


I love animals, cute things and everything that can be cute, I love playing games, chilling, looking at the sky and writing. I am always open to discution or for a duo project, I hope we get along

2022-11-13 JoinedFrance



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  • Tatsuyayuki14
    Replied to Maximus1334

    disapearing, my bad I typed to quick

    Being followed by here, I continued my way to my objective, to the tower near the border, the biggest tower of the south, the "witch tower". She followed me around, not asking much, not talking much either, most of the time, yelling at me to not be quick enough. This tower was not heavily guarded so we had a really eazy way around it, wut it had wooden barricade all around the entrance. We had to be very cautious and not make a nlot of noice when choosing a way to enter, I still couldn't pay the points needed to use [portals] (will explain how it works later) or [concealement] let alone [invisibility] (yeah it exist but don't dream it cost the most so not gonna happen). Well even without that we found a little beach in the wooden defense around the tower that lead to a little window of the undergroung levels.
    I'm stronger than the hero but want to stay unnoticed
    Fantasy · Tatsuyayuki14
  • Tatsuyayuki14
    Replied to Raziel_456

    That's not wrong but if you think about it a normal rock has a 0% chance of getting you poissoned so we could say that he upgrade that by 100% which still is logic. Same for all the boot and stuff, in fact we can also think in revere saying that if you give "effects" to an object it automatically upgrade its quality, price, worth... But I understad what you mean, that's why at first I wanted to call it [enchant] simply , well I will think about it and maybe update the chapter to clarify.

    Ch 2 My superpower is so bad
    I'm stronger than the hero but want to stay unnoticed
    Fantasy · Tatsuyayuki14
  • Tatsuyayuki14
    Replied to Harsh_4989

    No problem hehe

    Ch 24 Getting chased
    I'm stronger than the hero but want to stay unnoticed
    Fantasy · Tatsuyayuki14
  • Tatsuyayuki14
    Replied to Maximus1334

    Is it that simple ?

    We got down after being announced, with some death stares coming drom the nobles, a lot of people making fun of us for our clothes. Not like we cared, Mike immediatly got to chat with some girls even though he was getting constantly rejected or ignored or insulted. Jeremia was at one of the window and was watching the garden, completly ignoring people, Aryna and Lanos were eating and chating and me I was doing nothing while eating delicious chocolate pudding.
    I'm stronger than the hero but want to stay unnoticed
    Fantasy · Tatsuyayuki14
  • Tatsuyayuki14
    Replied to Maximus1334

    Well, maybe, we will see

    Then he got out of the room almost immediatly, he wanted to talk, now needs a paper, it's weird, what's even more strange was when I heard a woman crying not far from here.
    I'm stronger than the hero but want to stay unnoticed
    Fantasy · Tatsuyayuki14
  • Tatsuyayuki14
    Replied to Maximus1334

    well hehe yeah, their is not much other people that could have said that.

    And that person in hood seemed to have a very familiar voice, as the first person I talked to in this world, the person that told me the direction to the church (go see chapter 1 if you don't remember). Could they be the same person, the same deep and dark voice, well not like I care but this fight could be interesting.
    I'm stronger than the hero but want to stay unnoticed
    Fantasy · Tatsuyayuki14
  • Tatsuyayuki14
    Replied to Maximus1334

    read next chapters to find out

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    I'm stronger than the hero but want to stay unnoticed
    Fantasy · Tatsuyayuki14
  • Tatsuyayuki14
    Replied to Maximus1334

    The grade are very specific so depending on the grade you either need to defeat the mage that create the dungeons ( dungeons) or desrtroy the crystal (tower), and the third type are bosses that escaped from a tower and therefore create a dungeon themself those can be defeat by killing them.

    Remark : upgrade by killing more boss (?)
    I'm stronger than the hero but want to stay unnoticed
    Fantasy · Tatsuyayuki14
  • Tatsuyayuki14
    Replied to Maximus1334

    Yeah all those things are advance upgrades with points, but you have good intuition because those are gonna appear hehe.

    I took a quest of hunting monsters on the outline of a little city, it seems like the monster attacked, again and again, the resident of this little city. They don't have much guard which explains the really worried tone on the quest. After taking it I got into multiple shops buying all the things I need even though it cost me almost all my money. And things weren't gonna get better because the annoying guy from before got back to me but with two other friends. I could use the [escape] I put on my armor to evade every attack and just go away with my [speed] but it could be some fun to try the thing I paid for in the different shops and see what works well or not.
    I'm stronger than the hero but want to stay unnoticed
    Fantasy · Tatsuyayuki14
  • Tatsuyayuki14
    Replied to Maximus1334

    He always choose, their is no automatic choices, he always choose what seems the more efficient at the moment he chose.

    We followed her to a small house where there is no one, we divided ourselves into the free rooms, and we got lucky that we could get one each. Mike and the others also decided to discuss a little bit with the villagers before getting to sleep, I didn't care at all, I was just so tired. It definitely was a good day, I will surely get a lot of money from all the mobs I hunted, even if I had to share, and I finally got level 2 on my power which means that all my upgrades were now 2 times more efficient.
    I'm stronger than the hero but want to stay unnoticed
    Fantasy · Tatsuyayuki14
  • Tatsuyayuki14
    Replied to Maximus1334

    It's not technically the same boos, one from the tower and the second from a semi-permanent dungeon

    Not like the first time when I fought the boss like a coward, this one was harder even worst to fight than the last one. When we finally finished it some monsters appeared on the walls but they were little bugs compared to what we just fought. We decided to not immediately go to the second floor but to take a break in the boss's room, while doing that, I checked my status, and seems like I can make my power better once again, which I did, now I was level 3.
    I'm stronger than the hero but want to stay unnoticed
    Fantasy · Tatsuyayuki14
  • Tatsuyayuki14
    Replied to Maximus1334

    Yeah basically you can upgrade the "power" of the upgrade you put on and the "number"

    At one moment so many monsters were coming that we had to back out a little, what was things harder for us was that I had little to no arrows left, which means, I had to use my whip. What I didn't know was that with level 3 on my power, my whip was more effective than my bow in a close fight. My whip with [precision] and [mulplication] was making a lot of damage with the [blessing] coming from Jeremia.
    I'm stronger than the hero but want to stay unnoticed
    Fantasy · Tatsuyayuki14
  • Tatsuyayuki14
    Replied to Maximus1334

    Well I want to make a long story

    While being level 5 I can now use more powers that I couldn't use before, yesterday the screen showed up when I asked for it and I could see some major improvements. One of the downsides is that now I couldn't upgrade my level more but could buy specific power with points, I still could upgrade the number of users on an item but that's it. When I asked the system about what I got as new things on level five, more than the possibility of doing temporary power could now access the power that I tried before but wasn't working, and also the range which I can upgrade and degrade increase by a lot. I gained five powers, related to the elements [water], [fire]... and [light] which make me able to cast [fire] on my arrow without having to worry about my bow or my hand and that I could use a variety of spell that come from those five like the [heal].
    I'm stronger than the hero but want to stay unnoticed
    Fantasy · Tatsuyayuki14
  • Tatsuyayuki14
    Replied to Maximus1334

    1 per boss he defeat

    In fact, it really was a lot of fun, the dungeon not far from our position were the first to be cleared by us. We had some troubles with the boss of each floor as usual but that's it, the monsters were not tht great, with every enchant I could give them it was a piece of cake. Everytime I defeated a voss I got more points that I puted on [number of uses on an item] and when it was max it was finally time to buy special enchants with points. But oh my god, their is so much of those, if I wanted to buy them all, I would need more than 600 points.
    I'm stronger than the hero but want to stay unnoticed
    Fantasy · Tatsuyayuki14
  • Tatsuyayuki14
    Replied to Arch_Tysonoo

    yes, you will do one or else [img=Unalived]

    Ch 11 Ch - 11 Tatsuya Yuki
    I am The Lord : 1000x system
    War · Arch_Tysonoo
  • Tatsuyayuki14
    Replied to YuR006

    Thank you for your comment, I'm trying to put up a corrector on my story and for the details I'll try to keep that in mind for the next chapters.

    I'm stronger than the hero but want to stay unnoticed
    Fantasy · Tatsuyayuki14
  • Tatsuyayuki14

    finaly an update ?

    Ch 11 Ch - 11 Tatsuya Yuki
    I am The Lord : 1000x system
    War · Arch_Tysonoo
  • Tatsuyayuki14
    Replied to MeanSister

    Thanks for the comment, I'll try my best to make it a little more interesting in the future.

    I'm stronger than the hero but want to stay unnoticed
    Fantasy · Tatsuyayuki14
  • Tatsuyayuki14
    Replied to Socksforcats_1

    Yep ma dude

    Ch 10 CH - 10 Kinght's quest (3)
    I am The Lord : 1000x system
    War · Arch_Tysonoo