


Just a curious mind that loves the strange and interesting. Life is temporary however within novels Eternity awaits...

2023-02-17 JoinedGlobal

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  • Joseph_Akiyama

    Thanks for the chapter Block, I know we'll be eating good soon. Hehehe, brothers rejoice Erika's time is nigh!!

    Ch 139 A Goddess's Day Off
    Netori: Stealing The Hero's Party!
    Fantasy · Writersblockills
  • Joseph_Akiyama

    Well the party was bound to be in for some trouble once Amedith is known for being a descendent of the Magus line amongst other gods anyway so IMO this doesn't change much really. The party won't abandon him like he did Raven so they'll have to brave these challenges together.

    The attempt to negotiate with other gods might've gotten a bit more difficult with Athenia's new plans. But even so, preserving the magus bloodline, was something she had no regrets about. After all, sooner or later, Amedith would be with her as a demi-god on her council, and if a magus and his children were on her side, it would be far too easy to pin rival gods under her thumb.
    Netori: Stealing The Hero's Party!
    Fantasy · Writersblockills
  • Joseph_Akiyama

    Hmm, this chosen vs chosen may become annoying to the party later but I think its something they'll except once they know why it's happening. Raven, Erika, Aria, and yes Melicia as well all care about Amedith. So the very fact they'll run into some additional problems along the way so there friend and comrade won't be alone (emotionally and physically) is something I don't think they will mind. Honestly Amedith better become one of Athenia's most dedicated followers considering she pulled him a partner who is not just compatible with him but also isn't someone Raven can pull into his clutches. Not just that but she did this against heavens will and through space and time.

    'Doubt they'll send another god my way, they must've learned their lesson after their hound dog never returned from my prison. Which only leaves…' Bringing up the seeing screen, Athenia watched over Raven's party once more. 'They'll come after my chosen, maybe even send their own chosen to fend them off.'
    Netori: Stealing The Hero's Party!
    Fantasy · Writersblockills
  • Joseph_Akiyama

    Yea well, it definitely seems that way doesn't it? As the goddess of Mockery and Death it seems that her clones enjoy keeping to her namesake and mocking herself without any thoughts on possible consequences. That too while Athenia isn't in the best of situations right now.

    "If the other gods find out that my clone is messing with the timeline, we'd both be fucked throughout space-time," Athenia complained, although the clone didn't much care. Scoffing at her own stupidity just to spite her victim, Athenia dismissed her clone into a puddle of liquid gold. "I should stop talking to myself, it's more trouble than it's worth."
    Netori: Stealing The Hero's Party!
    Fantasy · Writersblockills
  • Joseph_Akiyama

    Earth?! Wait a moment here.....(starts looking around paranoid)

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Netori: Stealing The Hero's Party!
    Fantasy · Writersblockills
  • Joseph_Akiyama

    Hahaha, I feel bad for this goddess. Imagine having to search the world for a woman that won't or couldn't be taken by the fae blooded breeder and that female also find Amedith attractive. This may be a world level equation that only a god could solve.

    "What to do? What to do?" She wondered, her free hand browsing through the scenes from Nerva as though she were shopping remotely. "A girl that Raven can't take, but one that would also won't mind being with a feminine man."
    Netori: Stealing The Hero's Party!
    Fantasy · Writersblockills
  • Joseph_Akiyama

    Athenia, needs to find a way to prevent that from happening. That way she may have a clan of Magus descendents as her dedicated followers. Get Amedith a woman he can actually handle and she may get what she wants.

    'Ughhh…If he truly dies without breeding, all that potential will be for naught.' Watching the situation closely while Amedith tired himself to bed and Raven was enjoying the night with two beautiful women, Athenia wanted to do something about the whole situation. 'A magus's child, there have been wars to control such children, to mold them into a nation's treasure, and yet, here we land, where the last of them can't carry his genes forward.'
    Netori: Stealing The Hero's Party!
    Fantasy · Writersblockills
  • Joseph_Akiyama

    Its finally time!

    'About time, the priesteses learned the joys of being a woman.' Thought the devil in her head, slowly nudging Erika into a direction from which there was no coming back. And how did Asmodia do so? By making her slide her blouse down her breasts, revealing those massive tits that no man had laid eyes on before Raven. Sagging about with no cloth to hold them, they moved side to side as Erika's body submitted to Raven.
    Netori: Stealing The Hero's Party!
    Fantasy · Writersblockills
  • Joseph_Akiyama

    *the dark mage also buried (his) face in that..., hope this helps.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Netori: Stealing The Hero's Party!
    Fantasy · Writersblockills
  • Joseph_Akiyama

    Thanks for the chapter Dragon. Ryuji in rage mode is my new best friend.

    Ch 72 Berserker and party vs Lich
    Extra Harem: S-Rank Berserker in Another World
    Fantasy · TheDragonSlayer
  • Joseph_Akiyama

    Ohh, is he gonna get a lich tattoo? That would make all of this worth it!

    Ryuji wiped the blood from his nose and rushed forward, holding his axe while his sapphire pupils leered at the Lich in joy. "Little bone king, will you amuse me? I will take pleasure in stealing your power and making you into a forgotten pile of bone!"
    Extra Harem: S-Rank Berserker in Another World
    Fantasy · TheDragonSlayer
  • Joseph_Akiyama

    Its literally all fun and games till a mage whips out swords like a close range damage dealer. The lich has become general Grevious out of sheer anger lol

    Now it pulled a thin sword from the void, the skeletal arms on its body cracking before they split into four, each holding a blade. "Disgusting hybrid! I will tear you apart!"
    Extra Harem: S-Rank Berserker in Another World
    Fantasy · TheDragonSlayer
  • Joseph_Akiyama

    Hmm, at least Ryuji serves as good bait so the Yumiko and the others should find the life vessel and destroy it.

    Dark purple rays fired from the lich's restored body while Ryuji dashed backwards, swinging his axe while roaring out the rays weaker than the earlier beam, his axe deflecting several hits, but two bypassed his guard, penetrating his abdomen.
    Extra Harem: S-Rank Berserker in Another World
    Fantasy · TheDragonSlayer
  • Joseph_Akiyama

    He must've forgotten that they need to find the life vessel to get rid of him for good.

    Ryuji's tattoos transformed into a burning scarlet colour. Rage energy surged from his body while he used his grasp of blood to hold the Lich in place, rushing forward while using his ravaging blow, clenching his axe before lifting it into the air.
    Extra Harem: S-Rank Berserker in Another World
    Fantasy · TheDragonSlayer
  • Joseph_Akiyama

    Thanks for the chapter Barion.

    Ch 578 Challenges Thea’s version (part 14)
    Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System
    Fantasy · Barion_Trident
  • Joseph_Akiyama

    This is cool and all but could Thea sense this pact like Thalia could? If yes she's gonna be really jealous and suspicious of Daimon as well lol. On another note, it'll be nice if she can get her body back and join the crew back at the White Fang galaxy until they find a way back home for her (Similar to Eris and Mylene from Primordial). This way Daimon will have an ally/friend/peer(?) that he could communicate system related matters with. After all two heads are better than one. BTW I don't count Eve cuz the system restrictions are holding her back. Eve is helpful of course but there is only so much she could do to help currently.

    "Make a Knighthood Pact with me, I need to recover enough strength to be useful against that woman in a short period of time!".
    Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System
    Fantasy · Barion_Trident
  • Joseph_Akiyama

    Oh, that's a pleasant surprise. Since we know that Orphelia's recovery won't be happening in the near future I assumed Thalia would take a while too once she joined. I'm glad that guess was wrong, on another note since she's so close in age with Aisha and Sarah (in terms of looks at least) she should have no problem blending into Aura's academy once Daimon and company make it back to the White Fang galaxy. Not just that in terms of intelligence she doesn't lose out to those two as well. She also seemed quite talented as well based on what we've heard and seen.

    "I can recover my body if I take back what that woman stole from me, but I…", she stopped there for a second before she exclaimed.
    Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System
    Fantasy · Barion_Trident
  • Joseph_Akiyama

    I'm not sure if we'll have more of Thalia in the future but I like her already. Being someone experienced with dealing with the "system user" kind, she is asking the smart questions. Since she will be able to tell lie from truth this will help her understand the type of person she's talking with and the situation her and her plans descendents are in. For a girl so young she is really intelligent.

    'Did you enter the Knighthood Pact with Ryner's descendant… due to a mission?', to which Daimon shook his head in response.
    Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System
    Fantasy · Barion_Trident
  • Joseph_Akiyama

    Hmm, maybe the fact that she keeps trying to get to Thalia's home world is the problem. Thalia is definitely not from a low ranked place but the exact rank we don't know yet. What we do know is that wherever it is it has strong beings present, beings that can dwarf the strongest people and beings we've seen yet. So the fact she is still trying to go there shows confidence, so she must have some kind of trick or cheat she can use to achieve her goals once there.

    'She isn't like that fragmented siren you fought before, goal-wise she is dangerous, be careful'.
    Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System
    Fantasy · Barion_Trident
  • Joseph_Akiyama

    Yea, this only makes me feel like the possibility of Thalia's body thief being Dorian's administrator is higher now. This thief is just like Kara (Ereth's administrator) and Freya (First light palace matriarch ancestor administrator) so she could be like either case. In Kara's case she was working for her own benefit while allied with her old system user. Freya lost her user twice with both being sister and only stayed around for revenge. However this woman may be more of a problem than both simply cuz she said the Thalia ruined her plans. Meaning Dorian may not have been the mastermind, and could've been like Adam while the administrator is someone skilled in treachery like Kara.

    'The four system users that participated on the war from back then, all died, well one of them kind of returned recently, but he is a guy and I'm pretty sure the other ones are dead', he said.
    Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System
    Fantasy · Barion_Trident