

A good man dies and is sent into another world- Well, he is killed in cold blood just because of who he was, a sad reality. There, he is adopted by someone- Discovers secrets of that world, and slowly realizes that he is not where he think he is. -Author note- This novel is gay- If you haven't read my damn name yet! This is for gay people- Heterosexuals stay away, treat this novel like drugs and don't do it. Now my gays, you can stay, i plead you to stay my dear gays. [This fic contains spoilers of my [Son of the Night] fic! Go read that one first if you want.

DaoOfGay · Others
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67 Chs

Chapter 23: Half-Titans and their Horniness

[+18 Description: Not between them- Masturbation]

"So, are you okay now?" Mokzaxirrathan smiled at the smaller, cuter man who was holding the staff closer to his body with a slight blush to his cheeks that made him look innocent- Fuck, maybe he was? He has to tease him more, and then he'll find out like this, or he can ask him as well, but that option is not as fun.

"Yeah, thank you." Náttúrumaður hummed- Mokza just helped him with looking around the forest, helping some animals, pulling trees, helping plants, killing some huge monsters that invaded his forest overnight, hunting some creatures to eat and other things.

"Can i help you more, cutie?" Mokzaxirrathan of course did not lose the oppotunity to flirt more with Náttúrumaður, who had this huge, adorable shy smile on his lips as he looked at everywhere just to not look at Mokza's face.

"Uhm... ₒₖₐᵧ." The whisper was almost unhearable- He was so embarassed to say okay that he couldn't bring himself to say it out loud. His cheeks were already warm from all the teasing he suffered from Mokza's ruthless techniques of teasing.

"What was that?" Mokzaxirrathan could not hide the huge smirk on his face, nor did he want to do such thing, since he loved the scent of arousal whenever Nátt saw him smirking- He must find him very sexy because just a smirk can make him go wet with need and arousal, and he loves the strength his techniques have on him.

"I said okay!" Náttúrumaður turned to look at him, his bright green eyes shining with the sunlight, he looked so adorable, his slight bite on the lips was what did it for him- It seemed like he didn't even notice how his teeh sank on his pink lips as he looked at him, he looked innocent, and so- so fucking cute, so corruptable, he just wants to break him- 'Fuck- I'm a pervert aren't i?' Mokza thought and an answer was received from the dragon within him: [Well, i guess we are- Because i really want to do much worse to him already] Mokzaxirrathan was already getting a hard-on, which was very much visible through the wolf pelt- Náttúrumaður doesn't know how to make clothes, okay? He is trying to find silk or use plant fiber for clothes, or maybe he can use magic to make them, but the sight he was receiving was more than enough to fill his imagination.

Mokza turned away but it was too late, Náttúrumaður's mind was filled with images of a hamster trying to swallow a banana- He was obviously the hamster. "ᶠᵘᶜᵏ" Nátt cursed as he turned away, basically they were back to back now, both with boners on display for the world to see- Nátt did the only thing he thought would help right now, which was to hide, thankfully they were close to his home- "I'm going to... Urgh, go home and make some potions! Yes! Potion brewing, you know how that is... Exciting and new- Yeah, imma go now." The awkward atmosphere went away when they were not close to each other, but the arousal was still deep.

"Fuck...ғᴜᴄᴋ... ᶠᵘᶜᵏ... 𝒻ᵤ𝒸ₖ." Mokzaxirrathan cursed before he let his dick free- It was a heavy thing, since he was a Half-Titan, which led to a very awkward situation in which the wolf pelt used as underwear tore due to the strength of the member that was trying to get free- It was tight as hell in that thing, and now he destroyed the underwear given to him by Nátt as well. [We should go to him- The best way to seduce someone is by fucking them, i think- Is this how you get a mate? I don't remember.] The Dragon sounded really confused, but Mokza did not care about such things- He had a boner to take care of...

To give you a modern comparison- A coke can has the girth of 8.5 inches, which is thick- He was thicker than a can of coke, which is telling- Now let's talk about his size, being a half-titan, everything about him is big- his height, his weight, his muscles, his fingers, his hands, his feet, his legs, his dick was not an exception after all- Being a massive size of 14 inches, which is 35,56 centimeters, which is 1,16 feet, which is 0,35 meters- Meaning? He was massive. He was already 8 feet tall, which is 2,42 meters tall, his balls were already hairy and massive as well- He had hair on his chest, on his legs, on his arms, on his face, on his whole body!

The hair was also white, which is strange since he was born with black hair- And when that happened, his hair went white, which was a warning apparently.

"Fuck- I should really stop torturing we both, huh?" He chuckled as his hand grasped the large thing between his legs with a rough hold- Just like he liked, his eyes closed as he focused on the image of Náttúrumaður's lips, his smile, his gentle personality while taking care of the animals- How much he wanted to reduce that man to a moaning mess under him, have him beg, hear his sweet voice calling his name in a breathless cry as he cums inside him, claming him as his, taking him for himself sounds so fucking amazing that he dreams of it regularly- His breath started to gget faster as he could feel his hand getting wetter with the precum that leaked like a waterfall down his fingers, slicking his hand and helping him on making himself wetter for this.

'P-please...' He could picture Nátt's blushing face beneath him, begging in a shy whipser: 'M-more, please- Please, please dear, please sir- Fuck me harder.' HIs imagination was wilder than he though, because he could feel the tingle down on his spine when he imagined Nátt's little hole full of his white, thick cum, dripping from it slowly, it was so hot for him.

"F-u-ck!" He groaned as his seed exploded in a spread all over the forest floor- He hummed to himself, looking at his wet hand and at the completely covered white moss and grass before him- He had a lot of it from where this came from, but Nátt could be scared from him if he saw the sheer size and quantity, because Nátt ran when he was being restricted by the underwear, he wonders how he will react- Will he cry when he enters him and throughly fucks him? Hehopes he cries, so he can tease and comfort him, lick his tears as he whispers words of love-

[Well... It seems like i wasn't the only one who got whipped by that little guy- But how?]

Oh, Mokza knew why- He showed him something he hasn't felt in 50 years- Gentleness.

-Author Notes-

Little Explanation:

Mokzaxirrathan has 62 years, which is young in Half-Titan age, since they live up to 800 years naturally! Sadly they have a low birth ratio, which is why most Titans fuck everything that can walk, since they can try to impregnate mortals with their seed- And if one of the mortal creatures gives birth, the Titans will gather them, beleiving them to be fertile, and share them with other Titans.

Which leads to titan villages to share lovers and responsabilities- Every Titan has to take care of their young, it's a rule.

Also a fun fact- Titans and Half-titans share a single attribute that they all seek in a lover: Nurturing nature, which Náttúrumaður has a lot, which easily attracted Mokzaxirrathan from the beginning, since his body is telling him "this one's good to make babies with, he'll take care of babies, impregnate him"- And his dragon nature makes him possessive, which would conflict with his Half-titan blood of sharing his lover, but since he can keep Náttúrumaður all to himself- He will do so.

After all, this novel only has 1 ML