

2022-02-17 JoinedUnited States



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  • firelily_23
    firelily_232 years ago

    this is starting to remind me of jobless reincarnation anime.... the whole "father was a crazy swordsman maniac and mother is a mage of sorts" and the whole "hiring a tutor:" and stuff. also with the sword training and getting beaten up by his father part too.

  • firelily_23
    firelily_232 years ago

    This story is just amazing! I wish I could have parents like that. My mom is all like "Everything you do must be perfect or else I'm disowning you!" (not really but in a basic sense yes) and "You must get all 100% on all your school work or else you're failing in all your classes and won't be able to get into college" and I'm just like.... well I guess that explains why you call me a huge disappointment and failure, and also the biggest regret in your life and you wish you never adopted me. yeah... that's it. The reason why I don't like my life right now, getting told every day that my mom doesn't like me one bit. that and the fact that people just don't seem to like me for more than a few days really. I'm not perfect here. I just wanna be loved by someone in my life. Someone who understands me and someone who i can talk to without being judged and everything but I'm starting to think that I might be asking for too much? yea. I have resorted to talking to total strangers in a novel comment about my life in a way? I guess I just stink that bad.

  • firelily_23
    firelily_232 years ago

    OMG!!! Absolutley love!!! I wish I could be in that world! I don't like my life right now irl. feel hated by everyone, if not hated then looked down on by everyone else. I'm healthy and I'm not poor or homeless like some people are, but I'm just not okay. I drown myself in novels, anime, and manga. Fantasy books and tv shows, as well as art and writing stories that frankly don't get much views or likes? lol. I wish I could get isekaied so many times a day now. Also wishing that I could find a vr game just like this. If I weren't afraid of pain and not knowing if reincarnation really exists, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be living in this world anymore sad to say. I feel like the MC with the whole "in need of emotional support" part.

  • firelily_23
    firelily_232 years ago

    At first I Thought it was going to be like another Cultivation Online novel, but it doesn't seem like that. It Seems like maybe a combination of Sword Art Online and maybe Cultivation Online? I haven't read many stories where virtual reality affects the real world, so I haven't seen too much of this type of trope. looking forward to it a lot. Only read 3 books where vr effects reality, this would be my 4th. I'm burnt out with other isekai reincarnation stories.

  • firelily_23
    firelily_232 years ago

    This seems kinda silly, but it's also hilarious. The MC seems to be like one of those annoying dudes who think they are god and become OP way too fast. The fact that the author is having the story take place in the world of Against the Gods is something else entirely. I think this would be interesting to read alongside that novel. I'm sort of against the MC taking the protagonist's wife for his own tho... I'm gonna stay for a bit and check it out.