

2023-05-03 JoinedGlobal

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  • Anthony_Huffman_1174
    Replied to Adolstein

    It's not too much cheat. It's just what he chose that sounds very ignorant and a lot of the stuff he was talking about he could have combined into one wish. ADHD anyone?

    Ch 2 Ch 1 My name is??
    A Spartan in Game of Thrones
    War · dope_is_my_name
  • Anthony_Huffman_1174
    Replied to Mike_Smith

    Don't forget to SUV's truckcon's Little brothers are living large. Yeah, an anti vaccer driving their Cadillac SUV pollution engine right out of the airplane falling on the main character.

    So yea I died because of f*cking covid what kind of bullshit was that. Me ME! MEEEE!!!!!!!
    A Spartan in Game of Thrones
    War · dope_is_my_name
  • Anthony_Huffman_1174

    Black hair of course, can't have any other hair color have to pick the most common hair color on planet Earth and the most common picked hair color in fan fictions. Good job.

    The grey lights body glowed as his body was formed, when it was done a extremely muscular but not overly man stood 6'6 on both are black metal line came down going around the wrist and tracing down the metacarpals to the knuckles, Slicked back black hair, clean cut mustache and bread. There was the markings of the net work on his back like a tattoo.
    The last Spartans
    Movies · Jigen0
  • Anthony_Huffman_1174

    If it doesn't go well, it's because you start out nerping name don't have his storage limited seriously in the game. You can pick s*** up, put it in and take it out. Why can't he and as far as Bein an overpowered? Here's the thing if a power or entity has the ability to move one soul from 1 universe to the other. He wouldn't hold back because there's normal people everywhere in the world. Why have your character be normal in any way? He should stand out and lurk. He should stand out in abilities. All this starting week as normal human is bull. Cause again, there's no God like entity going to move one soul from 1 universe to another just to be a normal nobody. I mean, rarely just think of the energy cost of moving from one universe to the other.

    Ch 1 Prologue
    HOTD: The Crafting Dead
    Anime & Comics · Blanc_Canvas
  • Anthony_Huffman_1174

    No Kai did not murder. I made a comment before self-defense and defense of others is not murder. Anyone who claims otherwise has never been put in a situation where they had to defend themselves and should keep their mouths shut about it.

    Ch 26 Capítulo 26: Reunión (Parte 2).
    Gamer Among the Dead
    TV · ArashiMikado
  • Anthony_Huffman_1174

    This chapter is kind of off-putting. He acts like a limp-wristed weakling. When it comes to I mean and this peaceful. If you come if you want to negotiations style it doesn't represent a strong leader.

    Ch 25 Capítulo 25: Reunión (Parte 1)
    Gamer Among the Dead
    TV · ArashiMikado
  • Anthony_Huffman_1174

    Even though I see where he's going with this I still Stick by what I said that he shouldn't blurt out that he's a player. Explain it some of the way.

    Ch 9 Capítulo 9: Medias verdades o medias mentiras ¿Quién sabe?
    Gamer Among the Dead
    TV · ArashiMikado
  • Anthony_Huffman_1174

    You just broke your story.Don't do this claim you don't know you just were able to do it and other things it happened.You got sick, you woke up.You're able to do stuff. When you do this, you wreck your story. Stop it breaks the immersion of the story. It is truly unnecessary to explain that you're a player. Are you really gonna treat everybody in that world as a NPC.

    "Me convierte en el jugador, transforma mi cuerpo y mente en las de un jugador, puedo subir mis estadísticas, desarrollar habilidades, subir de nivel, y lo mejor de todo puedo crecer de forma infinita, mientras tenga experiencia" Kai estaba un poco nervioso, no sabía como iban a reaccionar Edwin y Candace.
    Gamer Among the Dead
    TV · ArashiMikado
  • Anthony_Huffman_1174

    To point out he did not kill in cold blood. It was not cold blooded murder, the proper turm. He killed in self-defense or the defense of others. No matter what the pacifistic portions of modern society say, there is a difference. One is murder the other is trying to stay alive or keep someone else alive. We get this from the missed translation of one of the 10 commandments. That shall not kill, should be that shall not murder. One word shift can make all the difference.

    Ch 8 Capítulo 8: ¿Qué hace una chica de campo en la ciudad? (Parte 3)
    Gamer Among the Dead
    TV · ArashiMikado
  • Anthony_Huffman_1174

    I'm glad the author knows the difference between a cure and a vaccination. There is no cure for viruses. There's only vaccinations that help boost your body's immune system fight them off and besides, there's no cure for death. So, even if you have something that destroyed zombies, you can use against them. Like a retrovirus, they're not gonna become alive again.

    "Tranquila, una vez que nos instalemos mejor les enseñaré, no es una habilidad que se aprenda en unos minutos" Kai dijo con una sonrisa, a pesar de que esto era muy hipócrita de su parte. Él si lo aprendió en menos de un segundo, pero eso último nadie tenía que saberlo.
    Gamer Among the Dead
    TV · ArashiMikado
  • Anthony_Huffman_1174

    Please not one of no attachments type. Every person needs an anchor. They can lose their grip on reality without one. It's better to be a fictional sociopath than a complete psychopath.

    -+100 de Reputación con Angelina y Angelica.
    Gamer Among the Dead
    TV · ArashiMikado
  • Anthony_Huffman_1174

    Here's something I don't understand and it's not meant to be a criticism of this particular book.But I don't understand why they want to evolve the zombies and The Walking Dead or high school of there are plenty of general or game worlds.Were the zombies evolved Resident Evil, Left for Dead, even Dead Space, or Doom. The zombies of The Walking Dead and I'll school of the dead are not a threat because they evolve their threat just to share numversion so I don't know why people want to evolve them instead of basing their stories in one of the world's where the zombies do evolve.

    The A.I. had also explained to Roran the differences in the reality he was going to from the one he watched on TV. The main ones being that Rick's wife Lori had died giving birth to their son Carl. The other was the zombies would evolve over time. This had worried Roran the most, but the A.I. had assured him that they were still in the realm of being defeated by normal means. Roran also learned that he could view his stats like a character sheet in a video game.
    VR System In Walking Dead. (dropped)
    TV · endless
  • Anthony_Huffman_1174

    I saw the author's comment. He didn't want to write Harold. I know some people don't want to ride it, but a lot of people are against it and I'm sorry. I didn't Apocalypse. Women are going to flock to the guy. They feel conprotected and they're going to make the decision whether or not to share him. Here's the thing people don't realize. It's only been in the last 200 years. The harem has been pounded on. Before that 199800years It wasn't only accepted. It was expected of strong individual males. Just thought I'd throw that tid bit out there. How 200 years can make 200000 years irrelevant?

    Ch 8 Old McDonald wants a farm
    Living as Rick in The Walking Dead
    TV · FlyHighForSomePie
  • Anthony_Huffman_1174

    Sorry, just let tiny die and possibly Sophia. Why even write this book? I'm not trying to trash it, but so many fan fictions don't even try to save anyone play It like a game. Except it's supposed to be able to be an. You've been emerging into it, but it's hard to do that when it happens exactly the same way as the original.

    Sometime later after Atlanta had fallen, the radio team reported survivors trapped in a store requesting help, but it came in choppy so we had nothing we could act on. Of course I know this was most likely T-Dog on the radio, but it's too early to meet the group. I want to be dramatic and surprise Rick around the time Sophia goes missing. Sue me. With that said though I was tempted to send a small team in to rescue/apprehend Merle so the Governor doesn't get him, but how he is right now would do more damage than good. I'll wait till his little minor redemption arc then offer him a hand. Pun intended.
    The Walking Dead - David Grimes
    TV · Daeevit
  • Anthony_Huffman_1174

    I think the author's confusion.Johnny Storm the human torch with ghostrider. Storm use a stunt bike.

    (It's the bike Johnny used in the movie.)
    Ghost Rider In The Walking Dead
    TV · Thrust
  • Anthony_Huffman_1174

    I have to ask, if his speed is 10X why doesn't he just jog away? A human can jog at 4 to 6 miles per hour. Hhhhmmmm. 4x10=40mph? heavy jog 6x10=60mph? The full out running speed for a normal person is 9.5mph to 10.3mph. Hhmm, so 95mph to 103mph! How the hell can he not get away from the walkers? Even if they are like fresh killed runners they will not be running at 40mph and definitely not at 95mph.

    Ch 2 Chapter 1:To The Dead
    Bandit in the Dead (The Walking Dead/Multiverse)
    Anime & Comics · Daoist_Cain
  • Anthony_Huffman_1174

    Oh I meant to say this earlier. Thanks for saving Amy. The way that happened in the show didn't make any sense.

    Ch 11 CDC
    Reborn In The Walking Dead
    TV · Floridaboytonio
  • Anthony_Huffman_1174

    I was stationed at Fort Benning. We trained with law enforcement officers in and around the area, incase of a terrorist attack on the CDC. We all knew what the final containment protocols at the CDC was. This was in the 1990s. How did Rick not know after 911?

    (A/N: I don't know about you guys but this is one of my favorite scenes from the whole show. I love when we see Rick is super emotional and questioning his decisions as a leader.)
    Reborn In The Walking Dead
    TV · Floridaboytonio
  • Anthony_Huffman_1174

    Really couldn't get into the lemon saying because it's either an original character hooking up with another original character. Or it's the Chloe from the prison. And yeah, I keep seeing that face she's at the fence and it just isn't attractive at all. Be nice to have some pictures for reference.

    Ch 7 Chloe(R-18)
    Reborn In The Walking Dead
    TV · Floridaboytonio
  • Anthony_Huffman_1174

    Play, please tell me the Canon's gonna change all the ones I've read lately. It's just a person riding along watching the story. If Amy doas and I can't get to tech. There's no one thought to post a guard. When you have cops in the group still can't post a guard. Then I'm really about fed up with this. Amy dies in the most ridiculous way. The Walker that bit her had to walk around.Everybody else's camp to get to her at the R.V. How did no one notice this and why wouldn't the Walker go straight for people out in the open instead?Note it goes behind all the tents.A couple of vehicles to the RV to bit amy , a lot of people missed that in the story. If you watch it the cliff/steep hill that goes down to the quarry pond is right there where the Walker comes up from.How did it climb that and no one notice. If you watch some of the extra footage for it even some of the visual directors said they hope people didn't notice where the walker come from so even they admit it's not logical how it happened.

    They all knew Merle was a piece of shit but some of them still felt guilty they left him behind. It was mainly T-dog and Rick, everyone else felt they were better off without him.
    Reborn In The Walking Dead
    TV · Floridaboytonio