I enjoy reading anything with great world building and lore as well as some romance.
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even rabid animals deserve better than these people. a rabid animal atleast does not fully comprehend the pain and torture it is unleashing. but a fully grown man? he will and truly knows what horrors he is inflicting on his own daughter yet continues to do so. he deserves a slow painful tormentous death
i believe they're not coming back. 10 months without a word is A LONG time.
The story is great and the connection between FMC and MC isnt something that instantly happens but develops over time much more naturally. Their backgrounds and the intertwined relationshio between their family is also very interesting to read and discover along with the main characters. sadly as of writing this it has been 2 months since the last update and have not been able to reach the author. maybe in the future they will come back to this, hopefully they are safe.
this is called stockholme syndrome
hi author, just wondering if we could get an update on whats happening with this series. i hope nothing bad happened to you or your loved ones. if this is by any chance the last chapter that will be posted then godspeed to you in your future endeavours.
I'm a little confused on what he was expecting to happen here.
the only intelligent thing rashta has said ever.
what a fucking trooper, may she rest in peace.
I mean it literally is partially on him. bro had a good wife and started simping for some random and just having complete blind faith in her. those actions directly allowed for this situation to even occur.
it seems like she had changed up her look since they last met thats why it took him so long.