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So, the “good god bad god” about aedra and daedra isn’t exactly true. They’re all the same type of being. The Aedra were the ones tricked into building the world, Nirn, and thus because they sacrificed a part of themselves to do it, worshipped publically. The Daedra were just the ones that didn’t help with the creation. The translation literally means “Our Ancestors” aedra vs “not our ancestors” daedra, in direct relation to the Aedra’s creation of Nirn.
I think that was Tobirama saying a lot of that stuff. Tho mc def has a bias against them.
Bit of a lore thing I noticed, the daedra aren’t exactly *evil* so to speak. They are just aspects of certain emotions or feelings. Also, daedra and aedra are the same thing, or at least they started out as one. Aedra essentially means ancestor, as they are the forebears of sentient races on nirn. Daedra are the ones who didn’t participate in that, so they get called “not our ancestors.” They aren’t demons. Just really weird aspects of reality.
Unless the titan is fast enough to catch her mid movement, the only thing the 2v1 will do is end up with the summoner getting smashed by his own summon because he can’t move outa the way fast enough.
An uppity first year would have been cursed silent by Malloy about two chapters ago.
Bagshot would have never reached history. Binned has been there for literal centuries.
Your character is a “smart dumbass.” Obviously riddle got to the Malfoys and lestranges, even the blacks, because HE WENT TO FUCKING SCHOOL WITH THEM! They then got their children in on it, who brought their friends.
You write in a past tense, while using present tense items. Most things would be better off as past tense
You use commas very weirdly.
I just can’t ever read when people say Voldemort was the most powerful wizard ever, causing deaths all over. They literally just got out of a war with grindewald, which was essentially world war 2 and people have the gall to say a terrorist who never made it out of Britain is worse? I gaurntee you that ancient wizards were so much worse.