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but other than that question, everything you've been building up here has been amazing, can't wait for more!
(nerd talk) It all makes sense besides creating food. isnt conjuration time limited which is why creating more doesnt give more nutrience in canon? I have a question for the future around permanent conjuration, would it be the equivalent of a nuke if later used in your story? what with it due to the amount of energy needed to just add a kg of mass = to 20ish megatons?
Decided to take this chapter from a different view for exposition and will hopefully make it flow better. If you think i should stay as one view then leave a comment.
Decided to take it from a differing view this chapter for exposition and will hopefully prevent multiple different thought processes colliding. Is it good or bad?
The issue is that I made what I thought to be a small change to the plan, it turns out to have completely changed what I was planning for chapter 13 and am a bit stuck. The main issue is that what i was doing for Dudley seemed too close to Vi at the start so i changed it a bit and now cant figure out a way to make Harry run away from Vander... Any help or ideas would be appreciated.
No I haven't abandoned it! the next chapter will be out in the next day or two.
The early chapters are admittedly blocky and bland, but they should get less blocky further into the ff as I realize how bad that writing is. So please give it a small chance.
Don't worry, I will.
Nope, remember in the show. She is actually pretty nice and only really cares about the citizens of Piltover.
So I should worry a little? Thanks for the advice! I'll try and somehow fix my bland writing. How, I do not know, but i will try... any ideas on how would be amazing.