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  • takml

    Science is based on your faith that what you're seeing is real. You can never really prove that the world actually exists, you just believe it does.

    "Science is distinct from theology because it requires no faith. At the same time, it holds no opinions of its own; it directly uses empirical data and experiment results to prove itself.
    I Have A Super USB Drive
    Sci-fi · Darkness Black Bear
  • takml

    I never really understood why he just didn't stop the surveillance on the Uchiha when there was no evidence of foul play after 10 years of surveillance .

    'I'm going to make peace, even if it means that I have to force it on this village.'
    Naruto: The Outsider's Resolve
    Anime & Comics · FictionOnlyReader
  • takml

    the premise is interesting and original . If it wasn't for the shitty grammar sometimes this story would have been really amazing . The MC is likeable and realistic and the world building is super well done .

    This book has been deleted.
  • takml

    this is Gaemon redux I think

    In any case I was seeing glimpses of a different life, the life of a young dragonrider seeking an apprenticeship with whoever it was that made Valyrian Steel. If (and that is a big if) the visions are legitimate then I could potentially have a very powerful bargaining chip.
    House of the dragon (THE GREEN TERROR)))
    TV · antagonist123
  • takml
    Replied to Lustlara_52

    What does admiring the character of somebody have to do with being gay ? Am I gay if I have an undying admiration for Jesus ?

    The White Knight[Asoiaf Si]
    Book&Literature · Last_Quincy
  • takml

    This was amazing , beautifully written . You can vividly feel the emotions of the characters and relate to them in some way . Thank you for the chapter author

    Ch 40 Chapter 40 - Heartbreak
    The White Knight[Asoiaf Si]
    Book&Literature · Last_Quincy
  • takml

    that was beautiful

    Ch 39 Chapter 39 - Queen Of Love And Beauty
    The White Knight[Asoiaf Si]
    Book&Literature · Last_Quincy
  • takml

    there is a fic in ao3 called arrogance , you should check out how he tamed his dragon

    As it did this I felt rage burning within me and I also felt the sword in my hand surprisingly I did not let it go well if I was gonna die I would rather die on my feet than on the floor my pride forced me to get up. I threw the sword at the dragon's face I knew it was pointless it would do no damage but I refused to die without a fight. I hit his nose it did no damage but the dragon looked surprised as if not expecting that it then closed its mouth and moved back I understood what this was it was tested to see if I would waver in the face of death Vhagar did something similar all dragons tested their presumptive riders this was just his test he wanted to see if I would lose my will to fight in the face of certain death I did not so I passed the first test taking the opportunity before it passed me by I got up I then walked over to the dragon. I will have to try and hang on without a saddle which although would be difficult it will not be impossible.
    House of the dragon: The Green King
    TV · Argent1971
  • takml

    If peole fouond out , they would probably start considering Daemon as heir instead .

    "Want to know the most fucked up part about this?" I kick behind me with all of my strength but he remains sturdy like a brick wall. "Even if someone finds out it was me no one can do anything about it." I can take a breath but only because he shoves me out the window and into the open air.
    HOTD/ASOIAF: Unbowed Unbent Unbroken
    Book&Literature · Pretending_Author
  • takml

    this is definitely not canon Mysaria

    "Then let me lighten your mood with some good news! I have just missed my moon blood!"
    The Healer Prince : HOTD SI
    Book&Literature · Drkest
  • takml

    the story is pretty good , it's interesting to see a MC that's not all knowing , values honor and is actually a decent human being . Though his speeches sometimes make me cringe , he's still one of most well written characters I've ever read on this site .

    The White Knight[Asoiaf Si]
    Book&Literature · Last_Quincy
  • takml

    this story is just Usopp being replaced by a random arrogant guy . MC didn't even get Usopp's memories and when he takes over he forcefully assumes that all Usopp ever wanted from Kaya was to f*ck her . I stopped there because I honestly couldn't comprehend how someone could be so unsympathetic towards a dying girl to the point of completely ignoring her while being her only friend just because she is attractive and Usopp was a simp for her at first .

    Becoming Usopp
    Anime & Comics · Horny_Gentleman
  • takml

    this story is pretty good . I don't know why but I got some lord of the mysteries vibes while reading it , probably because of all the mysteries and how well thought and planned the story is .

    The Secret Society (Harry Potter AU)
    Book&Literature · Markus_Ellis
  • takml

    there are only 6 chapters now , but still , it is so refreshing to see an mc that's not arrogant or a psychopath . The story being in Wano is cool af , and the mc being disabled is honestly giving me some Sasaki Kojiro vibes . I'm excited to continue reading this fanfic and I hope author doesn't get influenced by the readers' opinions and continue following his own vision

    One Piece: Freedom's Song
    Anime & Comics · LoftyT15
  • takml

    this is amazing

    Ch 6 Oden wouldn't be Oden...
    One Piece: Freedom's Song
    Anime & Comics · LoftyT15
  • takml

    bro has no problem using a literal war where innocent people die for his own gains, but once he sees a girl he suddenly becomes a decent human being . That , gentlemen, is what you call a simp

    'If I ignore something like this when I have all the power to stop it... Can I really call myself a man?'
    One Piece: Reborn as Enel
    Anime & Comics · VeganMaster
  • takml

    this is the best got/asoiaf fanfic . The amount of details and the politics just sucks you in ..........................................................

    Daeron the Worthy (Jon Snow SI)
    TV · Dragonspectre
  • takml
    Replied to Telling_Tall_Tales

    bro , this comment instantly killed the vibe

    "I served two kings and I learned about the others that sat on the Iron Throne before them. I learned and observed the other lords of Westeros and none of them would have chosen the path that Daenerys took if they were in her place. They would not have freed the slaves and rather they would have sailed to Westeros thinking it an impossible task. She didn't and she accomplished all of this with very little help. Imagine what she could do with better education, better allies and better advisors! That's the reason why I decided to support the Dragon Queen. I grew up in alleys, gutters, abandoned shacks in my younger days. When I look upon Daenerys Targaryen I see a ruler that saw the same that I saw and was willing to fight for those who remained oppressed. Too many men have sat on the Iron Throne and too many of them were unworthy. Only one woman had the chance to sit the throne however brief it may have been but it's time that the throne once more be sat by a woman. The right woman!"
    Daeron the Worthy (Jon Snow SI)
    TV · Dragonspectre
  • takml
    Replied to An_op_Angel

    try "the strange talent of Cedric Strode"

    In the end... what exactly is justice?
    One Piece: White Hunter
    Anime & Comics · BravoBuds
  • takml

    thanks for the chapter , the fanfic is amazing

    Ch 55 Suiting Up as a Marine #55
    One Piece: The Strange Talent of Cedric Strode
    Anime & Comics · Wicked132