
The Elements

There was non stop hustling and bustling in the morning. So Freyre couldn't sleep peacefully.

"Please let me sleep peacefully for once" said Freyre on the verge of tears

"Its the day we move to the Daigon Empire after the school for the Magic Evaluation

So get up and lets get going to the class" said Arne

Freyre got up annoyed saying "Okay, Lets get ready"

Freyre was walking upto the bathroom when he saw Geir outside the window exercising

"Geir, why aren't you ever resting?" asked Freyre

"I need to train to become the magic king, so i cant rest" replied, Geir

"You muscle headed freak go get ready we have to go to the Daigon Empire after the school" said Freyre mockingly

It was time for class

Ms. Layla enters the classroom

"Morning students, we will cover the last topic today get done with our class, and head over to the Daigon Empire, I hope everybody is ready for the Magic Evaluation" announced Ms. Layla

"We are, miss" replied the class in unison

"Very good, Lets start the lesson" announced Ms. Layla

"Let's start the lesson, Todays topic is about the magic elements."

There are 9 type of elements in the world, which are Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Light, Darkness, Lightning and Summoning and Ancient magic.

(A chart to make it visual- https://twitter.com/TheRunestones_)

Each element contains different abilities, techniques and power. For example, Fire can burn things until the item or creature perishes but you could also use it as a heat source or a way to cook.

While Water is normally as a resource for food ingredients, cleaning and drinking. But water can also change into a different form if you control the temperature of it, you can change it into different forms. Like Ice and Steam

Each element can change depending on your mana however it can also depend differently too. Elements can appear if you chant the respective spells, draw the element's circle, or imagine the magic in your mind. You can also combine and boost your elements. For example, combining fire and air can make smoke and if you combine water and earth you could even use Wood magic if you train well enough.

On the other hand Summoning is different, if you have the summoning magic you have to train your physical body and and increase your mana pool to summon greater spirits.

You can even imbue those spirits into weapons and armor to increase its durability and to even give it special enchants.

That's about all for the explanation and the class, I wish you all the very best for todays evaluation" explained and wished Ms. Layla

And the school went on until it was time to move to the empire.

All of the class started heading out of class and started gathering in the school ground

"EVERYBODY ATTENTION!!!!!" announced Mr. Kull

Everybody stood the proper way

"As you all might know we will head to the Daigon Empire for the Magic Evaluation,

and we will use a Teleportation Rune Circle to get there" announced Mr. Kull

There was much commotion among the students and they were really excited

"We will use the magic circle shortly until then you can all go back to your dorm and get whatever you want to bring to the empire. Get back here on the next announcement." Announced Mr. Kull

Everybody started moving towards their dorm, and packed their bags to move out and regathered in the school ground after some time.

They all laid their eyes on the magic circle in the middle of the ground

"Now I'll activate the Magic Circle, get ready kids." announced Mr. Kull


The magic circle started glowing and Mr. Kull kept chanting

After some seconds it activated and teleported all of the kids into the Daigon Empire.

And just like that, they all were standing right before the Majestic Daigon empire where their hearts beat fast due to nervousness and excitement for their magical evaluation.