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My plan is succeeding already! Come, other pupil, and join the ranks of my army! I'd keep going, but I'm not feeling especially creative. Have a nice day.
Come, my pupil, and we shall dominate the world by employing simple reasoning that no one else even considers. They shall look upon us and say with wonder in their eyes, "Truly, what we have seen here today proves that there is indeed hope for humanity. Let us go forth and better ourselves through the acquisition of wisdom and reason." We shall quickly rise through the ranks of societies hierarchy and dominate positions of power, all the while increasing our following. In time we shall dominate the earth, and its inhabitants will follow us willingly. Join me, my pupil, and all of this and more shall be within our grasp. Sorry about that, but I had nothing better to do... My previous comment was based on personal experience rather than any book on psychology. Observation of your own behavior and that of others is, in my opinion, the best and easiest way of learning the facets of human nature.
This sentence is likely translated from the Japanese "どうぞよろしくお願いします," or "dōzo yoroshiku onegaishimasu a formal way of saying "nice to meet you." It's first component ("どうぞ" or "dōzo") means "here you are", it's second component ("よろしく" or "yoroshiku") means nice to meet you (informal on its own), and it's last component ("お願いします" or "onegaishimasu") means "please." In essence, this greeting is a request for mutual good treatment. Of you hear "please take good care of me" in an anime or light novel with japanese origins, its most likely this phrase.
I think you mean "リンクスタート!" Me being the one guy here who knows katakana 🤔😂
I don't find this too outrageous. I like games AND have been 1st in my grade since preschool. No joke.
It could, however, be argued that having no friends would be less troublesome when considering the time needed to upkeep a healthy friendship, the extra stress and strain of taking the emotions of multiple people into consideration, the effect associating with them may have on you, and the fact that having friends would immediately draw attention to you, which would be extremely troublesome indeed. Despite this argument, I am personally in favor of the MC's choice to make friends solely for meeting your own psychological needs. You enter high school in your early-to-mid teens, at which point a hormonal imbalance in your system awakens the desire for human companionship. Ignoring one's emotional wellbeing for the purpose of "logic"/"efficiency" is, in and of itself, both illogical and inefficient. Have a nice day.
JunnoKen posted volumes 5+ in "Classroom of the Elite: Latest Volume".