

2021-06-26 JoinedGlobal

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  • mad_jackal

    First novel I dropped after the first chapter. The writing is atrocious and the direction was all over the place. Names and places were thrown at us but with no real context or any meaning to them. The dingdong battle and tiger squad or whatever being a press gang while the mc lines up for pay but gets his money whipped away. Even had the most generic chinese novel thing of all with a big guy that just slaps some dude randomly and wanders off. I truly hope the world never looks like it does in these novels.

    My Abilities Come with Special Effects
    Action · Lin Tuo
  • mad_jackal

    Awful just terrible. I can't tell if it's the writing or translation so I'm going to blame both and just tell you to skip over this one. Ignore the reviews about weather it's a rip off or not that's not important. What is important is that this is just another chinese sociopath novel that depicts the worl as if it was only china. The violence and lack of humanity in all the "characters" (if you could call them that for their lack of character) make for a unbearable read. The mc has the reasoning of an a.i from ten years ago and half of the personality. Everyone else is just a paper cutout there to either react or die. TLDR skip this shit.

    Witch: Accumulate Experience Through The Knight Breathing Technique
    Eastern · Tian Li
  • mad_jackal

    It is unfortunate written by someone with a third grade reading leven whi believes sonic the hedgehog is peak character design. Constantly smirking his way through every scene while the lack of punctuation makes it impossible to read comfortably. The story is also incredibly generic with not an interesting hook in sight. TLDR it is a less interesting and more poorly written Re:monster.

    The Evolution of a Goblin to the Peak
    Fantasy · DonnEll
  • mad_jackal

    It's an unfortunately mediocre story with little going on in the beginning and it gets worse with time. The characters feel like cardboard cutouts in every scene and the dialogue is just not that good. I like the idea and the premise but our good author needed to spend some time in editing before releasing the chapters.

    Herald of Steel
    War · FerriticMatrix
  • mad_jackal

    Just what everyone was waiting for. The quality writing, worldbuilding, and characters that we have come to expect are front and center. It is great that we got a very different mc that explores the mysterious world in a different but exciting way. Well worth your time and money.

    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • mad_jackal

    This is a really not good character to write a story about. The mc is a massive idiot that is struggling to understand basic concepts and I understand that it could be interpreted as a type of shock I doesn't make for a fun read. The most annoying thing is that the author is trying to explain the basics of the genera to us through incredibly repetitive sentences that if were cut out would shrink the story by half and pace it better. I tried to read more but I couldn't get past 15 chapters. I assume this is a first at bat and if so this will help get the author some writing experience and help them make something better later.

    Adventures Of A Goblin
    Fantasy · Catastrophy_Y9
  • mad_jackal

    Holy shit how is this rated so highly. Time to redress the balance. To all trash chinese authors out there I wonder how you find the machine learning bots to write this trash.

    One Piece: My Infinity Gauntlet!
    Anime & Comics · Levaa
  • mad_jackal

    It starts off strong and fairly simple with the characters all having immediate goals and motivations. It goes into absurdity when the mc is dense to the point of retardation and I don't mean in a cruel phrasing but in a medical sense. She has no concept of how babies are made and can't puzzle out even the most basic knowledge in this regard even with others telling he what to do. The male lead is either gay or impotent not bothering to make a move or even hint at things regarding their marriage. It strikes me as weird and unnatural to see characters acting this way even with the mc's backstory. Overall I like the novel but it loses some points for neutering the male lead and making the female lead too stupid even in context.

    The Sickly Scion's Petite Wife Is Sweet And Cool
    General · Tiny Little Small Bottle
  • mad_jackal

    The initial premise is rather common for a system novel with the exception of that we know where the system came from. It lands on some twit and we discover immediately how the current story will cove its plot holes. The mc has a rumor that messes with his ability to think properly, nice deflection there. The setting is hidden society type earth with cultivation subbed in for magic but it doesn't excuse all the references. While they are more understandable with this being earth they are neither funny nor relatable. The other problem is the fact that our innkeeper spends little time in his inn. With his world hopping which wasn't really interesting to his escapades on earth which also wasn't interesting. The final nail in the coffin for me was the random realm jump that gets waved away with a "something happened" before we are ill introduced to a bunch of characters we will never care about and a serving that while it has promise is not but ash in the end. Tldr the author had an idea but needed to go back over and edit it slightly.

    The Innkeeper
    Fantasy · lifesketcher
  • mad_jackal

    It started off quite strong with likable characters and a decent background to the setting but that began to change at the end of book one. I don't understand the idea of some schlub from earth being reborn in a new world as it has only ever dragged a story down in writing quality. An earth protagonist in another world has the typical cringy dialogue of stuff like "you mad bro" and "simp" which is jarring and destroys immersion while also being incredibly unfunny. Talking about unfunny let's not forget to mention when the mc and gang were sneaking away from a giant monster only to be discovered because the mc farted too loudly, how "funny" that was. TLDR the story started strong but I'd dropped when the author got too full of themselves and made one too many cringy jokes.

    Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate
    Fantasy · Elyon
  • mad_jackal

    This is why I still read web novels, something like this is just too fun. Most wn and cn are copy pastes of each other with the original being mid af already but every now and then someone has an idea and the ability to write it. This is one of the best novels I have read on this site, maybe the best I have read here. Only two issues that I can see is the story is a little tangled with scifi, fantasy, and video game story elements stacked together being a little jarring. The other is the problem with fourth wall breaks, I don't get why the character needs to be from earth. It didn't add anything and the story could only have improved with him being a resident of the world already instead of having the jarring and immersion breaking "in the novels" line thrown in. Tldr good work I like your writing style.

    Celestial Era: The Rise of the Full-Time Enhancer
    Fantasy · xlntz
  • mad_jackal

    It starts off strong and has an interesting enough take on the genera to get you invested but lags significantly after less than 20 chapters. The writer seems to have some undisclosed word limit for his chapters because if he can't think of something to write they will simple describe the same thing again but either from a different perspective or with different phrasing. I like that he has a blunt personality but isn't an autistic serial killer like many in the genera but the inner monologue talking about how he might be turning into a ruthless killer isn't interesting at all especially when the mc barely has a personality at all. Tldr not terrible but wouldnt be bad as someone's first experience with the genera.

    Undying Warlord
    Action · HideousGrain
  • mad_jackal

    Having now caught up to the rest of the novel I see that I rated it too highly before. The unfunny fourth wall breaks continue throughout while the cliches that the author acknowledges and continues with be omes more frustrating. There are massive inconsistencies in the power the mc has, him being all powerful until he isn't for "story" reasons. All in all not worth.

    Myth Beyond Heaven
    Eastern · CloudBeneathMoon
  • mad_jackal

    This is a great example of a blind author. By that I mean that he directly acknowledges all the tropes and cliches in these types of storys but goes on with them anyway. It is an annoying and unfunny fourth wall breaking adventure with all of the "in the novels such and such happened" and "is this the legendary protagonist aura". It makes for an insufferable mc and makes everyone involved lack character due to an overall lack of effort. Tldr if you cannot waste your time more effectively I guess this is for you.

    Myth Beyond Heaven
    Eastern · CloudBeneathMoon
  • mad_jackal

    This is written by someone who has never talked to other people, only robots. There is no personality on display for any of the characters here. They act like they don't have an internal monologue and can only think about what they have already experienced. The other part to this is how characters react as if they don't feel. Such as our mc having the ability to sleep on the ground no issue. If you have never needed to sleep on the ground before, it isn't easy and it takes a while to get any sleep at all. The characters all give their backstory like they rehearse it or more like the writer put something to paper as a cheat sheet and never figured out how to make it seem natural in dialogue. Tldr it's bad don't read.

    My OP Minion System in the Apocalypse
    Games · Haobo_Zhang
  • mad_jackal

    The story is fun and gives good reason for many things to happen how they do early on. The problem is that the story is going absolutely nowhere in these last 900 chapters. The mc has been at level 50 for 800 chapters and the story suffered for it. Between the random jumping to another world that felt out of place for his level and the narrative, to the succubus that hangs on his every word seemingly out of nowhere. It seems like wish fulfillment when you look back on it. On the other hand it is pretty well written and in the moment you dont think about any of the repeated elements or cliches.

    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasy · XIETIAN
  • mad_jackal

    Truly one of the worst novels on the site. Every person in this book with dialogue is supposed to be a well educated mage but that is not the case. They are all retarded and completely lacking in social cues. If a character has a thought they will act on it regardless of whether it has any basis in reality or even looks to be the case. It is painful, like most cn it is drug out and so cliche filled it is worthless to even read. Anyone that gave it over two stars is not only a liar but being paid to do so. Stay away for you will only waste your limited time on this earth by reading it.

    End of the Magic Era
    Fantasy · Zhuang Bifan
  • mad_jackal
    Replied to mad_jackal

    As I read further it got worse. Its not even a good instant gratification novel like so much other garbage is. It's just so boring.

    The Martial Emperor with Dragon Blood
    Eastern · Running Water leaves no trace
  • mad_jackal

    A boring and generic novel written by someone who has never talked to anyone let alone a woman. An unfortunate trait that is shared with every novel bearing the harem tag. This one is particularly bad in that it takes three chapters for even the smartest and most powerful of women to fall for the black hole of character that the mc is. The story feels rushed but manages to not move anywhere and the characters while initially believable just become cartoon parodies of characters from better novels. Tldr don't read not worth your time.

    The Martial Emperor with Dragon Blood
    Eastern · Running Water leaves no trace
  • mad_jackal

    It's trash and everybody knows it. From the generic plot to the stupid characters that add nothing and behave nothing like humans would. The world is so obvious and boring it is plain to see where the story goes from page one. Tldr don't read, it's not worth it on any level.

    God Rank Upgrade System
    Sci-fi · Master Minesweeper