

Seraphina stared at Zephyr blankly before beaming and embracing him in a hug.

"Aww, my Zephy is so adorable for thinking about his big sister.~♡"

"So that means?"

"Although I don't know what that has to do with me feeling good, if you want, we can try."

'For someone so innocent, she is surprisingly lewd.' Zephyr chuckled internally.

Seraphina helped Zephyr take his clothes off, and he lay down on the bed.

A second later, she climbed on top of him. 

Zephyr caught sight of her panties and noticed a small but clearly visible wet spot.

'Oh? I knew she was feeling turned on, but it's nice to have some confirmation.'

While Seraphina had sometimes moaned, this was the first time Zephyr saw she was wet.

Not only was she wet, but they hadn't even done anything yet, meaning she was anticipating what came next.

"Can you take your panties off?" He requested.

"Oh… Do I have to? It's embarrassing," she blushed.

"I mean… You don't have to, but it would make things easier for me as I can't move them aside."

Seraphina pouted but then spoke, "Okay, but you have to promise not to be mean…"

"Alright, I promise," he smiled.

Seraphina got up and took her panties off, and as she did, small strings formed between the panties and her pussy.

She climbed back on top of Zephyr, giving him better sight of her secret garden.

It was smooth, clean-shaven and puffy.

Zephyr could see it glistening from her wetness, "You have a very beautiful pussy Sephi."

"R-really?" she asked, turning back to look at Zephyr's face to see if he was being honest.

"Yes, it's beautiful and cute, just like you," he winked.

"I-I'm glad…" She mumbled while blushing and turned around.

'I can't believe he likes it and thinks the same of me. Hearing him say that made me feel hot and tingly…' Seraphina thought.

To get those thoughts out of her mind, she got to work.

Seeing how the fun had begun, Zephyr decided to start, too.

Seraphina had instinctively positioned her perfectly for Zephyr.

He lifted his head up slightly and started licking Seraphina.

"Ahh~♡" She yelped in surprise.

He started off by licking around her slit and eventually started going up and down it.

Seraphina started to get wetter and wetter as her muffled moans filled the room.




Seeing how much she enjoyed this, Zephyr decided to get more intense.

He started licking her clit, trying to find what worked for her while, from time to time, sticking his tongue as deep inside her as he could.




The intense pleasure and stimulation caused her to stop what she was doing.

"Zephy, stop. Something is coming. I feel like I need to pee," she begged Zephyr.

"Don't worry, you're not going to pee. Just relax and continue what you're doing," he assured her.

She decided to trust him and started sucking his divine rod once again.



"It's coming~♡" She shouted.

"Me too."


The two came together. Seraphina's body shook and quivered as a flood washed Zephyr's face.

She collapsed on top of him, and slowly, with no energy, she licked his dragon clean.

"How did that feel?" Zephyr asked the collapsed Seraphina.

"It…felt… good," she stammered.




More time had passed, and the two became even bolder.




Moans filled the room, and a completely nude couple stood in front of the bed. 

They were Seraphina and Zephyr busy with their now daily activity.

Zephyr was moving his hips back and forth as Seraphina held him tightly.

His dick was in between her thighs and rubbing against her wet pussy.

"You're so wet," he teased her.

"It's your fault~♡"

"Ahhh, I'm cuming~♡"

"Let's cum together."

"Giiiaaah~♡" Seraphina came hard over Zephyr's dick.

Her legs shook briefly, but she used Zephyr for balance and, with his help, stood back up.

The two held each other tightly and gazed into each other's eyes.

The tension between them became intense.

'I want to kiss her,' Zephyr thought to himself.

Despite being in such a relationship, the two had yet to kiss even once. Not even a peck on the lips, which upset Zephyr slightly.

Unknown to him, Seraphina was having similar thoughts.

'I want to feel closer to Zephy. I want to feel his lips on mine.'

Without thinking, she moved her mouth towards his. 

She aggressively spread his lips open, and the two started kissing.

Despite her aggression, it started pretty tame but evolved, becoming more passionate.

They fell onto the bed and continued their makeout session until Zephyr couldn't handle it anymore and wanted round two.




It was the day Zephyr's casts were finally coming off.

Over the past two months, he had done his best to seduce his sister, and today was the day he was going to seal the deal.

'Finally, I can't wait to make her moan underneath me.'

Zephyr happily went to find Seraphina, but when he arrived in front of her room, he could hear faint crying.

'Is she crying?'

He knocked on the door, "I'm coming in."

Zephyr walked into the room, and the first thing he saw was Seraphina covering herself with her bed cover.

"Hey, is everything alright?" He asked her.


"What's wrong? Do you want to talk about it? Also come out from under there and look, my casts are finally off, and I can use my arms."

When Seraphina heard his casts were off, her crying became louder.

"If you don't tell me what's wrong, I can't help you," he told her while gently patting the top of the covers.

"Come, give me a hug. You can cry into my shoulder and tell me what's wrong."

Seraphina stopped crying for a second and came out from under the covers, hugging Zephyr tightly while resting her head on his broad, muscular shoulders.

She continued crying for some time, but eventually, she calmed down enough to be able to speak.

"So what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"B-because you don't need me anymore," she sniffled.

"Huh? What do you mean?" He asked, bewildered.

"N-now that your casts are off, you won't need my help anymore, and we will grow apart again, and I don't want that," once she said everything, she started crying again.

"There there, that's not true. I will always need my big sister," he assured her.

"Really?" She looked at Zephyr with hope-filled eyes.

Zephyr smiled warmly, "Of course. Besides, there is still something you can help me try now that I can use my hands."

"Really? What is it?" Seraphina jumped up in excitement.

"I want to know what it feels like inside you," he said, gesturing to his and her lower halves.

"B-but…" she stammered.

"Do you not want to? We don't have to if you don't."

"It's not that it's just…" she started mumbling.

"Just what? I missed that last part."

"I've never done anything like that before, and I'm scared."

"Don't worry, I promise I'll be gentle."

He then kissed Seraphina, laying her on the bed as he hovered above her.

The two started kissing passionately like long-lost lovers, and their long night was only just beginning.

I was planning on writing the next scene today and including it in this chapter, but I ran out of time.

I'll post it tomorrow. I hope you're enjoying this novel so far, and if you are, add it to your library/collection and vote with power stones if you want bonus chapters!

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