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Olá Alex!
Eu estava empolgado, pensando que ele ia conseguir excluir esse maldito sistema... Que pena!
Ch- 125 The story was very good, (the beginning was amazing!), but after the girl leaves, the quality of the novel plummets. I stopped at the part where he's meeting with the rebel group, and it's really boring! I'm hoping the quality of the story will go up again, so I'm going to give it a positive note, but this arc I'm reading is really poorly done.
Um compatriota? Estamos em todos os lugares! Kkk Carnaval de bloquinho ou até de trio elétrico dá pra se divertir bastante, independente da cidade. Já os desfiles de sambódromo são só pra "inglês ver" (já que você vai gastar um rio de dinheiro pra se hospedar na cidade e se alocar na arquibancada, não compensa... Na minha opinião é claro). Em fim, pra mim, de bloquinho são os mais divertidos, e tem em todo lugar XD
This story about betrayal is very disgusting, if it continues I will stop reading this
Simon didn't know much about life, if he came here to my country, with a week of carnival and caipirinha we would fix his problem of overwork
She decided to ally herself with a family that made her suffer, for a prize (status and money, for her friend to attend school), something that she would achieve alone, and as that was not enough, the mediator of this agreement is a cousin, totally not trustworthy and whose function is to spy on. Was this a script error, or is your character just inconsistent?
I liked this fantasy novel, where all the gatekeepers were extinguished from Earth, along with the dinosaurs