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2021-12-10 JoinedUnited States



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  • ChosenSage
    Replied to HaracasAye

    It’s a bit of a spoiler, all I can say is kind of

    Ch 22 Chapter 22: Hado's task
    AGK: King of Insects
    Anime & Comics · ChosenSage
  • ChosenSage
    Replied to mow

    Eh, yes and no, it’s less about her and more about his pride and the fact that she hadn’t died in one strike, which he favors doing, it’s a pride thing who cares ab that girl lol

    He didn't know if he would be able to bring himself to kill her, even though he knew it was necessary.
    AGK: King of Insects
    Anime & Comics · ChosenSage
  • ChosenSage
    Replied to ywhy4_

    Thank you very much for the five stars, glad you’re enjoying it so far

    AGK: King of Insects
    Anime & Comics · ChosenSage
  • ChosenSage
    Replied to CaptainBoyHole


    Ch 5 Chapter 5: The Rebels
    AGK: King of Insects
    Anime & Comics · ChosenSage
  • ChosenSage
    Replied to Tenzing_Choeying_5139

    Hey just read it, got some suggestions if you wanna read em. I suggest taking those first two chapters off and adding that authors note to the start or end of your first chapter. Now for the writing, it kind of falls flat, like the whole killing father thing should probably be described. Don’t tell show basically. It’s not bad but just take your time, you could have a chapter of introductory stuff so people can get a feel for your main character and his personality and such, rather than him just saying how he is

    Ch 20 Chapter 20: King Jiuca of Jiuca
    AGK: King of Insects
    Anime & Comics · ChosenSage
  • ChosenSage
    Replied to HaracasAye

    Yeah I already decided I didn’t want Esdeath as love interest if he has one. It’s just so overplayed and I don’t think Hado’s and her personalities can connect without forcing it

    Ch 19 Chapter 19: General Meng
    AGK: King of Insects
    Anime & Comics · ChosenSage
  • ChosenSage
    Replied to Ikunomi

    Def not, not a fan of that kinda thing, the prostitution ring is mainly a source of income and easiest way to display his control over people, he likes being in control, but nah to what you said

    Ch 19 Chapter 19: General Meng
    AGK: King of Insects
    Anime & Comics · ChosenSage
  • ChosenSage
    Replied to CaptainBoyHole

    Have plans for her later, trust the vision

    Ch 5 Chapter 5: The Rebels
    AGK: King of Insects
    Anime & Comics · ChosenSage
  • ChosenSage
    Replied to Jitna

    Well yeah, never said it would be successful, we early stages right now lol I’m just giving insight to Hado’s mindset

    AGK: King of Insects
    Anime & Comics · ChosenSage
  • ChosenSage
    Replied to HaracasAye

    It’s true🤷🏽‍♂️

    AGK: King of Insects
    Anime & Comics · ChosenSage
  • ChosenSage
    Replied to kiddeath1998

    It is a fanfic of Akame Ga kill👍

    "Of course, we got the information straight from the emperor, unless you are questioning him?" Another man, the clear leader, said as he looked around, nearly spotting Hado before the boy jumped onto a tree, instinctively climbing up.
    AGK: King of Insects
    Anime & Comics · ChosenSage
  • ChosenSage
    Replied to

    Ohhh ye I should have been more clear. Akg is short for “Akame Ga Kill” lol

    "Of course, we got the information straight from the emperor, unless you are questioning him?" Another man, the clear leader, said as he looked around, nearly spotting Hado before the boy jumped onto a tree, instinctively climbing up.
    AGK: King of Insects
    Anime & Comics · ChosenSage
  • ChosenSage
    Replied to kiddeath1998

    It’s in the name of the fic lol

    "Of course, we got the information straight from the emperor, unless you are questioning him?" Another man, the clear leader, said as he looked around, nearly spotting Hado before the boy jumped onto a tree, instinctively climbing up.
    AGK: King of Insects
    Anime & Comics · ChosenSage
  • ChosenSage
    Replied to JustQuitBro101

    Yeah it’s disgusting reading it, now imagine writing it💀

    The insects inside of his roamed, finding different areas of his body, as if they were looking at a new house. Though he found this weird, he had to admit to himself that they were calming.
    AGK: King of Insects
    Anime & Comics · ChosenSage
  • ChosenSage
    Replied to HaracasAye

    Yeah it’s just there, It’s why I put warnings in the chapter so people can skip?

    Ch 14 Chapter 14: Prelude to War (R18)
    AGK: King of Insects
    Anime & Comics · ChosenSage
  • ChosenSage
    Replied to Jitna

    There is like a 1% chance for her to stick around long term, chances are she won't be a thing past chapter 30 once he's fully rooted into the world. She's just a tool right now

    Ch 7 Chapter 7: The Smell of Change
    AGK: King of Insects
    Anime & Comics · ChosenSage
  • ChosenSage
    Replied to HaracasAye

    She was strong even without her teigu, You don’t become a general by being weak, she gets even stronger when she receives them, but she’s always been strong

    Ch 12 Chapter 12: General Esdeath
    AGK: King of Insects
    Anime & Comics · ChosenSage
  • ChosenSage
    Replied to Cdn_Memu

    Thanks for the comment, next one coming out in about an hour

    Ch 9 Chapter 9: Manipulation of the Mind
    AGK: King of Insects
    Anime & Comics · ChosenSage
  • ChosenSage
    Replied to Tenzing_Choeying_5139

    Not exactly, if he were to do something that mimicke that, the people would be dead and instead simply be nests for the insects he puts inside of them, allowing the insects full access to the now dead persons nerves and allat

    The insects offer several upgrades to Hado, some are spoilers that I won't reveal, but we have already seen a few. Since Hado's upgrade from the original world he was in, his body has changed tremendously. He has superhuman strength, speed, agility, and battle IQ. It is all programmed into his very soul. Hado can also heal from death as was shown with the soldier stabbing him. This is actually due to the insects, They protect him and he protects them, without the insects he is vulnerable to death, but with them... He's essentially immortal. Of course, there are ways around this, but those don't matter at the moment. Hado can use the insects abilities for different things, like he was able to heal Sayomi because the jeweled wasps have the ability to hack brains, though this is a much grander scale than in real life, it is upgraded for the purpose of the fic and more abilities/explanations will be given later throughout the fic.
    AGK: King of Insects
    Anime & Comics · ChosenSage
  • ChosenSage
    Replied to Tenzing_Choeying_5139

    Both are pretty effective

    Ch 9 Chapter 9: Manipulation of the Mind
    AGK: King of Insects
    Anime & Comics · ChosenSage