

2020-12-19 JoinedUnited States



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  • Jericho_Uy
    Jericho_Uy3 years ago

    I don't know man. This is the #2 book for power stones and I just can't seem to enjoy it. It's the same generic type of stuff that SAO started a long time ago. It stays updated pretty well, so that's good. Since this is a popular and highly rated book I put more scrutiny in judging its grammar and it just isn't good in that department. Characters are mid, and I can kinda imagine the world though it doesn't pop out at me.

  • Jericho_Uy
    Jericho_Uy3 years ago

    Upon reading the first chapter, I was already enticed by the world of this novel. So I kept reading, and found myself pretty hooked on the writing and the characters! The world feels vibrant and imaginative. I can imagine the characters in my head, and the harsh environment they're put in both mentally and physically. Sure, there's a few grammatical errors but not much that would jump out at you.

  • Jericho_Uy
    Jericho_Uy3 years ago

    Fosogland - An organ in the human body responsible for high parvucule output. A normal amount of parvucules for a non-magic user is 15 micromoles/L. A normal amount of parvucules for a magic user is 45 micromoles/L.

  • Jericho_Uy
    Jericho_Uy3 years ago

    Parvucules - The smallest form of magic possible and the basic unit of magic.

  • Jericho_Uy
    Jericho_Uy3 years ago

    This seems more like a play rather than a novel, along with a couple of grammatical errors the biggest problem I saw was that I got a bit confused at who was talking and what the subject of conversation really was. I have a rough idea, but I can't really imagine how these characters look either. I don't really know how this world looks like either. I look forward to future updates!

  • Jericho_Uy
    Jericho_Uy3 years ago

    Pretty cool chapter, I like it personally. I wonder when we'll see all these types of magic in action!

  • Jericho_Uy
    Jericho_Uy3 years ago

    I liked the first chapter, it set up the world well and got me enticed into finding more about the world. The second and third chapters seemed more like the script of a play rather than a novel but I'm still interested in seeing how this develops! For the author: I'd recommend straying away from abbreviated words such as tf, and btw. Describe the world a bit more, not just the lore, but the backgrounds, the characters, how they move, how they look and such. Looking forward to the next chapter!

  • Jericho_Uy
    Jericho_Uy4 years ago

    While I like the first chapter, it's flow is alright, and interesting enough to keep me reading, I don't like the broken Japanese the characters use. I get that you're going for an anime vibe, but switching from English to Romaji seems too weeby.

    This chapter has been deleted.