


Dual Cultivation,Lust Knight, Naked Sword Art , Villain Plan of Destiny, Profane Prince, Damned Demon, rise of anti god, Monarch of time, Immortal only accepts female Disciples, The Conquerors Path

2023-05-17 JoinedGlobal

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  • MangaisLife1

    Honestly I tried and liked the concept but MC is a little too stupid and the lack of his intelligence is just off putting. MC goes to an auction wearing a baseball cap to hide his identity but wears the exact same clothes he wore the other day...someone else was thinking this person is really clueless. I mean that seems so stupid and MC just overthinks every single action and the long monologues get boring. He will be talking to someone and they might say do you want to do this? Then we get a long monologue about what should he do, should he do this, should he not etc it gets boring and he is too indecisive. He says he understands his situation is not that good in the family, and he needs to be independent, and possibly the family is using him for a scheme... but when the chance comes he can join a strong organization he is too stupid to take it...I mean other person has to force him to join one of the most powerful organizations...they asked him to join he says no...I mean he gives long monologue of excuses why that he wont be a insider member etc so why join ? I mean your clan is possibly planning to use you, you arent even allowed to leave your room or interact with other members, and they nearly killed you other day just for fun but when he gets opportunity he didnt ask these questions of the person before saying no and then conveniently the other person forces him to join one of the strongest organizations...He gets access to things he really needed and the fact that he cannot even capitalize on opportunities by taking iniatiative just makes it lacking for me..

    Obtaining 10x rewards! Reincarnated into a novel as a side-character!
    Fantasy · WinterDragon_1
  • MangaisLife1
    Replied to Akkuzz_69

    Interesting this is reminding me of immortal only takes female disciples....but since you said he is already the strongest I guess not...but if you got MC taking in disciples, lemons, growing together and improving relationships, getting stronger sounds great....him being most op in the novel does limit the growth aspect of novel possibly since there is no worry or fighting etc mc could just provide disciples everything to get strong, no threat to them since if he's op could take down any person to get them treasures etc, but lets see how this is executed

    Sorry but I only accept female disciples!
    Eastern · Akkuzz_69
  • MangaisLife1
    Replied to Klankon

    Thanks for saving me the time...I like the genre where harem and MC grow side by side and support and grow. There are such gems but very rare

    Reincarnated As The Strongest Ancestor With a System
    Eastern · Dark_Crow1111
  • MangaisLife1

    Profane Prince novel is better hands down. I do not know why people put these two in the same league even. Honestly I read around 216 chapters and I just felt all long like author had no purpose/plan and was just casually going with the flow. Then after volume 1 or something author on chapter 102 mentions how he didnt really plan the story much and it shows. If you are reading this as smut even then I could at most give it like 3.8 or so because even the smut isnt as crazy...I mean I have read way better smut in other novels which also have plot as well. I came to the story expecting something like Profane prince novel. I mean by that I was hoping somewhat cultivation or focus on some story fighting getting stronger etc but instead all I find is man who is op from the start (we do get flashback of before his power at times) and does not care for anything but hooking up with women and stealing wives. Alright even if that was the case smut should be better but it isnt and even his goal of sleeping with women he clearly lacks in imagination setting low goals of sleeping with only women on earth when you could have more extravagant goals to explore women from other worlds for his power potential Also MC is an idiot somewhat....He says his goal is to sleep with beautiful women of all kinds, steal wives etc and says focusing on power or anything like eternal life is stupid...Makes no sense since someone asked him if he got old and that affects your libido what will you do then? and he has no answer I mean he conveniently got a shard of power inside which everyone in the world is looking for since it can lead to immortality, which can make him the most powerful and rather then capitalize on it he just says pursuing that is pointless...let me just sleep with more people Lets say that was the goal to sleep with all kinds of women on earth, then atleast someone smarter would say well my lifespan due to this shard is really long (well it said his lifespan would be long in earlier chapters but it said now recently in a chapter around 200 it would be hundred or two hundred years like what? you have one of the most powerful by human understanding shard in your body and you will live what some normal humans can live almost a 100ish ) so let me initially make myself stronger, explore this power more, and atleast become stronger than anyone on earth and then I would be able to pursue my goal on sleeping with women on earth without being worried. Also his goal is clearly limited since someone who had that power would think not just about earth but going to different planets and sleeping with even more women etc. so even his goal setting is kinda stupid. I mean why limit yourself to beauties on earth disappointing He also knows there are people or entities on earth who can put him in a life or death situation so why wouldnt he think it would be smarter to atleast pursue some knowledge about this shard he has with him and explore its power. I mean he even gets psychic attacked by someone, almost gets killed, then someone he cares about and his daughter almost get killed because of him as well. Then his best friend who is like a sister gets crippled due to him as well. Why is it due to him because once again? If he was atleast exploring his power etc he would have more knowledge and be able to avoid some of these issues but the lack of motivation to do anything just makes the story less appealing. Whenever he gets in a life or death situation he unleashes his full power, hulk smash, loses his mind, and thinks about massacring all humans since he starts thinking of them as ants. I mean you would think 216 chapters in there would be some development in him training, trying to setup organization to get info on the ruins which have info about the world from where his power source came, or something else substantial but there is a lack of building up of story development and just feels stagnant. I mean all he does is sleep around with women, then go sleep around more, and then oh no someone threatened someone he "cares for" loses his mind kills them, and then goes back to sleeping with women. It feels like there is no progress on the story and bigger world. Since he is constantly sleeping with the same few women he seduced but in different settings like the gym, their home etc it gets boring since other then some okay smut it wasnt going anywhere. Also man is a billionaire and the reason is because he gave the money to a girl and a AI. The girl is really good at business and all the businesses he himself has are for just sleeping with women and they all lose money. I mean it is kind of pathetic since anyone smart might try to setup businesses, organizations etc to explore the ruins from the other world that crashed on earth to gain more knowledge and power. He could even keep sleeping with women and just do that on the side and get stronger etc or ask the women to do that who are more capable then him clearly and a lot smarter. In addition I mean him sleeping with women some people make it seem like he is a great seducer lmao...I mean come on you got shard of power which makes you one of the most powerful without putting in any work yourself...Its not like he trained, fought and earned the power or capitalized on it.... I mean if you had that much power, money etc it wouldnt be hard to seduce women if that was your entire goal lol The story had so much more untapped potential but so far it wasnt explored. I mean he transforms into a student and is just going about doing casual things. Then transforms to his other identity kills some people, seduces some wifes and thats all. There is nothing more and story isnt really expanding. There is some story/world development but it is so minor not what you expect after 216 chapters. I mean 90% time is spent on just these and 10% story progression so it kinda gets boring. Also MC isnt too likeable from my perspective. I mean he is the type if he knows a women has bad intentions for him sleeps with her and then slits her throat...he does do that sleep and kill them afterward...I dont mind if he just killed etc but since he is more of a sleep with anyone good looking one night stand type of person there is not much room for growth. Not really a harem building type either where he is growing alongside his harem or women. I prefer where MC is helping them grow stronger (cultivation), or business, or etc and an actual relationship is developing etc. Where they both get stronger and support each other but this isnt it I mean Agatha knew him for a while and she says something like you are not alone etc and he starts to feel something for her...I mean he knew her for a while months or longer so why is he feeling something like its the first time he heard something like that from a women? He has slept with hundreds or women...You are telling me none of them or even 1 women ever said they are there for him or wanted to be with him long term but since he wanted casual 1 time they didnt pursue it...and somehow Agatha was the one person who was like you are not alone etc or cared for him and that deeply got to him Doesnt make logical sense Also power scales well there are none...Like if there were cultivation realms, or power levels etc none have been mentioned or explained even 216 chapters in....this is like sci fi mixed in with x men....I mean there are mutants, evolution but nothing which explains anything..all you know is MC beats up everyone conveniently In the background we find out about entities from other world existing on earth etc but there is no telling about what is their plan? why they came? what happened to their world...I mean no progress on that end and the progress in that point is so slow that its no telling where this is going.. Also there are the countless philosophical monologues he has reminds me of philosophy combined with idk so many other courses. Like he will be watching humans fight a tiger and will go on rant about the hypocrisy, law of the jungle and how humans are the invaders but they get angry when animals defend their home...and etc etc I mean he goes on philosophical and moral rants like this quite often and at this point idk where author is going...it does seem he still is going with flow and story progression is slow like idk what is going on, what is the bigger purpose, how he fits in with all those entities who seem immortal or stronger and are on this planet now...

    The Sinful Life of The Emperor
    Urban · True_Seeker
  • MangaisLife1
    Replied to True_Seeker

    True lol ! Also I havent read the novel yet but deciding... is the MC possessive/protective of harem or not ... powering them up helping them grow etc or is he casual sleeping around and then like peace out

    Ch 20 Obedient
    One Piece: Reign
    Anime & Comics · True_Seeker
  • MangaisLife1
    Replied to deikatsuo

    LMAOOO author wrote such a realistic MC that this man got scared of MC stealing his wife in the real world

    The Sinful Life of The Emperor
    Urban · True_Seeker
  • MangaisLife1
    Replied to Comic_addict_98

    Author is alive but it seems he dropped

    My Pick Up Artist System
    Urban · SamsaraWithWords
  • MangaisLife1

    MC acts like a total and utter idiot. I mean he is so childish, and stupid it ruins the story. Also he and everyone else in the story act like idiots as well. It feels so forced to be comedic but is utterly bad.

    Emperor's Reckoning
    Fantasy · Big_Yellow
  • MangaisLife1
    Replied to LordInsanity

    Thanks you saved me a lot of time !

    Rise of the Demon God
    Eastern · Demonic_angel
  • MangaisLife1
    Replied to Ink_Weaver122

    Why didnt he just escape days ago before they arrived?

    Ch 8 Gate [1]
    Transmigrated As The Strongest Villain
    Fantasy · Ink_Weaver122
  • MangaisLife1

    Abuse and vivid r*pe scenes and victims everywhere. If you want from a female author perspective a MC who it feels like is being controlled by his wives, and a bunch of abused and r*pe themes all over then this is for you. Women constantly showing interest because every women who sees him turns into a sl*t /th*t immediately. I mean these powerful women lives hundreds of years and they all lose it first time seeing him and want him and then wives keep getting pissed and telling all the women we will kill you and back off. I mean this repeats over and over. I mean MC's harem is ridiculous and he is a simp not the good kind. The good simp NOT The kind in this nove: You know there is a simp who loves the harem, and the harem loves him back. The MC is cold and calculating to everyone else but harem. HERE IS WHERE this novel fails. Harem understands MC is smart, and will only bring people into harem who will support, love and care for each and keep a harmonious relationship. nopeeeeee not this novel Maybe since author female but they made MC seem too subservient too wives. I mean it feels like they are dictating what he can, or cant do. How he cant be with other women, or what women he can be with. I mean every time someone shows interest they lose it. Instead of writing a MC whose women trust him to make the right choice they are shackling him as if he cant be trusted. Yes them getting angry or telling every women they will kill them every few seconds shows that they dont trust him to pick/choose or reject women. Shows a weak MC. Also how quickly he accepted the wives after transmigrating, and how quickly they are like you are our everything within a day or two was way too fast paced. In addition he goes out then sees random lesser dragon bookstore owner in trouble and about to be r*p*ed and just because she is friends with his wife his great idea as a prince is let me marry her and make her daughter my daughter. I mean come on you met her first time only 10 minutes or so ago and just because another noble is planning to assault her or wants her he does all this. His way to solve the problem is by marrying her...I mean as a prince take her as a maid, many other ways to solve this etc but nope he decides to marry her. Then later it is explained that the same noble who wanted her had r*p*ed someone important to MC in past who raised him and abused her so this was his way of getting back at him...I mean what kind of idiotic planning is this? You decide to take on a wife to get the noble to come get angry at you? I mean why cant you make her maid etc many other ways. Then all of a sudden everyone starts treating the the daughter as his daughter, his mom the most loved princes of kingdom is like I am a grandmother....it seems so stupid. I mean it is so quick, he marries her 10 minutes after meeting her and then within same day and fast somehow he starts acting like she is his real daughter and gets his mom to call her grandmother like wth is happening. I mean then we find out backstory apparently this wife was abused and r*p*ed I mean wth kind of novel is this at this point

    First Demonic Dragon
    Fantasy · AnathaShesha
  • MangaisLife1
    Replied to Mickaelle09

    I felt pretty similar and was just bored by the MC's bland personality. It was just not that fun and the lack of ambition just made it boring. I mean if MC wants to stay away from everyone, train, doesnt care about anything, constantly announcing I will go steal this, and this and this and then justifies how the real protagonist can just make up for it...I mean it just felt a little superficial and not something you can immerse yourself into. MC himself was boring...the love interest was nice but then again it just felt superficial and couldnt convey deeper feelings then that... Still a lot better than some novels though if author was just starting out

    Reborn as an Extra
    Fantasy · Calm_Mountains
  • MangaisLife1
    Replied to Barion_Trident

    Barion_Triden your novel is awesome ! Btw do you have a discord? You should totally put it in bio or in the auxiliary chapter authors note etc

    Ch 619 Felicia’s intangible gauntlets & Alexandra’s reflection armor (part 7)
    The rise of the pervert primordial
    Fantasy · Barion_Trident
  • MangaisLife1
    Replied to _Er

    Here is another comment so dont do the story!

    I Became a Scum in Depressing Game
    Urban · _Er
  • MangaisLife1

    Does author have a discord?

    Ch 1067 Silver Phantoms
    Dual Cultivation
    Eastern · MyLittleBrother
  • MangaisLife1
    Replied to Shayan_5508

    Wait really I wonder why? there are many translations by multiple people for different novels on here that continue to let others translate. Dont know why they would take down yours. Oh you should put it on scribblehub ! They definitely wont take it down !

    Worlds' Apocalypse Online
    Sci-fi · Flaming Fortress
  • MangaisLife1

    CHAOSKING/AUTHOR love your novel! Do you have a discord? if not you should totally make one

    Ch 691 Chapter 690-Heart Wavering.
    The Conquerors Path
    Fantasy · Chaosking
  • MangaisLife1

    AUTHOR/ ZeusTheOlympian do you have a discord? If you dont you totally need one since your novel is absolutely a masterpiece

    Ch 910 Chapter 910 An eye for an eye (1)
    Monarch of Time
    Eastern · ZeusTheOlympian
  • MangaisLife1
    Replied to Barion_Trident

    BARION_TRIDENT ! You are freaking awesome and I totally love your novel it is one of the best I have come across. Do you have a discord ? If not you should totally make one

    Ch 613 Felicia’s intangible gauntlets & Alexandra’s reflection armor (part 1)
    The rise of the pervert primordial
    Fantasy · Barion_Trident
  • MangaisLife1
    Replied to Shayan_5508

    Thanks !!! I have not even finished it and stopped at where it stopped a year or two ago since I didnt want MTL

    Worlds' Apocalypse Online
    Sci-fi · Flaming Fortress