I love to read books that caught my interest in the first few sentences or chapter of the book. Reading is one of my passions. Single parent with one adult child.
of reading
Read books
I read it and you are hilarious take a seat and think on what you’ve done today other than waste my time with a long respond. I feel so important. I hate I get notifications for stupidity. I no longer read books on webnovel. I have a great life and living my best life without drama. Hahahahahaha
You are still a cyber bully look it up oh let me educate you. cy·ber·bul·ly·ing /ˌsībərˈbo͝olēiNG/ noun noun: cyber-bullying the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature. "children may be reluctant to admit to being the victims of cyberbullying" IT’S you.
You are a bully and very ignorant. You can erase my review a thousand times and I will still reply with go somewhere and sit down. Hahahaha fool.
Traitor because when I read the story before the identity of her lovers was reveal this was MY conclusion. I am at liberty to analyze a story anyway I chose and it’s left up to the author to write the story based on their story line so quit hang this post. It’s been 2 months hahaha please move on. Thanks and be blessed.
Wow 😯
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
Really I just brought privileges are you serious over 800 for 2 chapters. Hahaha
I hope she remembers everything and Robbie makes him pay big time. I enjoyed the update.