


i am a reincarnation of sloth_

2021-11-07 JoinedGlobal

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  • human_eater2 years ago

    the Legendary face slapping is about to begin

  • human_eater3 years ago

    Me who was a fujoshi when Mike say "we have a date tonight": 💓💕💞 And then there is this line "with the girl" Me:💔💔💔

  • human_eater3 years ago

    just make it easy, mokz is the reincarnation of the dragon but only half and the other half need a vessel so its not giving to shatter and lost on abbys thn when searching it feels the ane energy as it and you know what will happen next-dear author its just my imagination😅

  • human_eater3 years ago

    My dream mostly bexome doggy when i wake up, but there this dream that i always remember and sometimes i like when i sleep yesterday i steam it and two days later i dream of again its like i watch someone memory and their leangue is weird sometimes i can say it when i wine up sometimes not, it make me curious for a good few weks and just like that, i star dream like that when 10 and never dream about it again until my 12 b'day what insee mostly is orange or gold maybe? There's magic too and i learn how to fly everytime i wine up from that dream i felt like my energy is drained and always lie in my bed for a good 2 min oh oh, i have experience for sleep paralisis too its when i dream about 3 people come to my house in the middle of the night but they all transparent and i don't sure but i think all of them is a man cause they wear leather shoes(transparant too) they come from the door in the kitchen that connect with outside i don't know when but my brother is beside me and they say something i don't understand but i see one of them smirk and what i see next make my blood freze, i see they my bloody body of my brother and gasp! I wine up and cant move so i just shut up my whimper and when i hear my brother breathing beside me (my lil bro sleep on my room) my every muscle relaxed, i cant sleep again and just wait till my sleep paralizie disappear i don't know how long but on the end i sleep again but this time i don't dream about that white trio i dream about a.. i don't know how to say it ghost?people?animal?craeture? I don't know but that thing is black no not black blanknes its charred burn black, have 2 hands,2 feet but its like crawling, its hair is long long enought that i think it wear a cape? Idk the face..i don't want to remember anymore, i got this ability? I can erase what i don't want to remember not so easy but i can but if i want to remember something like my study material its need time but once i remember its like pin in my head not a potographic memory cause i just remember when me or my brain decide it needed and Will need a trigger but anyway back to my dream i cant remember how it look but i remember it was black and charred (my lamp is off when I sleeping) so just imagine you say something darker than the night itself i Saw it in top of the cupboard then it jump to the one of the corner on the ceiling and when it jumps to me im awake again but this time my lil bro is nowhere to be seen so i just decide to lay down a second and go to my mom room and i right there is my lil bro he's sleep walking again or just want to sleep with mom, since that day i always felt it someone or something is watching me idk but i felt save instead of scared but they start to play game with me i call it hide, wait and find me its like i can felt where they is and there is this confidence in me that say they wont distrub my life but someday something unexpected happen someone knok my bedroom door in the middle of night but its just like 'knok' once and then nothing i just put it in the back on my head but like 5 or 6 day after that i hear it again cause my bed is like beside the door so technicaly i heard it just loud, that night i brave myself and open my door and gues what?..its nothing like yeah nothing, no one so i call my mom(my mom is in her room but i just scared or lazy idk) mom a little late answer my call i think cause she's sleep? Its like 02night so when mom say no to my question i just say i night wrong cause my mom a little too easy to panic so i just wait the knock is regular i think never when im sleeping cause i put on my recorder when sleep since then, and its like still, one time i think that things is bored cause in the stormy night my door is ioened itself and you know what? Its when i lie on my side so i can clearly see it, the handle move on its own, im terrified because of that and call mom the heck its not even 00.00 yet its like 20.46 i ask mom and what i think is right iya not mom its something else so w

  • human_eater3 years ago

    Give you give stars(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)(TT)

  • human_eater3 years ago

    The baby, it is like in the movie? Like when Bella is pregnant and whatanot.......?....................................………………………………………………………………⅔¾⁴⁴⅝⅞∅

  • human_eater3 years ago

    Um....author, if my eyes or maybe my brain is still work isn't in the first chapter miring said something like "he love my kid like his own" or maybe its just my imagination?

  • human_eater3 years ago
